First-class daughter

Chapter 1441 New Identity

Chapter 1441 New Identity
Chapter 1441 New Identity
"Yes, young master." Yaotong said, and walked back to Lian Siyue's room.

And Feng Qianyue looked around, then walked to the back of the medicinal material cabinet, opened the box, and took out some medicinal materials inside.

He looked at them one by one. In fact, he didn't understand the medicinal materials, but smelling the smell of these medicinal materials, he felt a sense of steadfastness.

At this time, the door of the room on the west side opened, and the medicine boy came out, holding a medicine jar in his hand. He was going to get another basket with herbs in front of him, but he couldn't reach it with his toes several times.

He is really a slacker, he wants to be opportunistic, and he has to take it all at once, so he doesn't want to go twice.

Feng Qianyue shook her head, stood up, walked to Yaotong's side, bent down to pick up the basket, and handed it to him.

Yaotong stuck out his tongue and smiled embarrassedly, "Thank you, my lord."

At this moment, Leng Mei pushed the door open and said to the medicine boy, "Brother, can you give me a glass of water..."

Feng Qianyue was about to turn around and leave, but when the door opened, he inadvertently glanced at the floor of the room. There was a woman lying on the mat in the room, and fell asleep with her eyes closed——

Immediately, his whole body trembled violently, as if he had been hit by a sudden blow, and the blood around him froze. The whole person stood motionless, and his eyes were fixed on the person lying on the ground:

Even like the moon!
The patient in this room is none other than him who thinks about it day and night, and it is hard to forget, as if it has taken root in his heart, and it can't be pulled out even like the moon...

Feng Qianyue couldn't believe her eyes, how could this be possible?
He closed his eyes and then opened them again, it was exactly the same as Lian Siyue.

Is it her mother?Or is it just someone who looks exactly like her?
Cold brow alertly noticed that this "son" had been staring closely at the princess, something was wrong, so he moved over calmly, blocking Feng Qianyue's sight, with his hand quietly on his waist, ready to take out a hidden weapon at any time Come.

Feng Qianyue's gaze fell on Leng Mei's body, and the clenched fists were slowly released.

If he had any doubts about whether the people on the ground were Lian Siyue just now, when he saw Leng Mei, he no longer had any doubts.

This is the female guard next to Lian Siyue, and the person lying on the ground is 100% Lian Siyue!
This abominable woman who kept appearing in his mind during the day and tormented him in his dreams at night, torturing him so much that he couldn't sleep all night.

It turned out that the woman Wu Yong mentioned who was seriously injured in the black storm was their master and servant.

Does this count as doomed in the dark?
Somewhere, God sent Lian Siyue to his side;
Somehow, they met in a remote place like Qizhou.

He withdrew his gaze, glanced at Leng Mei with indifferent eyes, then turned around, ready to leave, as if nothing had happened.

Leng Mei's hand was slowly lowered. No matter what, she wanted to protect the princess from harm.

Feng Qianyue walked back to the front of the medicine cabinet and sat down as if nothing had happened. His eyes were calm, but countless thoughts flashed through his mind:
Why didn't even Siyue stay in Kyoto in a good way, and ran to this kind of place?Most importantly, where is Feng Yunzheng?

Aren't they two good enough to be one?Didn't Feng Yunzheng treat her like a treasure, and didn't care if she was ridiculed and fearful?

Why is Lian Siyue lying here injured now, but he is nowhere to be seen?where did he go
A flash of thought flashed in Feng Qianyue's eyes, could it be that their husband and wife got lost because of the black storm?
Lian Siyue has arrived here, but Feng Yunzheng is missing?
Or, did Feng Yunzheng die in a black storm?

Thinking of the possibility of Feng Yunzheng's death, Feng Qianyue's whole body trembled, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes, if Feng Yunzheng died in a black storm...

Then... His stern gaze looked at the room over there again.

Slowly, he calmed down from the shock of meeting Lian Siyue suddenly, something touched this completely different face, a plan was slowly formed in his mind, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he stretched out his hand Break the walnut apart.

"Sister, here's the water..." Yaotong brought the water over, Leng Mei stretched out his hand to take the water over, and then closed the door.

Feng Qianyue's eyes fell on the door frame, and the tightly held hands slowly loosened.

Lian Siyue, long time no see!

long time no see!


Standing in front of Feng Qianyue, Wu Yong was taken aback when he heard what he said, "You said that this woman is the present Ninth Highness, Princess Lian Siyue?"

Although Wu Yong didn't cling to the rich and powerful, he was entrusted to the fourth prince because of his past dealings with the late emperor, but he had heard about the deeds of Prince Heng and Princess Heng d.
I heard that the Ninth Prince and the concubine are deeply in love with each other. The Prince Heng’s Mansion only has the concubine as the mistress. The Ninth Prince made great achievements and went to the late emperor to receive the reward. However, he does not want fame, fortune, or wealth. He only wants a free marriage contract. , but only ask for a daughter in this life.

At that time, the capital was shocked at this moment. Throughout the ages, men love beauties, let alone a high-ranking prince, he is just an ordinary wealthy family, who is not three wives and four concubines, he actually only needs one woman for each prince.

Not long later, he married the current Princess Hengqin, Lian Siyue.

I heard that the matter of marrying is not yet at the age of Ji, so you can't eat or touch, but you don't ask for a housemate, so you just hold on, waiting for her to grow up, and wait for her to reach Ji.

This was spread as a good story in the capital for a while, women are envious of the good life of Princess Heng, and this Princess Heng is also a powerful character, there are various legends about her.

How could such a person end up in Qizhou?And the Ninth Prince was also missing.

"Yes, it's her, my old acquaintance, my old friend, my... enemy." Feng Qianyue's eyes reflected a touch of coolness.

"However, Your Highness's appearance has changed a lot. She wears special shoes and only feels slight discomfort when walking. She will definitely not recognize you." Wu Yong said.

"So, I decided to change my name. From then on, if someone asks me, I will say I am Mr. Huaiye."
"Young Master Huaixie?" Wu Yong murmured the name and said, "Yes, my lord, I remember. Yaotong has never known your name, so you can tell him now."

"I am a descendant of a medical family. I came here from the south to open a medical clinic. I am the idle son of the family. Do you understand?" Feng Qianyue explained her falsified life experience to Wu Yong.

(End of this chapter)

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