First-class daughter

Chapter 1444 Blood

Chapter 1444 Blood
Chapter 1444 Blood
Yaotong was watching from below, and he could see a general idea. He rolled his eyes at Zhao Minxian. He was so ugly and wanted to compare with Le Yan. It was the biggest joke in the world, a joke!
"Ma'am, miss, the quilt is here." At this time, the housekeeper and servant came out with a quilt.

"I'll come." Le Yan hugged the quilt and said.

Seeing this, the drug boy hurried forward, bowed and said, "Thank you miss, you are kind and kind, and you will definitely become rich."

Le Yan smiled, "I hope that this winter, the injured lady won't feel cold under this quilt."

"This quilt is so good, Madam will be very comfortable wearing it, thank you, miss." Yaotong winked at her quietly.

Le Yan chuckled secretly, then stretched out her hand to deliver the quilt to Yao Boy, Yao Boy reached out to take it, but when she was about to withdraw her hand, she found that Le Yan stuffed something into his hand, he was taken aback for a moment, Then Le Yan withdrew her hand and returned to the old lady and the eldest lady.

"Thank you master, thank you old lady, thank you lady." Yaotong said while hugging the quilt and rice.

"Okay, it's successfully completed, let's go back." Zhao Yang said.

"Yes." So everyone turned around and prepared to go back.

Yaotong watched Le Yan's figure disappear at the door before leaving.


In another courtyard.

Aunt Li was furious, and said to Zhao Minxian, "You, you, you are really confused today, and now the whole family treats Zhao Liuxian as a treasure, and everything she says is right, but you are against her at this time, you are really...really Lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot!"

Zhao Minxian was also angry. He sat on the chair angrily, stomped his foot, and said, "I'm so angry, didn't I just go home suddenly? It is necessary to be so grand and distribute so many things to those poor ghosts! Moreover, and To her, she is really obedient and obedient! Mother, if you have time to scold me here, you might as well think of a way, otherwise you will be crushed to death for the rest of your life, and there will be no future for you!"

Aunt Li's face became heavy when she heard this, and she said, "You're right, after she came back this time, she's better at being a human being than before, and she coaxed the old lady into docile obedience."

"Then what should I do? Today I was scolded by my grandmother like this." Zhao Minxian cried.

"Now, your father still has some feelings for us, especially since you are his first child, it is different to you. You should learn from Zhao Liuxian's ability to deceive people, do you know! Don't make a fuss, Gentle, tender like water!" Aunt Li said.

"...It's really disgusting for me to learn her way!" However, I have to admit that Zhao Liuxian's words are gentle and tender, and everyone likes this way.

"Mother, don't you think Zhao Liuxian seems to have changed?" said Zhao Qi who was beside him.

"You are right. After she came back this time, she has changed a lot. She has become healthier, more aware of words and emotions, and more defensive. She is also a lot colder towards us. She used to be very friendly to your sister. Okay, now that I see it, it's as if I didn't see it." Aunt Li frowned slightly and said.

"Could it be that she already knew that we did what happened last time?" Zhao Minxian said suddenly, startled.

"Impossible. No one knew about that incident. Besides, the bandit is already dead, and Zhao Liuxian suffered a head injury. He lost his memory and can't remember anything." Aunt Li said.

"However, I really feel that she is different from Zhao Liuxian. That day, it should be the day before yesterday, I saw her sitting in the garden lost in thought. She really doesn't look like Zhao Liuxian." Zhao Qi said.

Zhao Minxian stood up abruptly, and said, "Mother, could this be a counterfeit to replace Zhao Liuxian, but the real Zhao Liuxian died a long time ago, she was afraid that something would go wrong here, so she lied that she didn't remember anything ?”

If so, great!
Aunt Li frowned slightly, with a flash of thought in her eyes, she said, "Then find a way to check."

"Test? How to do it? Blood test?" Zhao Minxian asked.

Aunt Li nodded her head and said, "Don't worry, when you find a suitable opportunity, go and check it out, it's best, she's a counterfeit!"

A cold look flashed in Zhao Minxian's eyes, and he said, "It's not a counterfeit, let her make a counterfeit!"

"Sister, I brought back your quilt for you. It's very good. Le Yan gave it to you. It's very soft and warm. It can be used as a cover for your master." Yaotong carried the quilt into the room and said.

"Thank you." Leng Mei took over this life. The workmanship is exquisite and the fabrics are also of the highest quality. How could the Zhao family give such a good thing to charity?
"I didn't have any, but I said Madam didn't have a good cup, so Le Yan asked someone to take another bed." Seeing her doubts, Yaotong said.

"So that's how it is." Leng Mei removed the old quilt from Lian Siyue's body and covered it with a new one.

The drug boy walked to the side and opened his hand. He was holding a small paper bag in his hand. When he opened it, he found maltose inside.

He smiled, sat on a chair beside him, put maltose into his mouth, and ate with relish, his mouth split open and kept shrinking.

Wu Yong just came over, looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Why does a man of this age like sugar all of a sudden?"

"It started today, it started today." Yaotong said cheerfully.

"Doctor Wu!" At this moment, Leng Mei in the room over there suddenly let out a surprised voice.

Seeing this, Wu Yong hurried over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Master, my master's hand moved just now! It moved!" Leng Mei was always unhappy, but at this moment his face was full of uncontrollable ecstasy.

Wu Yong squatted beside Lian Siyue, rolled his eyelids with his hand, felt his pulse again, and said, "No accident, Chance woke up tonight!"

"Great!" Leng Mei looked at the person on the bed, and couldn't help holding her hand:

Princess, princess, wake up quickly!You wake up quickly.

"I'll give her two more needles." Wu Yong got up and went out to get the silver needles.

As soon as he walked out, he saw Feng Qianyue standing there, Wu Yong came over and said in a low voice, "My lord, she is about to wake up."

Wu Yong discovered that the young master had changed into a new brocade robe, jade belt, and jade crown today.

Wake up soon?

Feng Qianyue looked towards that room, Lian Siyue, wake up, I have been waiting for you for a long, long time.


The strong wind and black sand swept in, mercilessly engulfing the tiny human beings.

She held onto his hand tightly, not letting go.

However, it was no match for the mad killing, and finally both hands were forced to loosen, and she was swept into the air by the mad killing, and was blown to a place far, far away from him.

In a daze, she saw him fall hard to the ground and was blown up again, the blood flowed out from his head, and the whole sand was filled with the smell of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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