Chapter 131
Chapter 131
"Who are you calling a shrew? I still want to mess up here, I have too many sweet dreams!"

This Aunt Zhao was born as a rough envoy, and later she went to the Da Furen's house as a housemaid, and later became a concubine, but she has never been favored or given birth to a child, and she has been out of favor for many years.

She is strong and savage, but Aunt Xiao is powerless in front of her, she has no power to fight back after being beaten by Aunt Zhao, she can only scream——

"Bitch, let me go, let me go! Come on! Come on!"

The rest of the aunts also couldn't look down on Aunt Xiao for a long time, and they all sat comfortably on the sidelines watching the fun, and no one came forward to help.

Aunt Zhao tore off all the jewelry on Aunt Xiao's head in two or three strokes, and threw it on the ground——

Aunt Xiao's hair was disheveled, and even the brocade clothes on her body were torn, revealing a piece of skin on her arm.

Aunt Zhao also ran into Aunt Xiao's room, ripped out the clothes from her bundle one by one, tore them and threw them on the ground, cursing:

"A bitch dares to show off in front of me, I want to see how much you weigh, whether it's enough for me to tear you apart with one finger!"

"You, you..." Aunt Xiao was so angry that she couldn't speak, and she didn't have the strength to hit Aunt Zhao, so she could only sit on the ground and watch her things being thrown out one by one.

Qing'an courtyard.

Lianmu sat on the sour pear wood chair with her eyes closed, twisting a string of Buddhist beads in one hand, and Lian Siyue leaned beside her, carefully rubbing the acupuncture points of the other hand with freshly boiled ginger juice. Over the past few days, her cold symptoms have indeed improved.

Nanny Song came in and said, "Old Madam, Aunt Xiao and Aunt Zhao started fighting as soon as they arrived in the west courtyard, and now the whole west courtyard is in a mess."

When Mother Lian heard this, she opened her eyes suddenly, and shouted angrily, "She is dissatisfied with me! Well, since she likes to fight, let her fight as much as she wants, and no one is allowed to persuade her to fight!"

Lian's mother is too regretful now, how could she have lost her eyes and fell in love with such a cheap thing!
"Aunt Xiao had the upper hand and suffered some injuries. She said she wanted Dr. Lu to take a look."

"She's an aunt, let Dr. Lu go and have a look, she is also worthy! Answer her four words: Fend for yourself!" Lian's mother blushed and said angrily.

"Grandmother." Lian Siyue, who was listening quietly from the side, said, "I'm afraid the Xiao family will come to ask for an explanation after they know about this matter."

"Hmph!" Lian's mother sneered, and said, "This Xiao family is relying on his brother Xiao Zhenhai as the backer, so he unscrupulously dominates my Xiangfu, and even stretches out his poisonous hands to me. Now I want to kill her. Even if Xiao Zhenhai comes in person, I will not let her go!"

It seems that this time, Mother Lian made up her mind to get rid of Xiao's mother and daughter, so from now on, she and this grandmother will be completely in the same camp.

After coming out of Qing'an Courtyard, Lian Siyue let out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to be an enemy of her grandmother. This is the best result.

Qing Dai bowed to the side, and said softly, "Miss, Aunt Zhao has already explained, she said that she always thinks of Da Furen, and she has long been uncomfortable with Aunt Xiao, so she will never want Miss benefit."

Lian Siyue stood on tiptoe, fiddled with the birdcage under the eaves with her slender fingers, and the magnolia japonica on the head swayed slightly, and said casually, "There is no benefit of not wanting me, but this benefit is not what she wants. That's all."

Among these back houses, which one is sincere to help others?Could it be that it's all for their own benefit, this Aunt Zhao is so ruthless in helping her take care of Aunt Xiao, why doesn't she want to use her hand to climb up?
"Green branch, pay attention to the movement in the west courtyard at all times." Lian Siyue withdrew her hand from playing with the birdcage, her face darkened, and ordered.

"Yes, miss." Lu Zhi lowered her head and replied.

"Then, what about Polygonatum..." Qing Dai asked cautiously.

"Let's solve it..." Lian Siyue turned around and ordered in a cold voice——

Yuzhu swayed from side to side, trying to profit from both sides, she will never keep her, in this life, she will not be a good person, she is a bad person, a big villain destined to have blood on her hands.

"Yes." A gust of wind blew past, Qing Dai shivered.

"Miss San scolded her all night last night, and there was no one to wait on her, so she put golden sore medicine on her face and said that she must not disfigure her face..." Jiang Xiang told Lian Shiya about her situation in the temple.

There was a slight smile on Lian Siyue's lips, and said, "Her face, it really can't be destroyed now, it's still useful, take a box of my Healing Gel, and give it to her to apply... "

Prince Heng's Mansion.

After the failure of sending the blind date list that time, the empress graciously sent a song and dance girl of various colors, but each of them was a first-class beauty. She said that she was worried that the nine kings would be bored at home and let him chat to relieve boredom. .

Feng Yunzheng looked at the group of women in front of him with a magnificent smile on his face, as if enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of him, but his eyes were clearly cold and devoid of any emotion.

The women under that seat secretly raised their heads to look at the man in front of them. According to the legend, the Nine Kings are the most beautiful man in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he really lived up to his reputation. A light smile on his face is enough to conquer the world.

Although, now he is just an idle prince with no real power, but his appearance alone is enough to make people submit willingly.

Night Breeze glanced at his master secretly, and felt a chill rise up his back. He felt a chilling murderous aura, and these women seemed to be infatuated without noticing it. He shook his head, really sorry These women feel pity.

"Old Liu..." Finally, Feng Yunzheng seemed to have "appreciated" enough the beautiful scenery in front of him, so he called the housekeeper, "Place them all in the west courtyard."


"His Highness Xie Jiu..." All the girls couldn't hold back the joy in their hearts, and thanked them one after another. They followed the servant to the west courtyard, and they seemed to have no idea what the west courtyard was.

Seeing those women leaving the room one by one, leaving behind the scent of a room full of cosmetics, Feng Yunzheng frowned, and ordered, "Let Nanny Gui fume the room with incense, and don't want to smell it in the future." Let them leave the west courtyard, and the queen will go back, saying that the king has already accepted it."

"Yes." Liu Xun nodded, and went to summon Nanny Gui.

"Your Highness, in the entire front yard of Prince Heng's Mansion and your dormitory, there is only Nanny Gui... a woman. She has taken care of everything in the mansion by herself, and she is almost bent over tired." Night Breeze He reminded, though, that he was not sure whether a person like Nanny Gui could be described as a "woman".

"Then let's find some more nuns." Feng Yunzheng said.

"...Missy will reach Ji's age for more than a year." Night Breeze reminded again, anyway, Jiu Wang is now at the most vigorous age, and there are only a few old mothers around him. Is this good for his life? Woolen cloth?
"More than a year..." Feng Yunzheng frowned slightly, it was still a long time.

"Besides, Missy doesn't know at all that you are using this... method to wait for her to grow up and marry her. If before that, her heart agrees to someone else..." Night Breeze couldn't help but remind again Dao, the master's way of guarding silently and never not optimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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