First-class daughter

Chapter 135 The Heart of Defense

Chapter 135 The Heart of Defense
Chapter 135 The Heart of Defense
Because of his appearance, the surrounding air became elegant and noble.

He sat down in front of Lian Siyue, watched her write, the smile in his eyes almost overflowed, from his perspective——

When Lian Siyue was writing, Xian Xiansu was holding the Xiangfei bamboo penholder in her hand, her head was tilted slightly, her skin was like jade, her beautiful eyes were looking forward, her eyes were like lacquer, clear and moving.

The expression on that pretty, white and greasy little face was very serious, and the long and narrow eyelashes blinked from time to time, like a small fan, stirring his heart, and the steps on the bun swayed gently with the movement of her writing. with.

The sunlight poured down quietly, falling on the two of them, there was a kind of quiet beauty that traveled through the past and present.

nice!nice!Everywhere is so beautiful!The person he likes looks good no matter how he looks at him, he really wants to just keep watching him without leaving.

A feeling of happiness suddenly rose in Feng Yunzheng's heart, and the smile on his face deepened even more.

"Cough..." Night Breeze, who was standing next to Feng Yunzheng, felt ashamed when his master looked at the eldest lady without blinking his eyes, so he coughed lightly.

He is obviously a person who is busy with everything, and halfway through the horse, he turned around and stole it, but he squeezed out this precious time to rush back, but he just sat here and watched her write without saying a word, and he still watched with such relish, Exuberant interest, as if this is the most wonderful thing in the world.

Feng Yunzheng was awakened by this light cough, straightened his sitting posture, and said, "Missy's handwriting is like a beauty's hairpin, it is very pleasing to the eye."

"The masked person who helped me at my grandmother's birthday banquet last time turned out to be His Highness the Ninth Prince." Lian Siyue didn't seem to care about his praise, and continued to imitate Wang Xizhi's body in a leisurely manner.

Feng Yunzheng couldn't help laughing, without moving his eyes away from her, he said, "You saw it again, you are so smart."

Lian Siyue continued to write, with a voice like a nightingale in the empty valley, and said, "Then, Luzhi is also a member of His Highness Ninth Prince, not His Highness Eighth."

She put down her pen, raised her eyes, and looked directly at Feng Yunzheng, only to see him lazily leaning on the chair in front of her. This man's demeanor is so beautiful, just looking at it casually, it looks like a pair of pleasing words.

"Yes, I arranged Luzhi to be by your side." Feng Yunzheng said bluntly.

"Why?" she asked.

Because I want to collect you well, place them properly, and preserve them carefully, so that you will not be surprised, you will not suffer, and you will not be wandering around, so that you have branches to rely on.

You don't have to be alone like in the previous life, looking forward to someone who will never come, as long as you want, as long as I have, I will give you everything.

In the future, I can stand side by side with you to see the prosperity of the world and the vastness of the world. Those who were too late in the previous life will come again in this life.

So, I want to do everything for you——

However, in the end, Feng Yunzheng did not express his heartfelt words, but said——

"Because we seem to have a common enemy and a common goal, so I want to ensure your safety, and I don't want to lose you... this ally." I'm afraid it will frighten people to say that kind of words suddenly now. Only this statement is the most flawless, and there is another legitimate reason to appear by her side.

Lian Siyue looked at Feng Yunzheng, she looked at him without hesitation, as if looking for some answer, and asked——

"So, to what extent does His Highness the Ninth Prince think? To kill the Fourth Highness and win the throne?" she asked.

"What about you, to what extent do you want to kill Brother Four?" He asked back——

He will do whatever she wants, and if she wants the throne, he will get it for her too.

Lian Siyue turned around and stared at the calm water surface. After a long time, a trace of murderous aura slowly overflowed from her body. She slowly clenched her fists and let the nails dig into her palms. The sound was like ice. Like a blade, each word is authentic:

"The throne, as long as Feng Qianyue is not sitting, I don't care."

"Okay, it doesn't matter, so, what about Brother Four..." he asked.

"No, I don't want him to die!

I want him to fall into hell, want him to be betrayed by the closest person, want him to suffer the most painful torture in the world, want him not to die, not to live, not like a human, not like a ghost, I want to peel his skin and beat him Gouging out his eyeballs, wanting him, wanting him..."

She was like a ruthless demon, expressing the most terrifying curse in the world with a blank face, but two lines of tears slipped down her face uncontrollably, her hands became more and more forceful, and her fingertips almost penetrated the white and tender palm.

Feng Yunzheng sensed something was wrong, raised his head suddenly, and saw her shrugging shoulders and trembling shadow, the light smile on his face disappeared.

He stood up suddenly, walked quickly in front of her, wrapped her hands with his big palms, and said softly, "Enough, enough, I know, I know everything, what you want, I will definitely I'll help you do it, okay, Yue'er, I'll help you, let go of your hand, let go...I won't allow you to hurt yourself..."

Trembling, he opened her palm, the palm had been pierced by his fingertips, the bones were almost visible, dripping with blood, it was shocking, but he didn't seem to know the pain at all!

How much she hates her to hit herself so hard!
Seeing his heart aching to death, he hastily tore off a corner of the brocade robe, carefully wrapped it up round and round for her, and then tied a knot on the back of his hand, saying, "Go back and ask Lvzhi to give you the best plaster." Tu, don't touch anything, don't..."

"Pa-ta..." A warm teardrop fell on the back of his hand, Feng Yunzheng was startled, looked up, and saw two lines of clear tears hanging on her expressionless face, that cold and heartbroken look Son--

It made him feel like he was falling into hell!
She seems to be a ruthless person, using the most ruthless means to deal with the enemy, leaving no room for the enemy to maneuver.But, who knows the pain in her heart?He knows, he knows, he knows it all!

His heart was so tight that it ached!Yue'er, Yue'er.

He raised his hand involuntarily, and wiped away the tears on her face bit by bit with his rough fingertips. He raised his other hand, trying to hold her in his arms, but in the end he put it down slowly.

"..." Feeling the strange touch on her cheek, Lian Siyue suddenly came back to her senses, she hurriedly took a step back, quickly wiped away the tears on her cheek, put away that trace of fragility in an instant, and recovered that With a stern look, she seemed to be the most ruthless woman in time again.

As if nothing had happened, she said, "Your Highness, the upcoming royal autumn hunt is a key to turning the situation around. Whether Concubine Liang can come out of the cold palace and whether you can return to the court depends on this time." , I hope this time, we will not disappoint each other!"

Seeing her return to that cold and hard look, Feng Yunzheng couldn't help but feel lost, she still didn't open her heart to him, and she was still on guard against him.

(End of this chapter)

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