Chapter 1292
Chapter 1292
"Save you? Hahaha, Yin'er, right? When you came to burn our princess, why didn't you think of saving her life? She still has two children waiting for her. Why don't you soften your heart?" " Instead of pulling Yin'er up, Mother Tai raised her foot and kicked Yin'er fiercely, Yin'er's foot was completely stuck, and the flame slowly approached her.

Nanny Tai poured the lamp oil she brought on her body, then quickly threw it away.

A scream pierced the night sky, Mother Tai said coldly, "You can't live without torture!"

Walking into the house, he slammed the door shut.

"Princess, let's go quickly! The fire will burn too much later, and we won't be able to get out." Qing Dai said.

"En." Lian Siyue got up calmly, and Nanny Tai stepped forward to push the door.


Her heart trembled, her face turned pale, and she said, "Princess, the front door is also locked!"

Lian Siyue was taken aback, walked over a few steps, stretched out her hand and pulled hard, sure enough, the door was locked from the outside at some point.

"What should we do now?" Qing Dai suddenly turned around to see that the back window was already on fire, and Yin'er's screams were terrifying one after another.

"I can't go further!" Qing Dai said.

"Bang!" At this moment, there was a loud noise from the direction of the door toilet, something exploded, the whole wing room was on the verge of falling, Lian Siyue staggered forward, and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Qing Dai held her up in time she.

"Don't worry, look at me!" Mother Tai held back all her strength, and slammed her body against the door!

There was a clang, and the door moved.

And Nanny Tai used too much strength, her arms ached and her head was a little dizzy.

However, she didn't stop there, but took a few steps back again, and then slammed into it with force, her whole body was shaken, and she took several steps back from the shock.

After bumping into it for the third time, suddenly, there was a feeling of staring at the eyes.

"Qingdai..." Lian Siyue glanced at Qingdai and motioned.

"Help, help, help us quickly..." Qing Dai understood, lying on the door and shouting loudly.

"Help, help!" Taimao also shouted together, and the voices of the two sounded very panicked.



"It's not good! It's not good!" At this time, whoever discovered the fire in Lian Siyue's room first shouted loudly.

After a while, the entire Taoist temple woke up, got up from the bed one after another, opened the door and saw that Lian Siyue's house was surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

There were bursts of shrill screams and shouts for help.

"Quick, put out the fire!" Seeing this, the Empress Dowager immediately ordered loudly, her eyes froze.

Suddenly, the scene was chaotic, and everyone was busy fighting the fire.

"Yue'er, Yue'er..." Concubine Lian Shu saw that the fire in the room was so big, and there were horrific screams from inside, she was so frightened that she fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Oops, Empress Dowager, the fire is so loud, and the screams inside are so bleak, Princess Heng..." Concubine Li and Concubine Xin said anxiously.

"That door keeps shaking!"

"Don't panic, put out the fire quickly!" The queen mother ordered in a cold voice, but an imperceptible smile appeared in her eyes.

She is the queen mother, she has never seen anything in the world, how could she not know about Xie Jinran's Xiao Jiujiu?

Hehe, come to the Sanqing Conceptual Sutra to pray for her?How could she believe such nonsense?Where is it impossible to pray for blessings and chant scriptures, do you have to come to the Sanqing Temple?
In fact, the Queen Mother knew a long time ago that Xie Jinran came up the mountain to deal with Lian Siyue in all likelihood, so he didn't make things difficult for her and let her come into the temple and kneel outside.

When Concubine De said that she put something on her knees to protect her knees to make a lie, she also turned a blind eye and passed by.

It's just that he didn't expect to use such a vicious trick as setting fire to people.

Yeluyan, Nanny and others also came out. Seeing the fire in front of him, Yeluyan took a step back, clenched his fists with both hands, his face turned pale for a while, thinking, if the fire burns like this, will it, will it be just So dead?

If yes, then she...

Mammy took her hand secretly and said, "Princess, don't be afraid."

Yeluyan's hand trembled slightly, and she pulled it away from the mother's hand.

"Quick, quick, help the empress dowager to rest first! It's dangerous here." Daoist Qingyun hurried over, and while instructing his disciples to put out the fire, he asked the empress dowager to leave first.

"Yue'er, Yue'er!" Concubine Lian Shu was really sad. No matter how much she once had a rift with this niece, she had already put down her grudge after the tragedy of the family's extermination happened. There's nothing wrong with two or three even family members.

"Bang!" Just as the queen mother was about to turn around and leave, the door of that room suddenly collapsed on the ground. The queen mother was taken aback, and turned around abruptly:

I saw Lian Siyue walking out with the support of Qingdai and Mother Tai.

She looked safe and sound, except for a bit of dust on her face, and everything else seemed to be fine. As soon as she came out, she quietly noticed the fleeting disappointment on the Queen Mother's face, and she smiled secretly.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, are you okay?" Concubine Lian Shu walked over first, pulled Lian Siyue, and checked carefully.

"Auntie, I'm fine." Lian Siyue said with a faint smile on her face.

"Cough..." The queen mother coughed lightly, and said, "It's fine, it's fine! It's all good, why did it suddenly go out of water?"

"Empress Dowager! Please make the decision for our concubine, someone wants to burn her to death!" At this time, Nanny Tai suddenly knelt on the ground with her knees bent and said loudly.

"Empress Dowager, my concubine is about to be murdered by a traitor, and only you can avenge her." Qing Dai also said immediately.

The queen mother paused, and said, "Someone wants to burn Princess Heng to death? What's going on here?"

Lian Siyue took two steps forward, knelt on the ground, and said, "Empress Dowager, the fire in my room didn't start for no reason, someone came to set it on fire!"

The queen mother focused her attention and said, "If someone set the fire on purpose, the Ai family will never let it go lightly! Daoist Qingyun, put out the fire quickly. Since Princess Heng said that someone set the fire on purpose, the Ai family must investigate carefully! "

"Yes, Queen Mother."

Everyone stepped up to put out the fire, while the rest of the people had their own concerns.
As for Xie Jinran, after waiting for a long time, she felt happy when she saw the fire. The fire was so big that even if Siyue was not burned to death, she would be burned!

She reached under her hair and stroked the scar on her forehead, hoping that Lian Siyue's face would be burnt out of shape!Only in this way can she have a taste of sadness!
(End of this chapter)

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