Chapter 1266

Chapter 1266

Xiangjun Mansion.

Yeluyan was depressed all day long, in order to stay in the capital, she had to pretend to be sick, she couldn't go anywhere, she could only stay in this room.

Being so bored, the whole person really seemed to be sick, and his mental state became very poor.

On this day, she finally couldn't take it anymore. When Dolma brought in the "medicine" for her to drink, she suddenly overturned the medicine bowl, got off the bed, and ran outside.

Dolma saw her, and hurriedly chased after her, "Princess, princess, calm down, don't make Mammy angry."

Yeluyan turned her head abruptly, with hatred on her pale face, and said, "I don't want to live a life like this, I came here because of Xiao He, now that I have obtained Xiao He's sword, everything will be complete, I want to go back to Youzhou, that is my home, I don't want to be bound in this pavilion."

"Princess!" Dolma knelt down on both knees and said, "Princess think twice, you know the temper of the nanny better than anyone else, do you still remember your mother, Princess Youlan?"

As soon as Yeluyan heard her mother's name, she was discouraged and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Dolma quickly crawled over and said, "Princess, please bear with it a little longer, and it will be over if you bear with it."

"No, I am a majestic princess, why should I bear it?"

Yeluyan pushed Zhuoma away, stood up abruptly, ran barefoot across the corridor, ran to a small room at the end of Xiangjun Mansion, and pushed the door open.

Feng Qianyue, who was sitting in front of the desk with a dignified face, raised his head and looked towards her, his eyes fell on her bare feet.

He was wearing a black robe, covering his sturdy body, his rough face, and his gloomy and evil eyes, which made Yeluyan jump.

"What are you doing here?"

Yeluyan was stunned for a moment, she couldn't help but feel a little fear of this down-and-out prince, she swallowed.

A trace of contempt appeared in Feng Qianyue's eyes, and he said, "Since you have the guts to come to this dark place like mine, why don't you have the guts to speak?"

Yeluyan thought, she is a princess, but he is just a shady person, why should she be afraid of him?
So, she stepped forward and said, "What kind of conspiracy did you use to make my imperial grandmother treat you differently? Even obey your words? It was your idea to let me pretend to be sick. I heard that it was you who wanted me to marry Feng Yu idea! What on earth are you trying to do?"

Feng Qianyue stood up, limped, and walked towards her, she couldn't help taking a step back.

"Did you know? In our Central Plains, a woman was seen on the soles of her feet, and she was going to marry that person." Feng Qianyue said.

Yeluyan took a look and realized that she ran over without any shoes on. She shrank her feet back, stepped on the instep of her right foot with her left foot, and said, "I am not from the Central Plains, so don't use your standards to judge me." , I'm in Youzhou, and other people are barefoot, so it's okay to run with bare legs!"

Feng Qianyue narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold light overflowing, and said, "What's your business in coming to me?"

"I don't care what agreement you have with my imperial grandmother, I want you to leave here immediately." Yeluyan summoned up her courage and said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Why?" Yeluyan thought it was ridiculous, "We are Khitan envoys, and you are the prince whose head was offered by the Emperor of Zhou. There are many people in this capital who want your life. If you are with us, you will kill yourself." us!"

"What if I don't leave?" Feng Qianyue said.

"If you don't leave, then I'll report you right away, to your old enemy Lian Siyue, and she will definitely..."

"Shut up!" When Yeluyan was agitated, there was a voice of reprimand.

She looked back abruptly, only to see that Mammy was walking over, looking at her coldly.

"Nurse..." Yeluyan said hurriedly.

When Feng Qianyue saw Nanny, the expression on his face became respectful, and he bowed slightly to her.

"Who told you to come here?" Mammy walked in, glanced at Yeluyan, and said.

"I... Mother..."

"Princess, what's wrong with you? You're not feeling well, do you need a doctor to come and see you?" Nanny said coldly.

"..." Yeluyan gritted her teeth tightly, stood up suddenly, almost hysterical, "No, I'm not sick, I'm in good health, it's Mammy, you're sick, you're too sick! "

"Princess!" Dolma saw Princess Yan, who was always well-behaved and obedient, suddenly talk back to "Nurse", she was so frightened that she hurried forward and covered her mouth.

Empress Dowager Renyi glanced at Zhuo Ma indifferently, and said, "The princess is ill, take her back."

"No!" Yeluyan refused to leave, ran to the nanny, and said, "Why? Why? You are so kind to this deposed prince. He is obviously a dangerous person, but you stay by your side."

Mammy's face turned cold, "Princess, this is not what you need to know."

"Although my father Yelu Chongyuan is not your own, he is only a few years younger than you, but because of the entrustment of the late emperor, you have always treated him as your own son and planned to support him as emperor. I thought you It was good enough for him, but after seeing this deposed prince, I realized..."

"Slap!" Suddenly, the nanny raised her hand and slapped Yeluyan hard on the face, "Presumptuous! When will it be your turn to tell how the Ai family behaves?"

After the slap, Yeluyan was immediately blindfolded, covered his face with his hands, and looked at the person in front of him incredulously.

The imperial grandmother has always held her in the palm of her hand and cared for her, but today she actually beat her, and it was because of this annoying Feng Qianyue!
Covering her face, she suddenly turned and ran out.

"Princess..." Dolma turned her head to look at Mammy, not daring to leave.

"Go and take good care of her, she must be very sad." Mammy ordered.

"Yes, mammy, this servant will go right away." Dolma hurried away.

Feng Qianyue stepped forward, reached out to support Nanny, and said, "Sit here."

"Feng Ye's quasi-princess Xie Jinran entered the palace for the second time today, what do you think?" Empress Dowager Renyi sat down on the chair and asked.

"It's more bad than good." Feng Qianyue showed a sneer in his eyes, "Although I don't know what happened, so that the originally favored Miss Xie Jia fell out of favor, but, based on my last understanding, this Xie Jinran should I accidentally violated the empress dowager's taboo, otherwise I wouldn't be kicked out suddenly."

Empress Dowager Renyi looked at Feng Qianyue and said, "Do you feel aggrieved by letting you stay in this square inch every day?"

Feng Qianyue looked around the room, and said, "I remember how happy I was here when I was in Mobei. At that time, I lived, slept and ate together with cattle and sheep. The sky was the cover and the earth was the bed. How could the cattle and sheep live on me? Why, once my leg festered a lot, I roasted the blade with fire, kicked the rotten meat away, and watched the cattle and sheep stepping over me, they thought I would die there, how could I, I am Feng Qianyue, and I will definitely come back."

Empress Dowager Renyi showed a gratified look in her eyes, and said, "You can suffer, but it doesn't mean you should suffer. Don't worry. We have waited for so many years to meet each other. Everything will pass, but the hatred born of love is not enough. meeting."

"If Xie Jinran is destined to come out alive, we can use her as a breakthrough to carry out our plan. In fact, I have been waiting for something to happen to Lao Ba. The possibility of something happening to Lao Jiu is not very high. Only Lao Ba can Let me wait for the opportunity, and now I have finally waited." Feng Qianyue's rough face showed a smile that was not a smile, "I know these brothers too well, and this feeling of watching their pain in the dark is very good. good."

In the Shouning Hall, after the Queen Mother shouted sharply, everyone around was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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