First-class daughter

Chapter 1446 Who Is He?

Chapter 1446 Who Is He?
Chapter 1446 Who Is He?
Lian Siyue stared at the person in front of her coldly, then walked past him, clenched her teeth, and walked out step by step.

She was trembling slightly, and sweat was coming out of her forehead. Although her steps were sloppy, every step she took was so firm.

At this moment, there is only one thought in her mind: to find Yunzheng, to find Yunzheng.

Seeing her gritting her teeth and persevering, the drug boy at the side couldn't help but look at Feng Qianyue, thinking, why does it feel that the young master pays attention to the woman?

Is there anything extraordinary about her?

Feng Qianyue turned around and watched her walk out so resolutely, secretly clenched her fists in her sleeves.

In his opinion, she is an extremely indifferent person, never agitated, let alone irrational, she is like a millennium glacier, without temperature.

But now, regardless of the timing of her body, she was so excited that she wanted to find her Yun Zheng.

It turns out that she is not always calm and cold, she also has such impulsive and irrational moments.

Just for that man!Feng Qianyue felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart, and he stared at her deeply.

Every step was so difficult, and her legs were as heavy as lead. This involuntary feeling made her feel painful at that moment.

"Master..." Leng Mei walked over, supported her, and said in a low voice, "Anyway, wait until your body recovers before making any plans. After finally waking up, if there is anything wrong, how can we find him in the future?"

Lian Siyue closed her eyes deeply, and leaned against Leng Mei's arms, holding her clothes tightly.

Yeah, without a strong body, nothing can be done.

She gritted her teeth and calmed herself down slowly: now, Yunzheng is missing, and she will definitely go to find her, but now, her physical condition does not allow her to walk from the room to this place, but within two days Zhang Yuan, but I feel that I have exhausted all my strength. If I continue walking, I am afraid that my body will be hollowed out.

What to do now is to take good care of your body, and only then can you find Yunzheng, her beloved Yunzheng.

"Lengmei, help me back to my room." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, master." Leng Mei supported her and walked back to the room.

When passing by Feng Qianyue, Lian Siyue stopped in her tracks and said, "The medical expenses owed will be doubled."

Feng Qianyue felt her alienation and indifference, and her heart trembled slightly.

Leng Mei supported Lian Siyue back to the room, Lian Siyue sat down, Leng Mei took the quilt and covered her body.

"Lengmei, I'm hungry." She said.

"Yes, master, I'll get you something to eat." Leng Mei walked out.

Lian Siyue lowered her head, grabbed the quilt on her body, tried to calm herself down, and thought about the current situation.

Yun Zheng had disappeared. Before Yun Zheng disappeared, he bled and was injured, but he said coldly that he did not see Yun Zheng.

This shows that Yun Zheng may not be dead yet, is it possible that he was rescued?
It would be best if someone saved it!

Feng Qianyue stood outside, looking at Lian Siyue who was sitting on the ground through the door of the room, her hands were tightly clutching the quilt, her eyes were thoughtful.

He must be thinking about Feng Yunzheng.

He turned around and saw Leng Mei coming out of the kitchen of the medical hall, holding two steamed buns in his hand, he glanced at the medicine boy next to him, the medicine boy understood, handed the basket in his hand to Leng Mei, and said, "Sister, here, the steamed buns are enough to fill your stomach. They are not nutritious. Eat these."

Leng Mei glanced at the cold bun in his hand, and at the basket in Yaoboy's hand. The Yaoboy opened the lid, and the inside was full of color and fragrance.

She paused and said, "I'm already in arrears for the medical expenses, and I can't owe any more. Although it's cold buns, it's good enough to fill my stomach. I will find a way to raise money to pay back the medical expenses. Thank you, my lord, thank you, brother." .”

She knew the concubine's temper, so she just walked into the room with the cold bun and closed the door.

Yaotong looked at Feng Qianyue and said, "My lord, what should we do now?"

"Let it go." Feng Qianyue said.

The medicine boy paused and put the basket down on the table.

Feng Qianyue walked to the medicine cabinet and sat down, took a book of medical skills and slowly read through it, but looked at the door of the room from time to time, the door was tightly closed and never opened.

A strange phenomenon has appeared in the past few days. Since seeing Lian Siyue a few days ago, he has never dreamed about her again, and those annoying strange dreams have never appeared again. He has slept very well these few days.

He is calm on the surface, but his heart is actually turbulent. The enemy from the past, the enemy that he thinks about day and night, is right in front of him.

Moreover, she is very downcast now, so downcast that she only has one cold bun for a meal, and so downcast that it is difficult to walk from the room to the door.

So, if you want to get rid of her, isn't it easy?
His eyes fell on the medical book, which read: highly poisonous herbs.


Inside the room.

Leng Mei put the steamed bun in front of Lian Siyue, and said, "Princess, I only have this one now. I'll go out later to see if there is any way to make money. When you wake up, I can go out with confidence."

Lian Siyue looked at the cold bun in Lengmei's hand, stretched out her hand to take it, opened her mouth to bite off, and said, "It's enough to fill your stomach, you don't need delicacies from mountains and seas."

The steamed bun was not soft, but hard, and she couldn't swallow it. She picked up the water beside her, took a sip, and took another mouthful of the steamed bun.

It's nothing to eat a steamed bun, she has experienced even Siyue's death, she has nothing to be afraid of, and she will not complain about herself, she wants to get well soon and find a way to find Yunzheng.

Leng Mei watched from the side, lowered his head sadly, and said, "Princess, it's useless to have a humble job! I can't even find the shadow of Your Highness."

Lian Siyue raised her head, looked at the scars on her face, and said, "You don't have to blame yourself, I know you have tried your best, if it wasn't for you, I would have died in a black storm if something happened. If Yunzheng is gone, we will Look for it, don't be sad, you will find it one day, yes!"

Her tone was so firm, she lowered her head and ate the bun in one gulp.

Yunzheng, my Yunzheng, you wait for me, I will find you, I will definitely find you.


Even Siyue sorted out all her thoughts after eating the bun in her hand.

"Lengmei, what is the origin of the owner of this clinic?" Lian Siyue asked, remembering the man called "Mr. Huaixie" outside just now.

"I haven't had time to check, but I heard from the doctor that this son is called Mr. Huaixie. His family is from a family of medicine. He originally lived in a place in the south. He likes to travel around. After traveling all the way to Qizhou, he opened this medical clinic. Well, there is indeed a rule in the medical clinic that patients are not allowed to go out if they are not well, so although it is newly opened, it has a good reputation, and now the dignitaries in the city like to come to this medical clinic for consultation." Leng Mei said.

(End of this chapter)

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