First-class daughter

Chapter 1385 Feng Yu

Chapter 1385 Feng Yu
Chapter 1385 Feng Yu
"You?" The Empress Dowager looked at Lian Siyue suspiciously, "However, there has never been a precedent for women to dispatch troops and generals in the Great Zhou Dynasty."

"Empress Dowager, which is more important, life or precedent? If my daughter-in-law's guess is correct, His Royal Highness's soldiers and horses have already begun to encircle and attack from outside the Zhengyang Gate. If we hesitate, we will all die in the palace. Then History has been distorted and rewritten by the victors, perhaps, the empress dowager will be described by the historian as a person who will bring disaster to the country and the people, and Princess An will be described as a licentious person..." Lian Siyue said.

"Mother, there is no time to hesitate. If it wasn't for Siyue's vigilance just now, my mother would have died. Now Siyue and I were arrested as murderers and beheaded for public display." Princess An immediately said beside her.

"Empress Dowager, otherwise, we really won't be able to get out!"

"...Okay." The queen mother took out the tiger talisman, handed it to Lian Siyue, and said, "The Ai family will give you this tiger talisman, I hope you will not disappoint the Ai family."

Lian Siyue knelt down, got the tiger talisman, and said, "Siyue, since she has taken the tiger talisman, will definitely live up to her trust!"

Holding the tiger amulet in her hand, she walked to the center of the hall and said to the sunflower, "I order you to run out of Shouning Palace, shouting as you run, the empress dowager is dead, the empress dowager is dead, it's Princess An and Princess Heng of!"

"She..." The queen mother was taken aback when she heard that Lian Siyue gave Sunflower such an order!
"Queen Mother, let her come!" Princess An immediately held the Queen Mother's hand.

Just now Lian Siyue's vigilance and decisiveness saved her and the queen mother, she saw the natural courage in this junior, and she believed in her decision-making.

"Yes, yes." Sunflower was ordered, not daring to be negligent, and ran out of Shouning Hall, shouting as she ran.

"Empress Dowager, let the remaining maidservants cry loudly at the gate of the palace. The sadder the crying, the better."

Immediately afterwards, Lian Siyue left Qingdai and Nanny Tai to take care of the Empress Dowager and Princess An, while she held the Tiger Talisman tightly and quickly walked out from the back door of Shouning Hall.

"It's bad! It's bad! The Empress Dowager is dead! It was Princess Hengqin and Princess An who killed the Empress Dowager!" Sunflower's voice resounded in the palace like thunder on the ground.

When it was reported to Rongyuan Hall, everyone was shocked, the Queen Mother died?Was Princess Heng and Lian Siyue poisoned to death?

This... how is this possible?

Ling Yue'er's face turned pale for a while, and her body tilted, what's going on?

She looked at Feng Ye suddenly, only to see Feng Ye kneeling on the ground, without a trace of emotion on his face, quietly, as if he had already foreseen this scene.

"The Empress Dowager is dead, Wang Momo was stabbed to death, and Baohua died. It was the hands of Princess Heng and Princess An who frightened her." Sunflower ran into the Hall of Rongyuan like crazy, and fell to her knees with a plop. On the ground, he said loudly, "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, the Empress Dowager is dead!"


At this time, the Queen came out from the hall and said sharply, "You dog slave! Princess An Guo is the Queen Mother's biological daughter, and their mother and daughter have a deep relationship. How could Princess An Guo poison the Queen Mother? How could Princess Hengqin, who just became a mother, will commit such a heinous crime!"

"It's true, it's true, servants dare not lie, they fed poison to the Queen Mother..." Sunflower knelt on the ground and said loudly.

"Come here!" At this time, Feng Ye slowly stood up from the ground, his face was expressionless, and his wet hair exuded an icy air.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" At this moment, Han Shan of the Ministry of War held a military talisman and led the troops to quickly run into the Rongyuan Hall, knelt on the ground, and shouted.


Lingyue looked around, and there were already people from the Eighth Highness, and they were all surrounded!

I saw that Feng Ye walked under the gate of Rongyuan Hall, and slowly glanced at Feng Degui, Feng Degui was covered in cold sweat.

And the rest of the people were all watching, without letting out a breath.

Before a conclusion is reached, before there is no victory or defeat, no one will easily stand in line. If they stand wrongly, their heads will be lost.

Feng Ye stretched out his hand, took the jade seal from him, put it in his hand and looked at it, with a wicked smile on his face, then ordered with a dark expression:

"Lord Han, you should immediately lead the forbidden army to the Shouning Hall to capture Princess An and Princess Heng, and arrest them for framing the Empress Dowager. If you disobey, you will be shot!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Han Shang immediately led some of the forbidden troops to Shouning Hall.

"No, you are not yet the emperor!" Lingyue stood up and said loudly, "My mother said that there are two edicts in total, and if the two edicts appear at the same time, the succession of the Eighth Highness to the throne is justified! Otherwise, the name It’s not right and it’s not smooth, it’s really not convincing.”

As soon as Lingyue said this, there was an uproar at the scene.

"That's right! What Princess Guchun said is right. I am the queen. No one can ascend to the throne until I see Jiang Keji again." The empress sternly said, "Anyone who disobeys will be regarded as violating the emperor's last words! The crime of treason will be punished!"

"Heh." Feng Ye sneered, looked at Ling Yue with a pair of icy eyes, and said, "Isn't this a lie fabricated by Princess An in order to prevent this king from ascending the throne?"

"No, mother won't fabricate such a lie!" Lingyue said loudly.

Feng Ye slowly turned his head, looked at Feng Degui, and said, "Eunuch Feng, did the Emperor say such things to Princess An?"

"She, she..."

"As the chief eunuch, you have been by the father's side for decades. I think you should know better than anyone whether the emperor will entrust such important matters to Princess An! Tell me, has Princess An ever been educated by the emperor? Such a heavy trust?" Feng Ye stretched out his hand, squeezed Feng Degui's throat, and asked.

"Emperor, Your Majesty, he..." In fact, Emperor Zhou Cheng did not give Princess Anguo such a high trust, it was an expedient measure to prevent His Highness the Eighth Prince from ascending the throne.

Under the gaze of Feng Ye's eyes, Feng Degui couldn't say anything.

"Bold slave, dare to collude with Princess An to prevent His Highness the Eighth Highness from enthroning, and say, who ordered you?" At this time, another voice sounded at the entrance of Rongyuan Hall.

The crowd looked back.

Feng Ye was also slightly taken aback, "Brother Liu Wang?"

The person who came in was Feng Yu, and according to everyone's understanding, he also always loved traveling, poetry and singing. Although he was close to the Eighth Prince Feng Ye, he rarely participated in government affairs.

Feng Yu walked up to Feng Ye's voice, glanced at him indifferently, then looked at Feng Degui coldly, and said, "You son of a bitch, how dare you disregard the imperial father's will, you should be killed!"

Suddenly, his subordinates pulled out the sword from the waist of the guard with a swipe, and slashed across Feng Degui's neck fiercely.

He heard a muffled groan, and the blood on his neck splashed everywhere, and everyone around avoided him, and he fell to the ground, motionless.

Feng Yu raised the long sword in his hand, and the blood on the sword fell drop by drop, and landed on his brocade robe. Against the background of the blood, his beautiful and handsome face exuded a coquettish air.

"Whoever dares to prevent His Highness the Eighth Prince from enthroning, I will kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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