First-class daughter

Chapter 1449 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

Chapter 1449 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

Chapter 1449 Step through the iron shoes and find nowhere

"This is given to you by our lady. She is praying for the old lady and his wife at Ning'an Temple. She wants to ask the medical center to send her some medicinal materials so that she can take them back to the mansion. She said that the medicinal materials that the old lady used before are very good. Not bad." The boy said.

Yaotong held the maltose in his hand, thought for a while, and immediately understood the meaning of it. It must be Le Yaner, oh no, Liuxian needs his help with something.

Maltose is an unknown signal between them!
Thinking of this, Yaotong felt sweet in his heart, sweeter than maltose.

"What medicinal ingredients do you want? Tell me. I'll take them and send them to you. There are ways to use each medicinal ingredient. I'm afraid you might make a mistake." Yaotong said.

So, the boy handed her a piece of paper and said, "Just follow the medicine on it."

The medicine boy grabbed the medicine as quickly as possible, and slipped out of the clinic with the boy.

Lian Siyue put down her pen and rubbed her wrist. She has drawn many portraits in the past two days, and now Leng Mei is pasting them outside.

She decided to go outside to get some fresh air. Now that she is in better health, she needs to walk around properly to make her feet flexible.

Leaning on the wall, he walked outside the room.

Feng Qianyue stood in a corner she couldn't see, his eyes gradually fell on her, he saw all the portraits she drew of Feng Yunzheng.

She was really eager to find him, haha.

Of course, he was also looking for it secretly, and he had to find it before her.

At this time, Lian Siyue's feet softened and his body leaned forward.

"Be careful!" Feng Qianyue's heart skipped a beat, and without thinking, he stepped forward and held her arm.

As for himself, because he walked too fast suddenly, there was a problem with the special shoes under his feet. He was stunned and stood still.

Lian Siyue turned around abruptly, although he grabbed his arm through the clothes, she still felt uncomfortable, and immediately shook off his hand.

When he was about to look at him, he had already glanced away.Although he showed others with another face, he never dared to meet her eyes, as if he was afraid of being seen through by her.

Feng Qianyue opened his palm, looked at the empty palm, and felt a sense of loss in his heart. The moment he just touched it, he had an inexplicable feeling of nostalgia.

Lian Siyue glanced at his legs, did not ignore the sound from the soles of his feet just now, and asked, "Master Huaixie's leg is injured?"

Feng Qianyue paused, and said, "I suffered a little injury, but it's no longer a serious problem."

He stood where he was, not intending to move.

Lian Siyue didn't say anything, and was about to go back to the room.

"Since you haven't fully recovered yet, don't rush to be brave, it's useless to you." Feng Qianyue looked at her back and said.

Lian Siyue stopped, frowned slightly, and said, "Young Master Huaixie seems to like to teach people, I know my own body well, I am a patient here, not a guest, nor a friend, and the medical bills have already been paid. "

Feng Qianyue watched her walk into the room and closed the door.

He suddenly became angry, and looked down at his feet. The shoes were turned upside down. He limped back to the medicine cabinet, lifted his feet with his hands, and fiddled with the shoes before they were adjusted.

At this time, Wu Yong came over with some herbs in his hand.

"What is this?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"My lord, this is the medicine used by the lady in that room. It is estimated that her body will be cured after one or two doses." Wu Yong said.

"It will be better with just one or two more sets of body?" Feng Qianyue heard this, thoughts flashed in his eyes, if he got better, he would leave the hospital.

Wu Yong bowed his head and began to mix the herbs according to their proportions.

Feng Qianyue stretched out his hand and grabbed the well-matched herb. Wu Yong was taken aback and turned to look at him.

He closed the book introducing poisonous herbs that he had been reading all this time in a drawer, then opened his hand, and these herbs fell into the basket containing the leftover medicine residue, and then glanced at Wu Yong indifferently.

If the amount of each herb is less, then it will be better slowly, and if it is better, the time she will stay in the medical center will be longer, so he will have more time to spend with her.

She is still like a hedgehog to him now, erecting her thorns at any time, stabbing him hard but arousing his inner desire to conquer.

Wu Yong lowered his head and continued to arrange the medicinal materials, but each portion began to be matched according to Feng Qianyue's request.

Feng Qian looked at Lian Siyue's room from a distance:

If you can't find Feng Yunzheng, or if Feng Yunzheng has disappeared in this world, how long can you support your feelings for her?

Ning'an Temple.

The medicine boy carried a bunch of medicinal herbs, and walked into the temple with the boy, where the talisman was waiting, saw him and hurriedly said:

"Our lady is in the Daxiong Palace, please."

"Okay, thank you miss." Yaotong said, walked in with the talisman, and saw Leyan kneeling in front of the Buddha statue, muttering something.

After a while, he stood up.

Looking back to see Yaotong, there was a touch of surprise in his eyes, "Brother, are you here?"

"Miss, I'll watch outside." Fu Zhu said, and walked to the door.

Yaotong shook the maltose in his hand and said, "When I saw this, I knew it was you. Later, when the boy said, it really was you. You asked me to come here. What's the matter?"

Le Yan looked around, took out two portraits from her arms, and said, "I think you can help me find two people. It might be easier to find people coming and going in the medical center."

"Looking for someone?" Yaotong took the portrait, the first one was a handsome man, he was taken aback, isn't this the person the lady in the hospital is also looking for?
And the second...

"elder sister?"

Le Yan was taken aback, "Sister? Do you know her?"

"I know her, she lives in our hospital now." Yaotong looked at Lengmei's portrait and said.

"Really?!" Le Yan suddenly grabbed Yaotong's hand excitedly, her eyes sparkling with excitement and joy.

Yaotong looked at her puzzled, "Of course it's true, I see her every day, Le Yan, is she someone you know?"

"Yes, yes, I know her, but, but she may not know me, but, but... I won't explain it for now, I will tell you when I have a chance, take me to see her now!" Le Yan was excited His face turned red, and he began to speak incoherently.

"Okay, okay, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry..." Yaotong said quickly when he saw how excited she was.

"That's great..." There is nowhere to look for when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

Unexpectedly, the guard with cold eyebrows was actually in the medical hall.

She was taken aback for a moment, a scene flashed in her mind, and she asked, "When I was picking up medicine that day, I met a person whose face was covered in blood and couldn't see the face clearly. Is this person her?"

(End of this chapter)

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