First-class daughter

Chapter 1269 Weeding

Chapter 1269 Weeding
Chapter 1269 Weeding
Not long after, news from the House of Internal Affairs reached Shouning Palace. After leaving Shouning Palace and returning to the Palace of Internal Affairs, Ning Xue hanged herself with a three-foot white silk. Before she died, her eyes popped out and her tongue stuck out for a long time. When the other maids found out, they were all terrified, and now they have disposed of the body, wrapped it in a straw mat, and thrown it into the wilderness.

The queen mother heard the words and said, "I have done so many unscrupulous things because I was afraid that Ai's family would punish me, so I simply settled it once and for all. If I die, I will die. Don't mention this person again in the future."

"Yes, Empress Dowager, the servants will give orders, and no one should mention the girl Ning Xue in the future." Wang Momo said.

When the news came back to Prince Heng's mansion, Lian Siyue looked indifferent and said, "Understood, let's go down."

Qingdai and Nanny Tai came over, and Nanny Tai said, "Princess, you should also go and have a good rest. Although Miss Lengmei is not in pain, she has woken up anyway, and the affairs in the palace are almost settled."

Lian Siyue turned her head and looked into Lengmei's room.Even from a distance, it can still be seen that she is struggling to endure the pain.

She turned and walked over.

"Prince, concubine." Seeing Lian Siyue, Leng Mei quickly got up and knelt down.

Lian Siyue stepped forward quickly, stopped her, and said, "There is no need to be polite, just lie on the bed and rest, don't think about anything else, and recuperate at ease, if the pain is really unbearable, then don't provoke it, and cry It’s okay, it’s okay to shout for pain, don’t hold back, let go of yourself.”

After hearing Wang Hao's words, the cold brows finally couldn't hold back, she relaxed her body, let the sweat flow down in big drops, moaned in pain, and the flickering tears turned into tears, she cried, " Princess, it hurts, it hurts so much, I can't wait to dig out this heart, throw it on the ground, and let the dogs eat it!"

She never talked about pain, but Lian Siyue's words made her no longer tense, pain is pain, crying is crying.

Lian Siyue reached out and took Leng Mei into her arms.

"Princess." Leng Mei raised his sweaty face to look at Lian Siyue, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, and his body felt very stiff. Except for Ye Feng, who sometimes suddenly attacked and hugged her, there was never anyone else hugged her.

Lian Siyue patted her back lightly, and said softly, "Cry, cry, don't hold back, cry."

Leng Mei lost the strength in her body and fell softly into Lian Siyue's arms.

At the end when the pain was unbearable, Dong Shen came in and gave the medicine again. After she took it, the pain slowly subsided, and then she collapsed on the bed weakly, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When she walked out of Lengmei's other courtyard, Feng Yunzheng came over and said, "Are you tired?"

Lian Siyue shook her head, "As long as I think of Xie Jinran's current experience, I feel a warm current flowing through my heart. Have you told Jue'er the good news?"

"I have already sent someone to tell. Jue'er was also very happy when he found out. He said it was a pity that he couldn't see with his eyes. Otherwise, he would come to Prince Heng's mansion immediately and have a drink with us to celebrate." Feng Yunzheng supported She sat down in the pavilion beside her.

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, and said, "How is the Khitan side during this time?"

"Yeluyan hasn't recovered yet, and the palace also sent an imperial doctor to see her, but she didn't ask our Dazhou doctor, saying that she was not used to it, and let the accompanying doctor see it." Feng Yunzheng said.

"She has been ill for a long time." Lian Siyue said with a faint smile on her lips.

"Actually, there is one more thing today. You may be surprised when you hear it." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yun Zheng, what's the matter?" Lian Siyue asked curiously, would there be anything that surprised her?The two of them had never seen anything.

"Today, Yeluyan entered the palace and asked his father for a marriage to show his sincerity to Da Zhou." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue's eyes showed a bit of surprise, "Then which prince does she have a crush on?"

"Old Six." Feng Yunzheng said word by word.

"Pfft!" Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing out loud, "The Sixth Highness is miserable, I'm afraid it's hard to sleep every day." She has long known that Feng Yu is as good as Long Yang, and has a habit of breaking sleeves, always traveling around the world , Studying everywhere, in addition to my own preferences, another reason is to avoid the emperor's marriage.

"However..." Feng Yunzheng paused and said, "When I was in Shanhaiguan, I also heard about some things between this Yeluyan and Xiao He. It is said that she has a deep affection for Xiao He. Xiao He After she died, she even came to me to ask for his body, saying that she wanted her to go back with him, but I rejected her proposal and brought Xiao He back to Dazhou. From my perspective at the time Look, this is Yeluyan's sincere love for Xiao He."

"In other words, marrying Da Zhou is not what she wanted. After all, Xiao He died not long ago. I'm afraid he hasn't recovered from the pain of losing his beloved. How could he think of another marriage?" Lian Siyue's eyes flashed with thought. ,road.

"No matter what, according to my understanding of Lao Liu, he will do everything possible to get rid of this marriage contract." Feng Yunzheng said, with a hint of optimism in his eyes.

Feng Yu kicked open Feng Ye's study door, sat down on the chair, and said, "I really saw a ghost! I really saw a ghost! In today's world, in this capital, in this sunny world, how can you actually Someone asked to marry me, and what I like is not a woman, but... Crazy, crazy, there are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

His face turned blue with anger, his chest heaved up and down, and he fanned vigorously with the palace fan in his hand.

When Feng Yu raised her head, she saw Feng Ye was in a daze, as if she didn't hear him speak, he stood up, walked in front of him a few steps, stretched out his hand, knocked him hard with the palace fan, and said, " Feng Ye, brother's sky is about to collapse, you are still so calm, you can't be like this, you are brother's good younger brother, you have to find a way to get brother out of this sea of ​​swords and flames."

Feng Ye finally raised his head slowly, and said, "Brother Liu Wang, why don't you just let go of yourself and realize the beauty of women?"

"You!" Anger burst into Feng Yu's eyes, she saw the vase next to her at a glance, walked over a few steps, took it over, and said, "Feng Ye, do you want to see blood? Dead."

Feng Ye hurriedly raised his hands in surrender, and said, "Brother Wang, don't take it seriously, I'm just talking casually."

"My eyebrows are burning, my eyebrows are scorched, you still have time to talk casually, think of a way, if this king agrees, if this king himself will suffer for the rest of his life, won't Yeluyan also suffer?" Feng Yu said.

"Why did Khitan marry us?" Feng Ye said with a serious expression on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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