First-class daughter

Chapter 1306 Can't Kill Him

Chapter 1306 Can't Kill Him

Chapter 1306 Can't Kill Him

Rongyuan Hall.

Zhou Chengdi looked at the man kneeling on the ground, his face was completely ruined, he was in a state of embarrassment, and he sneered, "A slut is a slut, he lived like a mouse when he was young, and now he looks even more like a mouse! "

"I'm not from a slut!" Feng Qianyue raised her head abruptly, with an expression of unwillingness on her rough and uneven face, "I'm not from a slut, why, you keep calling me a slut? I worked so hard Live forever, father, have you never seen it?"

Emperor Zhou Cheng snorted coldly, and said, "Are you trying to live, or are you doing everything you can to fight for power and troublesome things, pretending that you have no desires and desires, but you have been spying on me all the time!"

"..." The corners of Feng Qianyue's lips trembled, "If the father is partial..."

"Shut up!" Emperor Zhou Cheng was furious, and said, "I have so many princes, I feel that you are not the only one who is partial to me, but you are the only one who is cruel enough to kill hundreds of people in your family. Ah! I said that I will execute you immediately when I see you, someone, someone, drag Feng Qianyue down, and execute you on the spot!"

"Feng Yao! You can't kill him, he is our two sons!" At this moment, a black figure rushed in, opened his hands to protect Feng Qianyue, and looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng with sad and angry eyes.

their children?
Feng Qianyue was taken aback, and looked at her in surprise, her heart was greatly shocked, and she couldn't believe it, "You, what did you say?"

She said that she knew who his mother was, she said that his mother and her were good sisters, she said a lot about her mother, how she got from the Central Plains to Khitan, how she entered the Khitan palace by accident, how her life was full of ups and downs float.

She also told him that he was definitely not born as a slut, his mother was noble and dignified, better than those women in the harem of the Great Zhou Dynasty, his mother was framed by someone, and he was raised by the palace maid.

However, she never said that she was his own mother.

She turned around, held Feng Qianyue's hand, and said softly with a loving face, "Son, don't be afraid, this time with mother here, no one can bully you."

"But..." Feng Qianyue still didn't recover from her shock.

The Empress Dowager of the Khitan is his mother, no wonder, she once said that she wanted him to inherit the Khitan's rule. Originally, she thought she was just talking for fun, and even deliberately said it to keep him by her side to avenge her. Yes, unexpectedly, all these casual words she said were serious.

"Son, don't doubt, I, Empress Dowager Ren Yi, is your mother, and you are my child. This is a fact that no one can change." Empress Dowager Ren Yi looked at Feng Qianyue, who was still shocked, with fiery eyes.

Feng Qianyue looked at Empress Dowager Ren Yi, and then at Emperor Zhou Cheng over there. From their reactions, he had gradually believed in this fact——

He is the son of Emperor Cheng of Zhou and Empress Dowager Ren Yi.

This sudden situation made everyone stunned, Zhou Chengdi himself was also stunned for a moment, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and asked, "Are you..."

There was deep doubt in his eyes, and Dang quickly became angry, "How dare a nun say such outrageous words, someone, come and take her..."

"Don't rush to kill me!" Seeing that, Mammy took out the veil from her cuff, wiped her face clean, and slowly revealed a lonely face, then took off the gray and black cloth shirt outside, revealing her whole body. Purple clothes.

She looked at Emperor Zhou Cheng sadly. Although she was not a young woman, she was still beautiful and noble, exuding a cold and superior temperament.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was startled, and took a step back, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, "It's you? Ziying?"

"It turns out that you still remember me. I thought you had forgotten me. I thought your sister Zining was always the only one in your eyes." Empress Dowager Ren Yi showed a cold expression on her face, and her eyes showed a strong smile. sad.

Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng looked at each other, it turned out that Queen Mother Ren Yi was the other daughter of that military general back then.

"Why did you come?" After a while, Emperor Zhou Cheng came back to his senses.

"You once promised my sister that you would treat my son well and would not treat him badly, but you broke your promise, you lied to my sister and me, not only did you not treat him well, you tortured him, and you didn't tell him He didn't tell others about his origin, and you just watched him being said to be a slut.

You demoted him to a desolate place, made him look like a human, a ghost like a ghost, let him live in Khitan, and you still want to drive him to death!
Feng Yao, are you worthy of your sister?Aren't you afraid that your sister's spirit will not rest in peace in heaven? "

Empress Dowager Ren Yi approached Emperor Zhou Cheng step by step.

What she remembers about him is that majestic and majestic man in Qizhou, wrapped in a brocade robe and handsome, who made her fall in love with him at first sight and fell in love with him, but unfortunately, the person he fell in love with was not She, but her elder sister Zi Ning, she turned her heart and lost it.

"Shut up!" Emperor Zhou Cheng yelled sharply, "You are not allowed to mention Zining's name, you are not worthy, you killed her!"

"No, it wasn't me who killed her, it was you, because you were vacillating, because you were half-hearted, because you didn't love her wholeheartedly in your heart, and you sacrificed her for your own status! You put all these The fault is all on me, on my son!
In the past, he had no one to support him, and he was struggling all by himself, but now it is different, and I want to seek justice for him! "

Empress Dowager Ren Yi walked up to Emperor Zhou Cheng step by step, without showing any sign of shrinking.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked horrified, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Seeing all the concubines and sons and daughters-in-law present, he said in a deep voice, "You all go down."

"Yes." Everyone understood that this was the emperor's privacy, but the other party was the Khitan Empress Dowager, which was surprising.

After everyone retreated, only Empress Dowager Ren Yi and Feng Qianyue were left in the hall. Feng Qianyue bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and asked, "Father, what...what's going on..."

After a long time, Emperor Zhou Cheng said, "I have long known that the Empress Dowager Ren Yi who is in power in Khitan is a woman from the Central Plains, but I didn't expect it to be you."

"I didn't expect that after I was forced to leave Qizhou, I would be exiled to Khitan Youzhou, and then entered the palace by accident. I thought it was just passing by by chance, but I didn't expect that once I entered the palace, it was as deep as the sea. It seems that there are hands pushing me forward invisibly.

In the harem, I tried my best to win the favor of the late emperor, and beat all the women who tried to win the favor of the late emperor one by one!

I have experienced two palace changes, killing countless lives, including women and men, children and old people. My father was born as a military general. My sister and I were treated as men since we were young, and finally became the empress dowager Renyi that everyone in Khitan respected. Then, everyone gradually forgot my original name——Ziying.

(End of this chapter)

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