Chapter 126

Chapter 126

"Old lady, please forgive me, old lady, please forgive me..." Yu Zhu was so frightened that she prostrated herself on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "I was so confused that I had no choice but to accept the third lady's red gold bracelet..."

"No, no, it's none of my business, stop talking nonsense..." Lian Shiya panickedly looked at Lian Yanqing, then at the old lady, trying to defend herself.

Aunt Xiao wanted to say something more but couldn't open her mouth, she could only scold Lian Shiya in her heart for doing too much, ruining her plan to separate Lian Yanqing and Lian Siyue.

"..." Finally, Lian Yanqing raised his head, closed his eyes deeply, with a look of extreme disappointment on his face, raised his hand, and said, "Drag this slave down, break his hands and feet, throw it out. Let's go to the house."

It is easy to deceive the prime minister and discount his hands and feet.

Lian Siyue looked at Lian Yanqing's face and thought in her heart, father, father, this feeling of being deceived by someone you trust is very uncomfortable, especially those two people are still your treasures.

"No, don't! Prime Minister, spare your life, Prime Minister, spare your life..." Several servants walked in and dragged Yuzhu down arbitrarily. She called for help in fear, and then turned to Lian Siyue, "Miss, I know I was wrong, you You helped the servant, but the servant betrayed you, the servant made a mistake, you should save the servant.”

But, it was already too late. Who cares about a poor maid whose life is worthless?

Soon, there was the sound of a cane scolding outside, and every time there was a painful cry, everyone was terrified, and the faces of Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya were even more ugly.

Mother Lian glanced at everyone with her majestic gaze, and finally looked at Xiao's mother and daughter, and said sharply:

"You two, mother and daughter, it's not enough to attack my white fox, you actually instigated the maid in my yard to lie in front of a dignified prime minister, in order to make him suspect Yue'er and punish Yue'er! Trying to play people in the middle of applause between!

With such deliberation here, my Prime Minister's Mansion can no longer accommodate you..."

What?Can't stand them anymore, what does that mean?
Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya were startled, and quickly knelt on the ground begging for mercy, "Old lady, I am wronged, it's not like this, it's not!"

Lian Yanqing trembled slightly when he heard his mother's unfeeling words, "Mother..."

Seeing that Lian Yanqing clearly knew that she was cheated by Xiao's mother and daughter, but she still couldn't bear it, and the lady had a pitiful smile on her face, she finally gave up.

Lian Siyue noticed it, and gently held the Da Furen's hand, silently comforting her.

Yes, facing this situation, how could mother not feel chilled?

If it was her who made such a mistake, I'm afraid she would have been taken care of by the family law without saying a word.

"Lian Siyue! It's you, it's you again, right? You did all of this!" Suddenly, Lian Shiya got up from the ground and ran towards Lian Siyue with a look of resentment , pointed at her, and cursed, "You made Yuzhu's bracelet, and it's you again!"

However, before she got close to Lian Siyue's body, Lian Jue stood up abruptly and stood in front of her sister. His cold eyes were almost the same as Lian Siyue's usual cold eyes. He said coldly:

"If you dare to get half a step closer to my sister, you will be smashed to pieces, and there will be no bones left!"

"..." Lian Shiya gasped and took two steps back.

The combo at this moment was terrifying, she had never seen it before, he was like a king of hell, he could devour her in an instant!

"Mother..." Lian Yanqing was about to say something, but was suddenly interrupted by Hu.

"Mother, uncle!" Hu suddenly bent his knees and knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

Lian's mother felt even more headache when she saw it, and said, "Second room, what are you going to do?"

Hu took a deep breath, as if he had finally made up his mind, and said, "I want to say a few words for Nian Xin!"

As she said that, she suddenly looked at Aunt Xiao, sneered, and said, "Oh! Aunt Xiao, until now, you still refuse to admit that you are responsible for all this today, and you still want to use Uncle's kindness to you to do evil !
This tactic of borrowing a knife to kill people and evade charges is really proficient in your use!At the beginning, your mother and daughter used our thoughts to scare your sister-in-law with poisonous snakes. Isn't that the same way? "

"Second Madam, you..." Aunt Xiao was startled, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Hu continued:
"Mother, uncle, think about it, although our Nianxin child is a bit savage, but he never dares to kill people, where did she find such a poisonous snake?
It is clear that Aunt Xiao and Shi Ya wanted to use Nian Xin's hand to kill our daughter-in-law of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and then replace her!Poor and confused mind, you just took the blame for nothing! "Hu Shi said coldly, but his eyes were obviously red again, Lian Nianxin held Hu Shi's hand tightly, lowered his head, trembling all over.

"Second lady, where do you start with this? The poisonous snake of the second lady has never passed through the hands of the third lady and me. We have never known such a thing. Didn't the snake almost bite the third lady back then? "Suddenly, all the spearheads were pointed at them, and Aunt Xiao tried her best to defend herself and Lian Shiya.

"I don't know? Hmph..." The corners of Hu's eyes gathered deep hatred, "I knew you would not admit it, I have already sent someone to investigate secretly, this snake was taken from a hunter surnamed Li You bought it here, and that Orion is the younger brother of a domestic servant of your Xiao family! This man is outside now, he can come in and confront him at any time, and he also said that you gave him a hundred taels of silver to tell him to shut up."

"You, you..." Even though Aunt Xiao was very scheming, she didn't expect that Mrs. Hu would suddenly bring up the matter of the poisonous snake. No, with Mrs. Hu's resourcefulness, it is impossible to think of going so far, then——

Aunt Xiao raised her eyes suddenly, and looked at Lian Siyue, she was standing quietly beside Lian's mother, her face was neither cold nor indifferent, but the corners of her eyes... There was a clear smile.

is her!

It's her again!
Lian Siyue dug the holes one after another, leaving her no room to turn around all of a sudden, it was simply too scary!

"Aunt Xiao, Aunt Xiao, you and I were originally young. When your family was in trouble, I pitied you for being lonely and helpless. I took you into the mansion and asked Master Xu to raise you as a concubine. You are luring wolves into the house! In order to satisfy your ambition, you not only attacked me, but also dared to extend your hand to Qing'an Courtyard, attack the old lady, and try to provoke the master, who gave you the courage?" The lady said in a timely manner. He scolded and questioned from the side.

"Attack to you? What do you mean?" Lian Yanqing asked with a trembling heart after hearing this.

The eldest lady didn't look at Lian Yanqing, she just lowered her head and gently wiped away her tears, her eyes were indifferent, and her tone was indifferent, "Perhaps, the master will understand what it means only after I die."

(End of this chapter)

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