First-class daughter

Chapter 133 I beg you

Chapter 133 I beg you
Chapter 133 I beg you
Brother Siwang, what a vicious method, I never thought that it would be him, he wanted me to die, and you saved my life again. "

As Feng Ye said, his whole body exuded a dangerous aura, and his hands pressed hard, and the hard wooden box was crushed into pieces in his hands.
"It's reasonable that His Highness the Eighth Prince didn't notice it. After all, His Highness the Fourth Prince has too deep thoughts."

In the previous life, she slept with him every day, and she didn't notice anything.

At the time when the struggle for power among the princes was the most intense, he opened up a piece of land in the backyard of the Prince Yue’s mansion, planted vegetables every day, pretended to devote himself to worshiping Buddha, and named himself Jingxin layman, often went to temples and monks On Buddhism, in the end he was the one who overcame the heroes, ascended to the Golden Luan Palace without anyone noticing, and then started the road of consolidating the imperial power by killing brothers and brothers, which shows how terrifying this man's city is!
Feng Ye said, "In the future, even if someone finds out the cause of my death, the empress and the crown prince will be blamed for this crime. Brother Four, I am really thoughtful, and the strategy of killing two birds with one stone is really wonderful. I have always I thought my biggest opponent was the prince, but I didn't expect it to be the fourth brother."

In Feng Ye's mind, he remembered the cowardly and reticent child who often stood in the corner of his brothers since he was a child. He couldn't imagine that that person would become the current Prince of Yue.

"The Eighth Prince has noticed something now, it can be said that it is not too late to make up for it." It seems that Feng Ye has disappeared for a while, and he has gone all out to investigate the matter of poison.

After her rebirth, she has only one purpose—revenge!
Therefore, she will destroy Feng Qianyue's plan step by step, pull out his fox tail bit by bit, hit him, and destroy him!

In the process of revenge, she needs allies, and Feng Ye is the most important person. This was the idea she established when she first met in Yaocheng.

Feng Ye's deep eyes stared deeply at Lian Siyue, and his eyes were full of inquiries, "I have been wearing this fur fox robe for three years, and no one, including myself, has ever suspected that there is something wrong with it. How did you know that the poison is hidden in such a secret place?"

He was becoming more and more curious about the child who was less than 14 years old in front of him, and every time he saw her, he gave him a new feeling.

She is just the eldest daughter of the prime minister, she was raised in a deep boudoir, and she usually doesn't leave her home, and she has never had any contact with the court. How can she act like nothing can escape her indifference,
Is it—

Is connected?
Lian Siyue understood the meaning in his eyes, shook his head, and said, "My father was also bewitched by His Royal Highness, and never thought he would have problems. His Royal Highness often comes to Xiangfu, and only discusses Buddhist poetry with my father. Nothing about the court was ever mentioned."

"Then..." Suddenly, Feng Ye leaned forward, held her face in both hands, looked into her eyes, looked into the depths of her soul, and asked, "Who are you?"

Lian Siyue didn't panic in the slightest, met his questioning gaze, his eyes were clear and bright, revealing a sense of determination, and said, "I am Lian Siyue."

"Why do you know this?" He continued to ask.

"The authorities are clear, but the authorities are obsessed." She answered calmly.

Feng Ye slowly let go of his hand, and suddenly pulled his lips into a smile, with an extremely charming smile, and asked, "Do you have any enmity with brother Si Wang? You are destroying his plan that he has worked hard for several years, and the above At the Huanggu's chrysanthemum banquet last time, I noticed that you seemed to hate him very much, and with that sword, you really wanted to assassinate him, didn't you?"

Is there a grudge?Of course there is hatred, bloody hatred, she still wakes up from her dreams every night, and then ruthlessly recites Feng Qianyue's name a hundred times, cutting him into pieces countless times in her heart.

However, she will not tell Feng Ye about this, nor will she tell anyone else——

"Then in order to save my life, His Highness the Eighth Prince must not let him know that I told you the secret." Her brows relaxed with a playful smile that is rarely seen.

"Of course, even for myself, I will protect you well. If fourth brother approaches you, I will be the first to protect you and never let him hurt you."

Feng Ye blinked and said, the flair in that blink of an eye, if it weren't for Li Yuexin's heart like Lang Tie, I'm afraid he would be tempted too.

He found that he seemed to be getting more and more interested in this girl, especially after they might become allies.

Lian Siyue frowned after hearing his swear words, and said, "It seems that there are still many people that His Highness wants to protect, so I won't bother you, I'll just do it myself."

what happened?In the previous life, when she was in trouble and tormented, no one cared about her except His Royal Highness, but now, one by one, they all said they wanted to protect her. Could it be that she looks weaker now than in the past?
"Hahaha... well, girl, I'm used to your indifference anyway, if one day you show more enthusiasm to me, I'll feel even more apprehensive." Feng Ye swept away the haze of talking about Feng Qianyue just now. , and returned to the cheerful and uninhibited past, but his heart was already cold for a while.

Lian Siyue pouted slightly, and said, "His Highness Eighth Highness's lip service won't work against me, why don't you just save yourself."

"What about Brother Nine Emperors? You treat him differently. That day at Princess An's Mansion, you played archery, played flute, and danced swords. You cooperated tacitly without any flaws. It was perfect.

Although Brother Siwang once wanted to join, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't get in between you. I noticed all of this.You seem to have known each other for a long time, and you have a tacit understanding. The tune that day seemed to have been played together thousands of times. "

Feng Ye suddenly stared into her eyes, and asked, he found that after he said these things, he felt a taste of food that he had never felt before.

Ninth Highness?When Lian Siyue heard this name, her heart trembled slightly, yes, of course he is different.

"I don't know why, that day was also the first time I saw His Highness the Ninth Prince." She suppressed the surge in her heart and said calmly.

A trace of imperceptible loneliness appeared on Feng Ye's face, and he said, "You say that, it makes me... uneasy."

After hearing this, Lian Siyue was stunned and looked at the man in front of her. She lived to be over 30 years old in her previous life and experienced everything, so she naturally understood the feelings of this man in front of her.

"His Royal Highness, it's good to say this once here, and don't say it again in the future. His Royal Highness is a sweet potato. Many people are thinking and looking forward to it. If people listen to it, I will become the target of public criticism again. No Speaking of others, let’s just talk about my third sister, the jade pendant at Princess An’s mansion that day was prepared for His Highness the Eighth Highness, but it’s a pity that the princess saw it and didn’t send it out.”

"Don't..." Feng Ye frowned after hearing this, and shuddered, "I've always been afraid of this kind of woman, and I can't avoid it. You can just reject me, but don't send such a terrible person to me. Push yourself, we have some friendship anyway, don't play any tricks, I beg you."

(End of this chapter)

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