Chapter 1439 Take You Home
Chapter 1439 Take You Home
"Actually, she is the third miss, Zhao Liuxian." Yaotong held Le Yan'er's shoulders with both hands, pushed her forward, and said.

When Le Yan heard this, she was taken aback and turned around quickly.

Yaotong nodded towards her. Everyone knows that the Zhao family attaches great importance to this missing lady. Presumably these monks and masters also know the key point.

"What..." Master Monk looked at Le Yan in surprise, "Didn't you say Miss San was killed by bandits?"

"No, I didn't die, I escaped, you see, my birthmark." Le Yan opened her arm, revealing the birthmark of red leaves.

As a young lady of the Zhao family, Zhao Liuxian lives in the boudoir, hardly ever going out, and is especially loved by the elders in the family, so no one has seen her, let alone the birthmark on her hand, that is even more impossible exposed to others.

However, because a fortune teller told Zhao Liuxian's fortune at the beginning, he saw this birthmark and said that it was very good and would allow her to die and be reborn, so the legend of this birthmark also spread.

These days, Zhao Liuxian had an accident, and there were more rumors about the birthmark, so this master also heard a little bit about it.

When he saw the birthmark, the monk had already believed what Le Yan said, and seeing her look of longing, he...

"Master, the Zhao family is gloomy because of Miss Zhao's disappearance. The old lady came here today to pray for the eldest lady who was sick because of her daughter's disappearance. Now she is right in front of her, but you stop her. It will damage your practice and blessings." Yaotong said.

"Then come with me, the old lady is going to offer incense now!" Master Monk finally let go and said.

"Thank you, Master!" Le Yan was overjoyed.

The two entered the temple together, "The old lady is going there." The master monk showed them the way.

"Okay, thank you Master." Yaotong said, and took Le Yan's little hand and walked quickly towards the Great Hall of Great Heroes.

From a distance, I saw Mrs. Zhao and her party have entered the main hall.

"Le Yan'er, you will hide next to the gate later, and when Mrs. Zhao comes out, you immediately run over to hug her and tell her about your hardships these days." Yaotong confessed.

"Hmm!" Le Yan was a little nervous, and couldn't help but grasped his hand tightly.

"Don't be afraid, you are the young lady of the Zhao family, you have a mother who loves you, what are you afraid of, don't be afraid of anything, I will watch you here, and when I see that you are safe, Mrs. Zhao will take you home I'm leaving!" Yaotong also held her hand tightly, encouraging and comforting her.

"Okay." Le Yan's voice trembled a little.

Yaotong stared closely at the entrance of the main hall, the time passed slowly, without blinking his eyes.

After a while——

"Come out!" Yaotong shouted, excitedly received.

Le Yan took a look, sure enough, Mrs. Zhao and her party came out from the Daxiong Palace.

"Go!" Yaotong gently pushed her back with his big hand.

Le Yan took a few steps forward, then suddenly turned around and said, "Thank you, little brother." She knew that once she ran out, she would be separated from him.

"It's okay, Le Yan." Yaotong waved his hand, with a simple smile on his face.

"Will we meet again?" Le Yan asked earnestly. The little brother is the first person in the world who loves her and helps her. In her little heart, it is very meaningful.

"Yes." He nodded.

Le Yan looked at her, tears flickered in her eyes, she finally became cruel, turned around, and ran quickly to the front of the Daxiong Palace.

Yaotong looked at her back and saw that she was getting closer to Mrs. Zhao, with a bigger smile on her face, and murmured, "Le Yan'er, come on, you can do it!"

Here, Aunt Li helped Mrs. Zhao out and was about to go to another Guanyin Hall.

"Grandma, grandma! I'm Liuxian!" At this moment, a child ran over quickly and shouted loudly, "Grandma, wait for me, I'm Liuxian, I'm back."

Mrs. Zhao over there heard the shout, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and her whole body trembled.

Aunt Li was stunned when she heard the voice, and when she turned her head, she saw a tattered girl running towards her.

She was startled, and her face turned pale with fright. Why did this little bitch come here suddenly?

However, she immediately came back to her senses, hurriedly took a step forward, stopped in front of the old lady, and yelled, "Where did this beggar come from, and dared to bump into our old lady, come on, Lao Ding, hurry up!" She dragged it down and got out of here!"

Lao Ding was also startled when he saw this situation, and hurriedly worried the servant beside him, and said loudly, "Hurry up, grab her and drive her out!"

A few servants immediately stopped in front of Zhao Liuxian.

Aunt Li continued to block the old lady, and quickly winked at Zhao Minxian. Zhao Minxian understood, walked over immediately, and scolded, "Hurry up and drive her away!"

A few servants took Le Yan as the main one and stretched out their hands to grab her, while Zhao Minxian covered her mouth with his hands.

At this moment, Le Yan suddenly opened her mouth and bit Zhao Minxian's hand. Zhao Minxian yelled in pain and took two steps back.

"Grandmother, I'm Liuxian, look at me, I'm Liuxian, I'm not dead, grandma..." Le Yan shouted loudly as she struggled to break free from the servant, who dragged her outside.

The medicine boy over there was about to step forward.

"Stop!" Mrs. Zhao suddenly shouted in a trembling voice!He stretched out his hand and pushed Aunt Li away, and Aunt Li was pushed aside, her face turned pale with fright.

Mrs. Zhao passed by, Le Yan saw this, and immediately said loudly, "Let me go! Let me go! I want grandma, I want grandma..."

"Liu Xian'er? Liu Xian'er, is it really you?" Mrs. Zhao stumbled over and asked in a trembling voice, this tattered child didn't have any delicate appearance of Liu Xian.

"It's me, it's me, grandma." Le Yan broke free from the restraint of the servant, ran over quickly, knelt down on the ground with a plop, raised her head, and said, "Grandma, Liu Xian is back, Liu Xian is not dead, I'm not dead, I'm not dead, I'm back..."

Originally, it was only for Mrs. Zhao, but when Le Yan said over and over again that she was not dead, she thought of herself and her own mother.

Tears couldn't help but fall down big and big, she was really sad, painful and heartbroken...

"I'm not dead, I'm back, I'm back to see my mother." She cried and raised her wrist, revealing the birthmark.

Mrs. Zhao saw clearly the child in front of her. The birthmark was unique and could not be wrong.

She had already fully recognized her granddaughter. With trembling hands, she embraced such a poor and shabby Zhao Liuxian into her arms, tears streaming down her face, "Bodhisattva, open your eyes, Bodhisattva, open your eyes, my precious granddaughter is back, back..."

Le Yan was embraced by Mrs. Zhao, tears streaming down her face.

Aunt Li and Zhao Minxian who were on the side were shocked from the beginning, and then turned ugly!

It never occurred to them that the little slut they tried to get rid of had already been strangled and thrown into the dry well. Even the cat with nine lives died, but this little slut escaped from the sea of ​​fire again, and now Back to the old lady!

How did this little bitch know that they would come to worship Buddha today?
How did it get in?
Aunt Li held her hand tightly, with deep hatred in her eyes.

"Don't cry, don't cry, my obedient granddaughter won't cry anymore. It's good to be back, it's good to be back. Your mother is already sick because she misses you. Now that you are back, she will definitely get better Yes." Mrs. Zhao took Le Yan's hand and wiped away the tears from her face.

But Le Yan didn't know what else to say besides nodding.

"Go, go home, let's go home quickly. Oh, no, no, no, I'm going to thank the Bodhisattva, come, Liu Xian'er, you and my grandmother, let's worship in front of the Bodhisattva."

Mrs. Zhao dragged Le Yan'er into the Daxiong Hall together, while Aunt Li and Zhao Minxian stayed where they were, gnashing their teeth angrily!
After a while, Mrs. Zhao and Le Yan walked out of the treasure hall together.

"Go home!" Mrs. Zhao ordered.

She held the lost granddaughter tightly all the time, walked to the sedan chair outside, and said as she walked, "Tell me carefully, how did you become like this, and what happened, tell me everything, Grandmother decides for you!"

"Okay, grandma..." Le Yan nodded.

She breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and recognized her relative successfully.

After walking a few steps, she turned her head and looked over there, only to see Yaotong standing there waving at her, saying goodbye to her, with that naive smile on her face.

Le Yan was very happy, but at the moment she was a little sad. She suddenly remembered that she didn't even know his name.

"Liu Xian'er, what are you looking at?" Mrs. Zhao noticed that she turned her head frequently.

She turned around quickly and said, "It's nothing, grandma, let's go home."

"Okay, let's go home." Mrs. Zhao still looked at her without blinking her eyes, for fear that she was dreaming, and when she blinked, she would disappear.

Yaotong turned around and left Ning'an Temple from the other side.

It's all right now, Le Yan has returned to her home, found her relatives, and can live her life as a young lady again. I hope everything goes well for her, and find out the person who caused her harm by the way.

Seeing how much the old lady liked her, she would definitely treat her well, so he was relieved.

Thinking of this, Yaotong quickened his pace and walked to the inn at the foot of the mountain.

Back at the inn, he walked into his room and looked, Le Yan still had a few clothes left here, but she was no longer there.

He sat down on the chair, rested his chin on his hands, and stared at the bed in front of him in a daze.

"Stinky boy, you're lazy again. You were so busy just now, where did you go?" At this time, Wu Yong walked in and cursed angrily.

However, Yaotong didn't play tricks, talk back, or quibble as usual, but just held his chin, as if he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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