First-class daughter

Chapter 1427 accompany you

Chapter 1427 accompany you

Chapter 1427 accompany you

Ling Yue looked at him, and he said hastily, "Don't you believe it? I can swear it."

"No." Ling Yue quickly put out her hand to cover his mouth, and said, "I believe it, don't swear."

Feng Jue smiled, pulled her into his arms, hugged her gently, and said, "Wait for me."

"Okay." Ling Yue said sweetly, "Mother has already returned to the princess mansion, and I will go back later, Your Majesty, take good care of yourself."

"Okay!" Feng Jue nodded and said, "I will wait for my imperial edict at home tomorrow."

Shouning Palace.

"What..." The Empress Dowager opened her eyes suddenly, and saw several women kneeling in front of her, crying, "You said the emperor sent you all away?"

"Yes, the empress dowager was kicked out without even seeing the emperor's face."

"How can this be good? Since we have been selected into the palace, we are the emperor's women. The emperor doesn't want us, but no one dares to marry us."

"Empress Dowager, you have to decide for us."

As a few people spoke, they began to cry and cry, so miserable.

The Empress Dowager said with a sullen face, "You all get up, the Ai family will go to the emperor and explain clearly, how can the emperor not have a female escort by his side!"

"The emperor is here!" At this moment, an announcement came from outside.

The Empress Dowager sat up again, and said in a deep voice, "It's just in time, the Ai family is looking for him!"

Just as she was speaking, Feng Jue walked in, and the women looked at her, wiped away the tears on their faces, and greeted him with what they thought was beautiful.Seeing the emperor's handsome appearance, several people felt a little deer in their hearts.

"Imperial Grandmother." Feng Jue nodded slightly and said.

"You came at a good time. Aijia heard that you sent back all the maids that Aijia prepared for you. Aijia was about to ask you, what do you think? Do you have any opinions on Aijia?" The empress dowager's complexion didn't look very good.

Feng Jue glanced at the woman kneeling on the ground indifferently, and said, "I came here to talk to the Empress Dowager about this matter, my father died only two months ago, and I have only been in power for a short time, I don't want to delay Yu female, I just want to take care of the government wholeheartedly and live up to my father's expectations, so I ask the empress dowager to be considerate, and don't spend any more time on this matter for me in the future, I know what I want .”

Feng Jue used the death of Emperor Zhou Cheng and his busy schedule as an excuse, which made the Empress Dowager speechless, and the women felt even more hopeless after hearing this.

"I still have memorials to review, so I'll take my leave first, and the Empress Dowager takes care of her health." After speaking, Feng Jue didn't stay any longer, and left in a hurry.

"You..." The Empress Dowager suddenly came back to her senses after he had gone out.

"Empress Dowager, what should we do?" The women didn't expect the emperor to be so self-sufficient in women's sex, and they all cried sadly.

"Okay, don't cry people, those who cry will panic!" The Empress Dowager said sharply, and several people stopped crying one by one.

"Why is it for court affairs, for the late emperor, and not for a woman. Yunzheng only has one concubine. As an emperor, how could you only want a woman!" The Empress Dowager said coldly.

When going to court the next day, Feng Jue announced that she would marry Princess Guchun of Princess Anguo's mansion as the queen.

Suddenly, the hopes of many people were dashed.Especially Duke Feng's residence, originally thought that because of Concubine Feng's relationship, Pingting in his family had hope to enter the harem, but the emperor suddenly announced Princess Guchun from Princess An's family as the candidate for queen without any rumors.

Now, what Feng Guogong and Feng Taifei can look forward to is the position of a noble concubine.

It is said that when Feng Pingting heard about this incident, she cried and told her grandfather that Lian Yue was not qualified to be a queen at all, and that she was indiscreet in her private life.

Feng Guogong quickly covered her mouth, and said, "It's fine if you don't want your life, but don't implicate your family and Concubine Feng. Don't say such things again."

Mrs. Feng comforted, "Pingting'er, don't despair too much. Let's look at Empress Duanwen and the current Empress Dowager. Who will have the last laugh? There is still a chance to enter the palace as a concubine, as long as you enter the palace, everything is possible."

Feng Pingting calmed down after hearing this, and said, "Grandmother said that I still have hope, and I just wait for the emperor to get married and become a concubine. At that time, I will let the emperor find out that I am good, and compare the queen to me." go down!"

"That's right, so, don't cry, it would be embarrassing to spread it. Read the Four Books and Five Classics carefully, practice the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and wait slowly. Life is long, don't rush for a while." Mrs. Feng told Sun The daughter hugged her and said.

When Feng Jue returned to the Rongyuan Hall, His Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng was waiting outside the hall. Seeing him, he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, you are back."

"I went to the Empress Dowager's side." Feng Jue said, and walked into the hall with Feng Yunzheng.

"I heard that the empress dowager chose some women for the emperor." Feng Yunzheng said.

Feng Jue frowned, and said, "Such things will surely continue in the future. Everyone in the world thinks that the emperor should have three palaces and six courtyards, three thousand beauties, but I only want one person."

There is sadness between his brows.

Feng Yunzheng understands that for Feng Jue, the throne is also a shackle, and for women, he needs to fight wits and courage.

"Your Majesty, I have always believed in the truth. As long as your Majesty and Lingyue are willing and loyal to each other, nothing can truly destroy you." Feng Yunzheng said.

After hearing this, Feng Jue's brows gradually relaxed, and she vowed, "I must be sincere to my woman."

Feng Yunzheng nodded, and then went, "Your Majesty, I came here to discuss something with the Emperor."

"Brother Wang, tell me." Feng Jue sat down on the dragon seat.

"Does your majesty still remember Feng Qianyue and Xiao Rou's child?" Feng Yunzheng said.

Feng Jue nodded and said, "Remember, when you brought him back from Khitan, Brother Wang, you found someone to take him and said that you would let him recognize his ancestors and return to his clan at the right time."

"I think, now is the time to bring him back. After all, it's not good for the royal blood to be outside." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Brother Wang's thinking is very reasonable, so bring him back to the palace and arrange suitable people to raise him. However, I want to change his name and let him start all over again." Feng Jue said.

Changed name again?Didn't you change Feng Ren Fang?Does the emperor think this name is not good?Feng Yunzheng said silently in his heart, but still said in his mouth, "Then please give me a name from the emperor."

Feng Jue thought for a while, and said, "Feng Shiyan, let's call him Feng Shiyan."

"Yes, this name is very good." Feng Yunzheng nodded slightly and said.

A smile appeared on Feng Jue's face, and he said, "I hope he grows up and knows how much pains you, Brother Wang, have taken to prevent him from repeating his biological father's mistakes."

"Don't forget the name the emperor personally gave him." Feng Jue said.

"One more thing..." Feng Yunzheng said with his eyes lightened.

"What else is there?" Feng Jue asked.

"Now that the emperor has been in charge for a while, the four sides have surrendered, and the minister and Yue'er are also relieved, so they are ready to leave." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Leave?" Feng Jue was stunned for a moment, reluctant to give up, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Mobei Xiongnu." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Mobei Xiongnu?" Feng Jue was taken aback, and said, "Why would you think of going there?"

"Find someone." A person who may not exist at all, but in order to fulfill Siyue's wish, he must accompany her through this journey.

"Looking for someone?" Feng Jue's eyes revealed a puzzled look, "Do you know anyone in Mobei? In my impression, you have nothing to do with the Huns in Mobei."

"She is a very important person to us. She went to the Huns a long, long time ago. Now we really want to find her back. If we find her, we will bring her back to the emperor. I think the emperor will also I will like her very much." Feng Yunzheng said, if you talk about Le Yan, Feng Jue can't understand anyway.

Looking for a person from a previous life is absurd in the eyes of others, but because Yue'er has concerns in her heart, she wants to fulfill her wish.

"Since it is the person you and your sister care about so much, it must be a very important person. Go find it, but I very much hope that you can come back in half a year to participate in my wedding with Ling Yue'er. The most important thing in our lives At important moments, I really hope that the most important person is by my side." Feng Jue said earnestly.

"Okay, see you in half a year, it's a deal." Feng Yunzheng said.

Half a year, almost!

"Okay, see you in half a year!" Feng Jue stretched out his hand and made a fist with him.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lingyue looked at Lian Siyue in surprise, "You and Brother Jiu are going to Mobei?"

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Now, you have Princess Anguo as your backer, and my sister can rest assured. In the next six months, you have to be more diligent. It's not easy to be a queen."

"I will, sister don't worry, it's just that you guys are doing well, why did you go to a place like Mobei?" Ling Yue was very puzzled.

"Look for someone." Lian Siyue explained to Lingyue like Feng Yunzheng.

"There is still someone in this world who you care about so much. I really want to see her. I hope you will have a smooth trip and find her." Ling Yue said.

"Of course I hope to find her..." It's just...

After rebirth, Lian Siyue has never been so unsure about one thing, Le Yan'er, will she appear like in a dream?

He couldn't let go of Le Yan, and of course he was also reluctant to part with Cheng Jun and Wan Jun. They were still young, so naturally they couldn't run around together, so they decided to send them to Changchun Palace to be looked after by the Queen Mother.

In the room, Lian Siyue asked the nurses and maids to clean up all the clothes and so on that the two brothers and sisters would use in the past six months, and she was relieved after looking over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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