Chapter 1437
Chapter 1437
Knowing his intentions with cold eyebrows, she gritted her teeth and pulled her hand out of his palm.

"Xiaomei!" Night Breeze hugged her tightly, tightly, tightly, "Be careful, I love you!"

As he spoke, tears rolled down his eyes.

There was moisture in the cold eyebrows.

They each seem to foresee a grand, inevitable disaster and goodbye!
Leng Mei suddenly held Ye Feng's face, kissed his lips, and then let go. Without any nostalgia, he resolutely jumped out of the carriage and ran towards Lian Siyue!

Night Breeze stretched out his hand, and finally took it back, and jumped off the carriage from the other side to protect his master.

Xiaomei, you must take care, we will meet again!We'll all be fine!
The other carriage also fell over, and soon the carriage was covered with dust, and Dong Shen was crushed under the carriage.

"Dong Shen!" Master Ye turned over immediately and tried hard to push the carriage away, but the dust was getting bigger and bigger, and Master Ye's body was about to float up.

The strong wind roared in mid-air, dust particles and sand were rolled up, and strands of sand and dust went deep into the sky, forming a larger black storm belt.

"Ah..." The dust swooped down from the sky and finally covered everyone. The carriage and trees were all buried in the sand.

Lian Siyue only felt that she had fallen into a huge vortex, and there was a powerful force tearing her and Yun Zheng apart, trying her best to separate them.

She couldn't hear with her ears, couldn't see with her eyes, and her whole body was swallowed up. Only that hand could feel Yun Zheng's existence.

However, a bigger black storm came again, and her body was thrown high by a huge force, and the hand that was holding Yunzheng tightly was also rushed away. She subconsciously grabbed it hard, but the grab Just a handful of sand.

"Yunzheng! Yunzheng!" She shouted loudly with all her strength.

However, she couldn't control herself at all, her body was swept by the dust and she didn't know where she was going to go.

The head was hit by the dust, and a feeling of groggy hit.

"Yue'er, Yue'er!"

In the dust, she seemed to hear Feng Yunzheng's voice.

"Yunzheng, Yunzheng, don't leave me, don't... I want to be with you, don't be separated, never be separated for the rest of my life..."

In her mind, the previous life, the moment before she died, Lian Shiya took Yun Zheng's head to stimulate her.

Yunzheng, Yunzheng...

Her heart ached, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Don't, Yun Zheng, I don't want you to have any more accidents, don't...

The black storm is getting bigger and bigger, the world has been swept by sand and dust, raging, swallowing everything in its path.




In the past few days, there have been a lot of injured patients in the city suddenly. The medical center is open from morning to night without a break. The drug boy follows Wu Yong to be busy in the medical center, and only returns to the inn when night falls.

"It is said that a black storm appeared hundreds of miles away, and it blew for two days and two nights. Wherever it went, it ravaged a lot, many people died, and the rest were injured. There is no medical center in that place anymore. Some people rushed to the city of Qizhou." Yaotong sat at the table, devouring the food.

It's been a day, and he is so busy that he doesn't even have time to drink water. This is the first meal of the day.

Le Yan poured him a glass of water and said, "How about I go help you."

Yaotong took a look at Le Yan while eating, and said, "It's okay, it's also okay to help take things and look after the injured. I'll go and tell Master."

Le Yan felt very happy in her heart, she has been taken care of by her younger brother, and it is good to have the opportunity to help out now.

"By the way, I am also paying attention to the Zhao family. I saw their housekeeper came out to buy joss sticks today. Maybe Mrs. Zhao is going to worship Buddha in the temple. When the time comes, I will tell you, you follow your order." Make a plan." Yaotong brought another piece of good news to Leyan.

"Great, I will definitely come according to my plan, and try to see the old lady as soon as possible, and let her know that someone is going to kill me." Le Yan said.

"However, if you meet Mrs. Zhao, you can't be called Mrs. Zhao, you have to be called grandmother, the closer the better." Yaotong suddenly thought of this important matter, so he urged.

"Yes, I have to call you grandma, little brother, thank you for reminding me." Le Yan said gratefully.

If she is not called grandmother but old lady, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion. After all, she was reborn on Zhao Liuxian's body. She doesn't know anything, so she can only use the excuse of smashing her head.

the next day.

Yaotong got up early and was going to go to the clinic, Le Yan got up early and waited in the yard.

Yesterday he told her that Wu Yong agreed to let her go to the clinic to help, she was very happy, explained the situation to the proprietress, and the proprietress also agreed, so she got up before dawn and waited.

"You're so early, I'm going to wake you up." The drug boy said in surprise when he saw the well-dressed Le Yan.

An embarrassed smile appeared on Le Yan's face, and said, "I am your apprentice now, and you are the master. Of course, the apprentice will wait for the master."

She remembered that in the past, her mother also studied medicine with the imperial doctor, and she also got up early, respectful, and devoted herself to studying, because she learned very quickly.

Although she didn't want to learn quickly, she liked the Queen Mother's attitude of respecting her master.

"Okay, little apprentice, come with me, don't make Master wait later." Yaotong took Le Yan's hand casually, put a steamed bun into her mouth, and said, "Eat while you walk, Wherever you go later, you won’t have time to eat.”

"En." Le Yan bit the bun, let Yaotong hold hands, and walked out together.

When we arrived at the hospital, there were quite a lot of people.

Some were seriously injured, all because of the black storm.

After the drug boy told her some things to pay attention to, he started to get busy. Le Yan followed, taking medicine for a while, handing the scissors for a while, and sometimes helping to pour water for the patient, looking very neat and not flustered at all.

Wu Yong saw it, and nodded secretly. After a long time, he just felt that the little girl was a bit strange, but other places were quite good, so he also began to order her to do something:

"You take these herbs to the back, put them separately, and then grind them into medicinal powder."

"Okay, Master Wu." Le Yan was very happy to see that the master also became kind to her.

Before she found her mother, she was lonely and helpless in this world, she should not be an enemy of others, she must get along well with these people.

The medicine boy blinked at her, and she went to the back with those herbs, and said to Wu Yong, "Master, don't worry, I will do well."

When she arrived in the back yard, she sat on a small chair, carefully selected the medicinal herbs, and placed them neatly by category.

At this moment, inside the medical hall.

Wu Yong looked at the patients one by one. Due to the large number of patients, some of them were queued outside the door.

At this moment, a woman came in, with a person on her back, that person was lying on her shoulders, his face was invisible, and the clothes on his body were torn.

She bent down and said to Wu Yong in a deep voice, "My master is seriously injured, doctor, please take a look."

Without raising his head, Wu Yong wrote the medicine list and said, "Queue up, come back when it's your turn."

"..." But, suddenly, a sharp dagger appeared on the table with a bang, and the medicine list in Wu Yong's hand was cut in half. He was stunned and raised his head.

Seeing this cold-faced woman, she was also injured, her face was bloody, but her eyes reflected a stern look, and she said, "Immediately heal my master, friend or foe, you choose one."

The drug boy over there heard the movement here and quickly looked over.

Wu Yong looked at this woman, her injuries were probably more serious than her "master", but the murderous aura emanating from her body made one dare not underestimate her.

And the person called the master lay motionless on his stomach, obviously unconscious.

Wu Yong took a look at the blood on her face, her hand with a piece of skin torn off, and the sand that fell on the ground all the way in and out, and then understood that it was the person who experienced that black storm again.

"Come in." This woman seemed to be a ruthless character, and he had no intention of arguing with her, so he said.

She immediately put away the dagger, and with her master behind her back, immediately knelt down on both knees, kowtowed three times to Wu Yong, and said: "For the grace of saving life, I will definitely repay it with my life."

Wu Yong was a little surprised, but he didn't say much, and motioned for her to carry the man inside and lay down on the mat.

Yaotong also came over, she immediately reached out her hand to stop him, with a look of coldness in her eyes, Yaotong was startled immediately, and quickly took a step back.

"This is my apprentice, without his help." Wu Yong said.

Only then did she let go of her hand and let the medicine boy walk in.

After the drug boy walked in, he saw the person lying on the ground with his eyes closed and his face pale. His face looked deserted and alienated. Even if he fell asleep with his eyes closed, he still felt a kind of indifference.

She had a big wound on her forehead, her hands and feet were seriously injured, and the sand in the room was a bit choking, but thinking about the woman's face outside, he held back and didn't cough.

Wu Yong squatted on the ground, first felt her pulse, then opened his eyelids to look, and then breathed.

The woman looked closely at Wu Yong, and the fist placed by her side revealed her inner worry, "Can she still wake up?"

After a diagnosis, Wu Yong said, "There are both internal and external injuries, but there are still signs of life. You can rest assured that she will not die."

When the woman heard this, she closed her eyes, breathed a sigh of relief, her body softened, and she almost knelt down against the door frame.

"However, it is estimated that she will be in a coma for a few days before waking up. I will give her continuous medication these days." Wu Yong said.

"Thank you, doctor. I offended you just now, please forgive me." She bowed her head and said sincerely.

(End of this chapter)

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