Chapter 1249
Chapter 1249
"What did you say?" Feng Ye stood up suddenly, his face changed slightly!

Feng Yu also looked surprised, and asked, "You said that the second miss of the Xie family angered the queen mother, and the queen mother smashed the second miss Xie with a vase in a fit of anger, and the second miss Xie's cat scratched the queen mother again? The second miss Xie was injured, No one cares anymore?"

Yin Huai nodded and said, "This is the news that Madam Wen carefully conveyed, and it should be true."

Feng Ye was stunned for a moment, then slowly sat back on the chair, thinking quickly in his mind, how did he become like this after a few hours.

He had a hunch that something big must have happened!
Feng Yu thought for a moment, and said, "Then Xie Jinran has always acted cautiously, how could such a thing happen suddenly?"

"Did Mother Wen say why?" Feng Ye asked.

"No, Mother Wen hesitated to speak, and only said that His Highness the Eighth Order should find a way quickly. This time, the Empress Dowager will not forgive the Second Miss. Maybe she will never let the Second Miss enter the Shouning Palace again." Yin Huai said.

"How could this be?" Feng Yu was puzzled, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and said, "Nurse Wen took the risk to pass on the news to you, but she was hesitant to speak and refused to reveal the truth. It is very likely that Xie Jinran is It violated the unspeakable secret of the imperial grandmother. In this palace, everyone has their own secrets. Whoever encounters it will be unlucky, maybe Xie Jinran will be unlucky."

Feng Ye frowned deeply, closed his eyes, and murmured, "That's right, there are traps everywhere in the palace, and you need to be extra careful to sail the boat for thousands of years. Xie Jinran is already careful enough. So, Did you accidentally offend the untouchable place of the imperial grandmother, or did you accidentally fall into someone else's trap?"

Feng Yu's eyes lit up, and she said, "You mean...someone probably framed her?"

Feng Ye opened his eyes, stood up, and said, "I'm going to quickly enter the palace to see what happened. No matter what, the bias of the imperial grandmother must not be lost!"

"I'll go with you!" Feng Yu said, "Grandmother likes to listen to my jokes, so I'll tell her some funny things to calm her down."

"Well, let's go." Feng Ye got up and walked out of the study quickly, but he couldn't help feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Shouning Palace.

After Xie Jinran was in a coma for more than an hour, she finally slowly opened her eyes and woke up. She had a headache and her eyes were still dazed, and she couldn't see the scene in front of her clearly.

"Second Miss, Second Miss, you're finally awake!" Seeing Xie Jinran's eyes open, Yin'er stood up abruptly and cried loudly.

Xie Jinran opened his mouth, only to find that his forehead hurt so badly that even opening his mouth to speak would hurt.

"Second miss, don't worry, you suffered a serious injury on your forehead, and the empress dowager's vase smashed a big hole, and the imperial doctor did not come, but the servants tried their best to stop the bleeding for you, we have to go back to Xie's house as soon as possible, Find a doctor to take a look, no one here is willing to show you." Yin'er said.

Yes, it was the queen mother who injured her!

Xie Jinran slowly closed his eyes, and after thinking about it for a while, he slowly opened his eyes again.

The scene where the Queen Mother took that vase and smashed it on her head clearly appeared in my mind!And his attitude is abnormal when he sees her today
Just thinking about it is a burst of pain, a burst of sadness.

"What the hell...what happened?" Xie Jinran struggled a lot before finally uttering a word.

She really didn't understand why this happened?How kind the queen mother is to her, why did she become a completely different person overnight?
"The servant doesn't know either. No one said it. The servant begged Madam Wen twice, but she refused to say the reason. She just said..." Yin'er hesitated and didn't dare to continue.

"Just say something, say it quickly!" Xie Jinran asked anxiously, enduring the pain.

She can't lose the favor and trust of the queen mother, and she can't lose the big tree of the sky, otherwise, her backing will be gone!

"Just let the second lady leave the palace as soon as possible, and don't appear in front of the empress dowager for the time being, the empress dowager won't want to see you!" Yin'er said in a trembling voice.

Xie Jinran only felt a pain in her head. She frowned, with a painful expression on her face, "Why, why? What's wrong with me? The Empress Dowager would suddenly hit me with a vase."

Xie Jinran wanted to know the reason and almost went crazy.

"And later, Miss's white cat scratched the Empress Dowager." Yin'er said, "My servant saw that the cat's claws scratched it, and there were several bloodstains on the Empress Dowager's face."

"..." Yes, her cat scratched the empress dowager in the end, now... will the empress dowager forgive her?
"Where's the white cat?" Xie Jinran asked curiously.

Yin'er replied, "After scratching the empress dowager, she was arrested, beaten to death with sticks, and thrown to the back mountain."

"This bastard, die well!" Xie Jin was so dizzy with anger!

If it was just being beaten by the queen mother, she would suffer and explain it later, but this cat scratched the queen mother, and jumping into the Yellow River will not clean it up!
"Yin'er, bring the bronze mirror." Xie Jinran ordered.

"Yes!" Yin'er immediately came over with the bronze mirror, Xie Jinran sat up, looked in the mirror, and was immediately frightened by her own appearance!
There was plaster on his forehead, his face was covered with blood, and the left side of his face was swollen, his whole face was deformed, his hair was messy, and there was a lot of blood on his clothes, especially the ferntail collar, which was covered with blood.

Her hands trembled, and she leaned helplessly against the head of the bed.

How could this be?Why on earth did it suddenly become like this?She has become so ugly that she can hardly see anyone. Will this cut leave a scar?

"Yin'er, help me up quickly. I'm going to kowtow to the empress dowager, and beg her to forgive me." Xie Jinran thought that he still had a head injury, and if he went to the empress dowager like this, maybe the empress dowager would soften her heart. She loves her so much, even more than those princesses. She believes that the queen mother will definitely change her mind.

With Yin'er's support, Xie Jinran got off the bed and was about to put on shoes on her feet. Her head hurt so much that she felt pain even if she moved like this.

"Second Miss doesn't need to look for the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager won't see her. Second Miss should pack up and go back to Xie's house." At this moment, Nanny Wen came in and said.

Xie Jinran's heart trembled, a painful expression appeared on his face, and he said, "Why? Mother, mother, you treat me the best. Go to the Queen Mother to beg for mercy for me, so that the Queen Mother will be willing to see me again. "As he spoke, big tears flowed from his eyes, and he looked sad and sad, completely different from the happy woman yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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