First-class daughter

Chapter 1242 What does it mean?

Chapter 1242 What does it mean?

Chapter 1242 What does it mean?

"This is exactly what I'm confused about. I think the poisonous scorpion's plan has failed. It is very likely that His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince and Hengqin... and His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince are keeping calm. What kind of plan are they carrying out to expose and investigate this matter?" It's something." Xie Jinran originally wanted to talk about Princess Hengqin, but when the words came to his lips, he changed to His Highness Ninth Prince, just because he didn't want to mention Lian Siyue in front of Feng Ye, "Also, Ning Xue also accidentally destroyed Xiaojun Yunjin of Wang and Xiaojunzhu was beaten twenty times, I always feel that this happened too coincidentally, maybe they are planning something."

"It would be good if Feng Jue couldn't succeed to the crown prince because of scorpion poison, but now it will be troublesome." Feng Ye put his hands behind his back, eyes narrowed, and said, "Siyue hates evil like hatred, and if a person commits a crime, it will be troublesome." She, she will be a criminal, she has such a temper that even I'm afraid." He said, there was an expression on his face that he knew whether it was a wry smile or a doting expression.

Xie Jinran still couldn't help showing it when she saw him, her heart trembled slightly for Lian Siyue's nostalgic expression, it seemed that no matter how careful she was and how hard she tried, she was going to pull Lian Siyue's cinnabar mole from his heart It's still so difficult.

This kind of expression can only be seen when facing the woman he likes.

"However, His Highness the Eleventh Prince, who we dealt with, has never touched Prince Heng's Mansion. Why is Princess Heng so persistent? In other words, Prince Heng's Mansion is also a beneficiary when we fight His Highness the Eleventh." Xie Jinran didn't understand this and asked.

"That's because you don't know. If she hates someone, she will beat that person until there is no way to stand up. Look at Feng Qianyue. The ambition in the past was destroyed by her for several years, and she has nothing left; but If she loves someone, she will defend him in every possible way. In the final analysis, Feng Jue is her former younger brother. She has been in love with her brother for more than ten years. When Feng Jue was still Lian Jue, she was kidnapped and hurt. So he ignored the etiquette and led the nursing home in the mansion to rescue him from the knife, this feeling will not change with the change of identity." Feng Ye said, a strong feeling surged in his heart. lost.

He thought that with her having children, with his decision to marry the daughter of the Xie family, with all these changes, his love for her had disappeared with the wind.

Talking about it now like this, I realize that some feelings are still buried in my heart, and I haven't gone too far.

Feng Yunzheng got her love, Feng Jue got her love, Feng Qianyue got her hate, but he alone got nothing, just like a ray of wind, a drop of rain, quietly passing by without a trace .

He sighed slightly.

"What about you, Your Highness..." Xie Jinran asked, "For Princess Heng, is Your Highness the one you hate or the one you love?"

An inexplicable expression appeared on Feng Ye's face, and he said, "She has never loved me, nor hated me, but love or hate is just a moment away, if I make her hate, she will definitely not hesitate Kill me like you did to Feng Qianyue, from a high prince to a pariah."

Xie Jinran's heart trembled slightly, she stepped forward, hugged his waist from behind, closed her eyes, and said, "Your Highness, please promise me that if there is such a day, Princess Heng is going to deal with you, please don't back down, Cheer up too, okay? Because His Highness is not only His Highness's own people, His Highness is also many His Highness who support you, the younger brother of His Highness Six, the son of Concubine Xian, the grandson of Duke Xu...or me...the future My husband. So, please be sure, Your Highness, that you don’t want to be in love with your children.”

Feng Ye lowered his head, put his hand on the back of Xie Jinran's, and said, "This king is not only Feng Ye, but also the Eighth Highness, how can I have the qualifications to love my son and daughter, if I can love my son and daughter, I will not stand at this moment." Here it is."

Xie Jinran closed her eyes, tears slipping down quietly.

"This is the end of the matter, you should be more careful. If she attacks, I'm afraid you won't be able to defend against it. I've been sending someone to watch over Feng Jue. Don't worry, the Queen Mother will leave everything to you." Feng Ye said, his voice was as calm as water. Without the passion and impulsiveness of the past.

"Yes, Jin Ran will keep it in mind. If anything happens in the future, Jin Ran will bear it all, and will never implicate the Eighth Highness. You are the man I admire. I only hope that you will be able to rise to the top, and I will never let you go downhill. .I long to be the jewel on your jade crown, and also the stone under your feet, everything, as long as you are good." Xie Jinran said resolutely.

Feng Ye turned around, bowed her head, raised her sleeves, wiped away the tears on her face, and said, "There are some things this king can't give you, but if you can, this king will give it to you. Don't think too much about it."

Xie Jinran watched him turn and leave, his steps were much heavier when he left than when he came, and the usually rebellious back showed a little loneliness.

Can't give it?Is it love?Even if she flies to the flame, she can't force her to come.

"Second Miss, the Empress Dowager invites you to come over." After a while, a court lady came over and said to Xie Jinran.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xie Jinran put away the expression on his face and walked into the Queen Mother's bedroom.

The queen mother looked happy, she stepped forward, bowed and said, "What is the queen mother happy about, your complexion has improved a lot."

The Queen Mother smiled and said, "It's not the Ai family's good deed, it's yours. The Ai family is happy for you."

"Jin Ran's?" She looked puzzled, "What good can Jin Ran do?"

"Second Miss, His Highness the Eighth Highness came in to the Empress Dowager just now, and begged the Empress Dowager to think of a reason for him to hold a big wedding with you, Second Miss, earlier." Nanny Wen said with a smile.

When Xie Jinran heard this, his heart trembled suddenly, and he looked surprised, and said, "Empress Dowager, is it true?"

"Yeah, be happy. The Ai family can see that you really like Ye'er." The empress dowager said kindly.

Xie Jinran blushed, and said, "Your Highness had a conversation with Jinran just now, but didn't mention this matter. Now that the Empress Dowager suddenly mentioned it, Jinran dare not be at a loss."

"He didn't say it, he wanted to surprise you." The Queen Mother laughed.

"..." Xie Jinran lowered his head, his heart was beating thumpingly, and a kind of sweetness spread in his heart.

That's great, she never expected that Feng Ye would take the initiative to propose a big wedding, she thought she would find a way to coax the Queen Mother to speak.

"Okay, these days, you have been doing your best by Ai's family. Everything that makes Ai's family comfortable and comfortable, Ai's family will remember it in your heart. When you get married, Ai's family will definitely give you style. Stay for a few days, then go back to the mansion and make preparations," said the Queen Mother.

"Although Jin Ran is happy, but..." She walked up to the Queen Mother, knelt at her feet, raised her head, and said, "I'm used to serving you by your side these days, the Queen Mother, but suddenly I want to leave, and I feel that I'm so sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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