First-class daughter

Chapter 1356 is true and false

Chapter 1356 is true and false
Chapter 1356 is true and false
Looking around suddenly, he was standing on the road with people coming and going, wearing a bamboo hat on his head, and the black gauze in front covered his gauze-wrapped face, no one knew who he was, and neither did he Who are these people?
His thoughts stopped abruptly.

Why is he here?

What happened to that woman...that stupid woman...that stupid woman?

He didn't know what would happen inside after the door was pushed open?But, it just stopped, everything stopped.

When the wind blew, the black veil fluttered, and a corner of his face was exposed. The child who happened to pass by saw the person under the bamboo hat, who was nothing but white, and trembled in fright, and burst into tears.

He was startled, is he a ghost?

After standing for a long time, he couldn't tell the difference between reality and dream, he turned around, and used his memory to go back the way he came and went.

After walking for a long time, they finally came to the carriage.

The drug boy leaned against the carriage and fell asleep, drooling, the adult...

He walked over and stretched out his hand to open the door of the carriage. The adult was also asleep. Hearing the sound of the carriage driving, Wu Yong stood up abruptly. When he saw the man covered in black veil, he was taken aback for a moment. Only by his clothes did he know who it was.

Wu Yong hurriedly got off the carriage, bowed and said, "You are finally back, we have been looking for you for several hours."

The drug boy woke up when he heard the voice, wiped his saliva, and hurriedly said, "You are finally back, otherwise I will be beaten to death by the master."

Wu Yong gave Yaotong a hard look, and said, "Stop talking nonsense!"

"I'm hungry," he said.

"Yes, there is an inn here. We have already booked two rooms, we will live in the rooms first, and I will ask Xiaoer to bring the food upstairs." Wu Yong said.

"Two or two drinks," he said.

"That can't be done!" Wu Yong hurriedly said, "Your face is not completely healed yet, so avoid spicy food, especially alcohol, otherwise it will cause skin ulceration, and it will be bad at that time, so you can't drink alcohol anyway. .”

"..." He listened and walked towards the inn without saying anything.

Wu Yong hit Yaotong once, and Yaotong hurried forward, led him in front, and said, "Come with me, over here."

Following Yaotong all the way into the wing room, seeing Wu Yong going to get some food, Yaotong cleaned up the room for him and said, "I beg you, please don't disappear quietly in the future. I was beaten several times by the master, it hurts me to death."

"Then you take good care of me," he said.

Upon hearing this, Yaotong said, " are not a child..."

bang bang bang...

At this time, the door of the room rang, and the drug boy quickly shut up, signaling him not to betray himself.

Wu Yong pushed open the door, behind him was a little second hand with a bland meal, and said, "Guest officer, this is your meal."

"Go down." Wu Yong drove Xiao Er away, and said to him, "There is no one else, you took off the bamboo hat, otherwise it would be inconvenient to eat."

He took off the bamboo hat, looked at the food in front of him, and asked, "What will I become in the future?"

"There's no way to predict this... humble job. When you take off the white sand cloth, you will see the outcome." Wu Yong said, in order not to look the same as other people, so he didn't make adjustments according to anyone's appearance. Relying on his own craftsmanship, he repaired every part of the face bit by bit, so he couldn't predict what it would look like in the end.

"Are you afraid that you will become particularly ugly? My master really made a person very ugly once, but that person couldn't bear it later, and he stopped communicating with the master and talked bad things about him everywhere." Yaotong saw him. With dark eyes, he blurted out.

"You stupid donkey!" Wu Yong stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, cursing, "Don't scare people."

He reached out and touched his face, and said, "I don't remember what I looked like before, I have completely forgotten it, so it doesn't matter what I look like in the future."

"Forgetting your past is a good start." Wu Yong said, "After you get it, you will have a new look. You won't feel uncomfortable, you will just feel like a newborn."

"Not all the past can be forgotten, and not all the past should be forgotten." He murmured, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

Wu Yong and Yaotong looked at each other, not knowing what he was talking about, and said, "You should rest early after eating, we have to hurry tomorrow morning."

The emperor ordered that the farther away from the capital the better, and contact him after you settle down.

"Yeah." He nodded and took the chopsticks.

The next day, before dawn, the three of them set off.

He sat in the carriage, curled up into a ball, and looked out of the window through the opened curtain of the carriage. The drug boy opposite him was holding his life-extending pill in his arms, sleeping deeply, and nodding his head non-stop.

The sky was still gray, and I couldn't see anything, only the shadows of some trees.

Occasionally, the wind blows over, the wind is very cool, blowing on people's faces, there is a kind of comfort that has not been seen for a long time.

However, he still prefers the winter wind, the piercing feeling piercing through his face, and the sharp pain, that kind of feeling is more real.

"My lord, is there any place you want to go?" Wu Yong sat in front of the carriage and asked.

Anyway, the emperor didn't specify a place, he only said that the farther away from the capital the better.

"Where I want to go..." His eyes became distant, and he said, "I want to go back to the past, is it possible?"

"In the past?" Wu Yong was stunned for a moment, and said, "My lord, you should tell me a place you can go to."

"So, it's a place you can go, not a place you want to go..." he said, with a bitter smile on his lips.

"Yes, people can't do whatever they want, but they can do whatever they can," Wu Yong said.

"Qizhou," he said.

I heard that it was his mother's hometown.

"Qizhou?" Wu Yong nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go to Qizhou! Drive! Drive! Drive!" He swung his whip, lashed the horse's back vigorously, and the horse's hoof was raised high, galloping away forward.

He put down the curtain of the carriage, lay down on the tiger skin, hugged his body with both hands, and slowly closed his eyes.

He seemed to hear crying, coughing, and some miscellaneous sounds that gave him a headache.

Opening his eyes occasionally, he didn't know where and when he was. Sometimes he felt that everything was true, and sometimes he felt that everything was false.

When reaching out to touch a certain face, that face will disappear like a flower in a mirror, and it will disappear in an instant. Sometimes it is my own face, and that face will also disappear.

He didn't know which world he was living in.

(End of this chapter)

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