First-class daughter

Chapter 143 Play Slowly

Chapter 143 Play Slowly
Chapter 143 Play Slowly
Aunt Xiao closed her eyes, calmed down, wiped the sweat off her forehead with a handkerchief, a flattering and flattering smile appeared on her face, she walked around the curtain with her head down, she saw Lian Siyue at a glance, Lian Siyue Wan Yin, Lian Shengru, and Lian Huitong from the fourth room were all there, and everyone was smiling with flushed faces.

The expression on Aunt Xiao's face froze for a moment, and then she called out in a clear voice:

"Old lady..."

Lian's mother was sitting on the red sandalwood chair carved by Qingluan Peony Group, holding a bowl of pear soup in her hand, without even raising her eyelids, she said coldly, "When I come, I come here, what a fuss, it's so noisy pain."

"..." The expression on Aunt Xiao's face suddenly froze. Being watched by so many people, she couldn't smile or not. She could only stand there in embarrassment, unable to say a word.

"You're not staying in the West Courtyard, what are you doing here?" After Lian Siyue waited on her and finished half a bowl of pear soup, Lian's mother finally raised her head and asked indifferently.

Aunt Xiao looked at the people present, with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Lian Siyue put the bowl back on the tray, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, got up and said, "Grandmother, it's getting late, my fourth sister, seventh younger sister, and ninth younger sister should go too, please rest. "

Mother Lian showed a loving smile on her face, and said, "I really enjoyed playing with the flower lottery today, and I will call your mother to play together some other day."

"Yes, mother must be very happy." Lian Siyue also smiled, and then led a group of sisters out together. When passing by Aunt Xiao, the corners of her lips raised slightly, showing a faint smile Passing by, Aunt Xiao only felt that her body was split into two halves by the cold blade, her whole body shivered, and her heart felt cold for a while.

After everyone left, Mother Lian finally looked at Aunt Xiao and said, "I heard you went back to Xiao's house?"

Aunt Xiao hurriedly opened the exquisite and luxurious wooden box in her hand, only to see a huge and bright night pearl inside, full of color and luster, bright as bright, it is priceless at first glance.

Mother Lian pursed her lips and said nothing, with no expression on her face.

"Old lady, my sister-in-law entrusted me to bring it back. She said that my brother got such a rare 'water drop' in Daliao with great effort a few days ago, and I immediately thought of dedicating it to you. Brother said that such a rare thing can only be worthy of you if you have good luck, so he sent someone to send it back from thousands of miles away, and let me bring it back today while I was going back to my mother's house, and gave it to the old lady."

As Aunt Xiao said, she respectfully held the pearl and placed it on the desk.

"Nothing to be courteous, are you going to exchange this bead for the third girl?" Unexpectedly, even the mother didn't even look at the "water bead", and asked indifferently and directly.

"...This..." Aunt Xiao was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect Lian's mother to be so straight-forward, that she didn't even have the patience to deal with her.

"I'm tired, and I don't want to flirt with you any more. If you have something to say, just speak up. You go back to Xiao's house and use such a bead to suppress me, isn't it just to force me to release the third girl?

Aunt Xiao bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and begged, "Old lady, I have made thousands of mistakes, all of which are the faults of this concubine, I beg you to show mercy and forgive Miss San this time.

To be honest, the concubine was really worried today, so she secretly went to the ancestral temple to have a look, the third lady... she doesn't look like a whole person now, there is no one to take care of her, the wound on her body hasn't healed well, her face The scar on her face hasn't completely disappeared, and I don't have enough food and sleep well every day. I'm worried... I'm really worried that she will be like Miss Fifth back then. "

As Aunt Xiao said, she secretly raised her eyes to look at Mother Lian. Sure enough, when she heard the word Fifth Miss, the expression on Mother Lian's face suddenly changed, and an indescribable pain flashed in her originally indifferent eyes.

Aunt Xiao continued, "Old lady, I'm fine, but the third lady is always the flesh and blood of the Lian family. What should I do if something goes wrong? When I passed by today, the third lady said that she should never let her grandmother down." I will never dare to look forward to it again, only the old lady will spare me this time."

"Did you use this kind of tactic to deal with Yanqing again and again?" Lianmu interrupted her coldly, clenched the back of the chair, and said.

"I...I didn't dare to intercede with the master this time, I only hope that the old lady will be large." Aunt Xiao knew that Lian Qing was extremely disappointed in her this time, and she hadn't mentioned her in these days, but several times Went to the Fu'an Courtyard.

"Then I'll reply you here, don't waste your time in vain, the mistake you and the third girl made cannot be easily forgiven, and I will not let her out!" Lian's mother is determined to severely punish Lian this time. Shiya is in the end.

Aunt Xiao didn't expect Lian's mother to be so resolute. When she thought of Lian Shiya's pitiful appearance, she was afraid that her body and face would be crippled, so she no longer wanted to respect sister-in-law's advice, so she was ruthless and said:

"Old lady, you know that my brother has always loved Miss San, his only niece, and he would not feel at ease if he knew that Miss San was suffering at home when he was fighting outside."

Lian's mother was furious when she heard this, she slapped the back of the chair with her palm, and even the jade wrench on her thumb fell out——

"Don't threaten me with Xiao Zhenhai. He was ordered by the emperor to fight outside, but he is in charge of the affairs of my prime minister's back house. If the emperor finds out, who will be punished!"

As she said that, she picked up the priceless Ye Mingzhu, forcefully stuffed it back into Aunt Xiao's hand, and said, "I didn't drive you out of the Prime Minister's mansion, but I gave Xiao Zhenhai great face. Take it back, I can't bear it! From now on, you just stay in the west courtyard, you don't need to ask about Ya'er's affairs, I can arrange it freely!"


Aunt Xiao was shocked, hearing what the old lady meant, was she going to separate her from Ya'er?
"Old lady, the concubine made a mistake, it's all the concubine's fault..."

But Mother Lian no longer had the patience to listen any longer, and ordered in a cold voice, "Nurse Song, send her out! From now on, without my permission, don't step into Qing'an Courtyard again!"

In the end, Aunt Xiao spent a priceless and rare Ye Mingzhu to please Lian's mother, but in the end she didn't even get a single word of kindness.

However, when she walked out of Qing'an Courtyard, there was a mysterious smile on her face——

She had expected it a long time ago, maybe Lian's mother would not forgive her and Lian Shiya easily, so on the way back from Xiao's house to Lianfu, she secretly went to Hongluo Nunnery and asked Mrs. Mo An, the host, to say If it took an hour.

When the first empress dowager was framed by concubines in the palace, she was forced to go to Hongluo nunnery to become a monk for several years.

After the former Empress Dowager returned to the palace, in order to commemorate Hongluo Nunnery, she personally presided over the construction of the nunnery, which made Hongluo Nunnery the most famous place for Qingxiu.

(End of this chapter)

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