First-class daughter

Chapter 1387 How could...

Chapter 1387 How could...

Chapter 1387 How could...

Princess Heng exudes a natural aura all over her body, which is not inferior to that of a man.

And these soldiers were all wearing iron armor, and followed behind Lian Siyue expressionlessly, holding sharp knives, with a frightening cold light shining on the blade.

Han Shan understood that this was a trick of "catch the turtle in the urn"!He tightened his grip on the sword, and sweat began to break out on his forehead. It seemed that a gap had been opened in His Highness's plan. Will he be able to ascend the throne smoothly?

Now that the Queen Mother is doing well, there is absolutely no reason to kill Princess An and Princess Heng.

A cunning flashed in his eyes, and he quickly knelt down on his knees, kowtowed, and said, "Empress Dowager, this is all a misunderstanding, because your maid in the palace said something happened to you, so the servant hurried here with the soldiers, It turned out that it was all a misunderstanding, the Empress Dowager is in good health, so I can rest assured."

"Han Shan, it's late!" Lian Siyue said coldly, and then gave an order, "Come here, take down the traitor Han Shan, and execute the law on the spot!"

"Yes, princess!" The Iron Armored Army quickly stepped forward, took down Han Shan and his subordinates, raised the knife in his hand high, and with a bang, blood splashed everywhere, and Han Shan's head fell to the ground immediately, with a pair of bulging eyes , the head rolled all the way to the center of the hall.

The queen mother turned her face away, a feeling of dizziness hit her, and she quickly held Princess An's hand.

Lian Siyue picked up a blood-stained sword from the ground, and said, "Princess, I leave this to you, and I have to rescue Yun Zheng."

"Wait!" An Guo Princess shouted.

"Princess?" Lian Siyue turned around.

Princess An Guo took out a whistle-like thing from her waist, and said, "This princess is using this whistle to gather my 'An Guo Army'. When you go outside, use this rhythm three times in an open place, and then You can gather the 'An Guojun' all over the imperial city and let them listen to your orders. Feng Ye had planned this time, I'm afraid these troops in the palace can't resist enough, it's time for the Anguo Army to play a role .”

It turned out that there was a legend that Princess An Guo had a secret organization. The members of the organization never got together, but were distributed all over the capital like spider webs. If you understand the signal, you will move your whole body with a single hair, and will gather at the place where Princess An needs it as quickly as possible.

This legend is true!
And now, Princess An Guo handed over such an important token to Lian Siyue.

"Princess, Siyue will fulfill her mission!" Lian Siyue took the whistle, turned around, and walked out.

"Siyue, be careful!" Princess An exhorted.

"Yes, princess, I'll see you in Rongyuan Hall." Lian Siyue turned and left resolutely.

Princess An Guo looked solemn, walked to the front, pulled a long sword from the waist of the guard at the side, and said sharply, "My Princess An Guo has been guarding the emperor since he ascended the throne. I have gone through ups and downs and have never been afraid. Today, the emperor passed away. , the eighth prince, Feng Ye, intends to disobey the holy will, this princess swears to the death to protect the emperor and the Great Zhou! Please obey the order! Swear to the death to protect the Shouning Palace and the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

"Yes, princess!" All the soldiers knelt down and said.


Zhengyang gate.

Feng Yunzheng squinted his deep eyes slightly, and looked around, only to see the black imperial guards surrounded him, holding a gleaming knife in his hand, full of murderous aura.

Wu Qiao moved her steps, stood in front of Feng Yunzheng, and looked around vigilantly.

Yin Huai, who was at the front, shook the sword in his hand and listened to His Highness Eighth Highness's order. Thousands of forbidden troops had already ambushed around, and when the time came, whoever broke through this palace gate would be killed!
And now, the person who appeared in front of this palace gate was His Highness Nine, so it was time to take His Highness Nine's head.

Facing the dense crowd, Feng Yunzheng remained expressionless, looking at the soldiers around him with cold eyes, and suddenly, he smiled softly.

This smile, on the contrary, made the soldiers surrounding him take two steps back, not daring to attack easily.

"Yin Huai, are you sure you want to kill this king and help your master ascend the throne?" Feng Yunzheng asked, with a look of coldness in his eyes.

Yin Huai shook the hilt of the sword in his hand and said, "It is the emperor's holy will that His Highness the Eighth Highness ascends the throne, and it is clearly written in the will that it is His Highness Ninth and you who intend to obstruct His Highness's smooth ascension to the throne."

"Oh? Really?" Feng Yunzheng shook his head with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and said, "This king always thought that the eighth brother was superior, but he didn't expect that the food is so ugly, he killed his father for the sake of the throne, and now he is going to kill himself Brother, you are really insane!"

"Those who obstruct His Highness's ascension to the throne, kill!" Yin Huai remembered His Highness's order, raised his long sword, and gave an order.

There are still 30 troops waiting outside the city, and they will enter the imperial city as soon as the Eighth Highness gives an order. No one here will survive!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Immediately, there was a loud shout in the team, and thousands of imperial guards approached Feng Yunzheng step by step.

"Heh." However, Feng Yunzheng didn't panic, instead a smile appeared on his face.

"Who dares!" At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, countless arrow feathers flew from mid-air. Immediately, the soldiers surrounding Feng Yunzheng were hit by arrows one after another, and fell down in an instant. There was commotion in the original formation, and there were wailing
Yin Huai's complexion changed drastically, and he turned around suddenly, only to see countless guards in black and silver vests standing around the palace wall and on the wall, wearing silver armor on their heads, only showing a pair of deep eyes, but there was no See this talker.

who is it?

"This is..." Yin Huai's complexion changed drastically. This is a silver armored warrior widely rumored in Beijing. It is said that these people have gone through countless battles, come and go without a trace.

How did they... suddenly appear?
There was a commotion in the imperial guards led by him.

"Don't move! The Eighth Prince's succession is justified. We are now protecting the new emperor and doing great things for thousands of years. Today, we must take down these rebels in one fell swoop and execute the law on the spot!" Yin Huai said loudly.

"With you? With these forbidden troops?"

At this time, one of the pair of silver-armored warriors divided into two rows to make way for a path. The man in the blue brocade robe was standing in front of the high gate with his back to the crowd.

Although it was shown from the back, that handsome and cold figure exuded a powerful aura, which made people feel fearful and dare not make mistakes.

"This is..." Yin Huai's heart trembled.

After a while, the brocade-robed man turned around slowly and faced the crowd with a cold expression on his face. His eyes were like sharp swords and ice, which sent a deep chill down the spine.

Yin Huai took a deep breath, and a look of disbelief flashed across his eyes, how could it be...

(End of this chapter)

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