First-class daughter

Chapter 137 A Big Misunderstanding

Chapter 137 A Big Misunderstanding
Chapter 137 A Big Misunderstanding
At this moment, she didn't have the trace of hostility in her body that would bark her teeth and claws in front of him, like an innocent and romantic child, working hard to save a bird.

And her hand, which seemed to be injured, was bandaged with a piece of white cloth——

There was a meaningful half-smile on his face.

"Your Highness..." Ying Kong called out, and His Highness said that he came here today to find a concubine.

"..." However, Feng Qianyue raised his hand, and Ying Kong retreated quietly.

Feng Qianyue looked at Lian Siyue, and walked over step by step——

Lian Siyue was trying to stand on tiptoe to put the bird's nest up, when she heard footsteps behind her, she was stunned, and was about to turn around, but saw a hand stretched out from the top of her head, holding her The bird's nest was taken away, and it was easily put back on the branch.

Lian Siyue turned around abruptly, only to see Feng Qianyue standing in front of her, wearing a purple brocade robe, wrapping his tall body, and wearing a piece of jade around his waist.

The smile on her face disappeared immediately, this is really a narrow road to the enemy!
"What are you doing here?" Her face was expressionless, her tone was not kind, and she even omitted the basic honorific title.

Feng Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect Lian Siyue to shake his face directly in front of the servant, the slight smile on his lips disappeared immediately, and he said calmly——

"Last time at Mrs. Lian's birthday banquet, I saw how the eldest lady killed her relatives with her hands. Today, I heard that the eldest lady sent her concubine sister to the temple. Be compassionate."

Heh, what he meant was, would she, such a vicious and brutal person like Siyue, actually save a bird?
When it comes to ferocity and cruelty, who can compare with Feng Qianyue?Once, his slight smile could make her fall in love with her, and he said, "Siyue, thank you for your hard work." Holding her hand and kneading it in his palm, she felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

But who knew, what he was staring at was obviously Lian Shiya.

And now-

She really thinks he is the most disgusting man in the world, she really doesn't know how her eyes became so blind back then!
Lian Siyue's lips curved slowly, revealing an indifferent smile, and said coldly:
"Whoever said I wanted to save it, I didn't have such a good intention. I put it back in the bird's nest because it's still too small and didn't even spit out the bones when I ate it, so I put it back. Let its mother raise it for me, and when it has more meat, I peel it off, put it in boiling water and cook it, the meat is tender and tender, it must be delicious.”

"..." When Qing Dai and Jiang Xiang heard that their eldest lady said such words to the Fourth Highness, their faces turned pale from nervousness. What happened to the always calm eldest lady?
And Feng Qianyue's expression also froze, he felt as if he was being tricked by her on purpose, and when he thought of Princess An's birthday banquet, a feeling of displeasure rushed into his heart——

"Are you trying to provoke me on purpose?" He frowned, staring at her closely and asked, this Lian Siyue always has the ability to stir up his hidden deep feelings.

"The Fourth Highness thinks too much, I usually talk like this, besides, the Fourth Highness is high above us, it's not what ordinary people like us can hope for, so why do you deliberately provoke me?" When he was speaking, Lian Siyue's eyes looked away , with a sense of carelessness.

"Look at me! Don't avoid it!" Feng Qianyue suddenly felt very annoyed. He really couldn't bear this woman's seeming disdain for him.

looking at him?Lian Siyue's heart trembled suddenly, did he know how much effort she had to endure to not kill him on the spot?He wants her to look at him?
She turned her head slowly, her eyes finally met his, she clenched her hands secretly, and all her thoughts finally turned into a faint look.

With a contemptuous arc on her lips, she said, "The Fourth Highness came to the prime minister's residence to find my father, so I won't delay you."

As she spoke, she walked past him expressionlessly.

"Stop!" He held her tightly, using strength that could almost break her wrist, and said coldly to the rest of the people, "Stand back, all of you!"

"Kacha..." The cold eyebrows behind her exuded a murderous aura, and her slightly squinted eyes revealed a dangerous aura. If Feng Qianyue made another rash move, she would stab the sharpest knife point in her sleeve into his heart. .

His Royal Highness said that the safety of the eldest lady must be guaranteed, so even if the other party is a prince, as long as the eldest lady is hurt, she will kill the other party without hesitation!
"You go down first." Sensing Leng Mei's intention, Lian Siyue ordered in a low voice, enduring her strong disgust at Feng Qianyue touching her.

"Yes." Looking at Feng Qianyue with cold eyebrows, he quietly hid the hidden weapon in his sleeve, and slowly retreated to a range that was enough to ensure the safety of Lian Siyue. Several maids and wives who were close to him also lowered their heads , and left apprehensively.

Under the hibiscus, the breeze blew, the petals fell, and there was no sound, the two looked at each other——

What he was looking at was this life, what she was looking at was the past life.

"What shady things have you done in the dark?" he asked, his voice as if from hell, and he had an intuition that his recent disintegration had something to do with her.

"I've done a lot of shameful things, I don't know what kind of things the Fourth Highness is talking about?" Lian Siyue looked at him calmly, looked at him who seemed to be a little out of breath, and asked with a slightly tilted head.

Feng Qianyue's eyes overflowed with a dangerous breath, and said, "You know it very well!"

Lian Siyue smiled sweetly and gently, without any flaws, "Your Highness is really joking, I am a woman in the inner house, I don't go out of the door all day long, and I am not very familiar with His Highness, how could I Knowing about your business, His Royal Highness wants to find someone to settle accounts, did he find the wrong person?"

Her smile was as sweet as honey, and her eyes were as innocent as a newborn baby.

When the wind blew, Feng Qianyue was suddenly confused. He even felt for a moment that he had made a mistake in his judgment and misunderstood the person in front of him.

Is it...

She was always full of thorns for him, and for other reasons.

"Fourth Highness, are you okay? If it's okay, I should go." Even Siyue didn't want to stay any longer.

"Wait!" He called her again.

"What else is there?" Lian Siyue endured the disgust in her heart, and said in an annoyed manner.

Feng Qianyue paced in front of her, looking at her with probing eyes——

"From the first time we met in the Prime Minister's Mansion, you tried your best to attract my king's attention, and every time, you tried your best to make fun of me.

However, I regret to tell you that what I like are gentle and quiet women, like your third sister, not sharp and fierce people like you, so don't waste your efforts, no matter what, I Will not look at you more. "Feng Qianyue also looked at her with disdain, as if she was a pile of dirt, too much to look at.

(End of this chapter)

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