First-class daughter

Chapter 1461 Is everything all right?

Chapter 1461 Is everything all right?
Chapter 1461 Is everything all right?
The so-called know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. "Using Han to control Han" is the best choice.

Although the team she trained has strong combat effectiveness, Mobei's overall strength is far inferior to Da Zhou's, and its military strength is naturally far inferior.

Not only the number one enemy, the Great Zhou Dynasty, but also Xixia often come to attack. She needs to be on guard at all times, but her troops are still depleted from time to time.

That's right, she admitted that when she first saw this man in the desert, she was attracted by his demeanor, and seeing that he was extraordinary, her heart beat faster because of him, just like what Wu Jie said, "moved!" Fanxin".

However, for her, Tili, feelings are second, and Mobei is the most important thing in her heart!
She practiced martial arts at the age of five, and started fighting with her grandfather, General Timo, at the age of 12. At the age of 16, she was appointed as a general in the army. She has gone through countless battles, large and small.

Now at the age of 19, she is already the leader of the strongest Mobei army.

During this period, many people came to propose marriage, but she rejected all of them. In addition, she only likes to wield knives and guns, and ordinary men dare not ask for it. After having children, she is still alone.In fact, at this age, she is already an old girl.

But now, she doesn't even want to get married and have children. She just wants to lead the Mobei Army to grow stronger.

Now she is really annoyed by the eldest prince, because the eldest prince Wei Ning, whom he met in the palace last time, has taken a fancy to her, and has sent people to propose marriage three times, but she has flatly rejected them all.

"General..." At this time, a soldier brought the jug and roast leg of lamb.

She reached out to take it, raised her lips with a smile, turned around, lifted her veil, put the wine jug under the light veil, raised her head and poured the wine into her mouth, the wine was poured into her mouth, and the wine was fragrant .

With a "bang", he drank it all in one gulp, and the jug hit the ground, leaving no drop.

"Good! Good! The general is good at drinking!" Everyone applauded.

"Soldiers, this general must lead you to guard our Mobei territory and repel all invading enemies!" Ti Ligao raised the wine pot in his hand and said loudly.

"The general is mighty! The general is mighty!" Immediately, the army was excited, and the morale of all the soldiers was high.

A smile appeared on Tilly's face.

After she left, some soldiers in the army commented softly, saying, "Tell me, what does our general look like? Either wearing a veil or a mask. I have never seen her real face."

"No one has seen it. The general has already covered his face when he joined the army at the age of 12."

"Could it be that our general is an ugly monster?" Someone said in a low voice.

"Crack!" At this time, someone slapped him and said, "Nonsense!"

Everyone saw that it was Wu Zhu, the general's right-hand man.

"Master Wu Zhu, have you seen the true face of the general? Does it look good?" Someone asked boldly.

"It's not up to you to come and see whether it's good or not. Remember the general's teachings and practice well. The general's painstaking efforts will not be in vain. For the sake of the soldiers, the general cut off the princess's cousins ​​and nephews!" Wu Zhu said.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Mr. Wu Zhu is right, we must practice more diligently." Everyone nodded again and again, they admired the general.

This time, Feng Yunzheng slept for almost ten days. During the ten days, the doctor used rare medicinal materials to continue her life. Tili came to visit three times a day, asked Wu Jie to take care of her illness, and she never did it herself. Where have you met him.

Wu Jie looked at the person on the bed with his eyes closed all the time, worried, and said, "General, will he not be able to wake up?"

"He will wake up!" Tilly firmly believed in this.

After waking up that day, although his body looked fragile, she never forgot the occasional tenacity in his bewildered eyes. A person with such eyes would not be addicted to it.

"But General, he doesn't remember his identity or his name, how will he be arranged and how should he be called?" Wu Jie asked.

A flash of thought flashed in Tili's eyes, and her eyes fell on his jade pendant, which had a word cloud on it, and said, "His identity depends on his ability, as for his name, it depends on his wishes. Besides, maybe he wakes up this time, I remembered everything."

Wu Jie's eyes widened, and she said, "If he remembers everything, wouldn't the general's precious medicinal materials be in vain? The general took the risk to find them for him. Hmph, if he thinks of something and leaves right away, then that's all." It's like a white-eyed wolf, I'm sorry for your painstaking efforts, General."

Tilly said indifferently, "No matter people or things, the more you want to get them, the more you will lose them, the more you care about them, the more you can't keep them, the easier it is to look at people who treat you better, and the weaker people you look at are actually the most insidious sinister.

Wu Jie, remember, there are three kinds of people in this world, one is overly enthusiastic, the other is overly weak, and the third is overly nosy!Once you meet these people, don't put your heart into them, just stay away. "

Wu Jie was a little confused when he heard it, it was this man who was talking about, how could he talk about these great principles.

But she felt that what Tilly said was very reasonable, so she said, "Yes, I remember everything the general said."

At No. 12 days, Feng Yunzheng finally woke up again.

After waking up this time, the whole upper body felt completely different. During these twelve days, while he was in a coma, his body was recovering rapidly at the same time.

He was originally physically strong, and he used high-quality medicinal materials, so when he opened his eyes again, he felt that the shackles on his upper body had been removed, and he was much more flexible.

However, the lower body is...

With the doctor's support, he sat up.

When Wu Jie saw this young man, he sat up properly, and his whole demeanor was completely different. Although the beard on his face was not clean enough, his whole body exuded an aura that cannot be underestimated, and his figure was handsome. With a slender body and a faint glance, he also has the ability to turn all living beings upside down.

The general's eyes are so cruel, this young man looks like no ordinary person.

Wu Jie paused, her eyes widened and she asked, "My lord, what do you think of this time?"

When she was asking, Tilly just opened the tent and walked in, looking at him.

I saw a flash of thought in Feng Yunzheng's deep eyes, and said, "No".

"It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't remember it, young master, take a good rest, and one day you will remember everything." Wu Jie said hastily.

At this moment, Tilly came in and said, "Is everything all right?"

Not knowing whether it was the doctor or Feng Yunzheng who was asking, Feng Yunzheng looked at the woman in the red armor.

"Return to the general, son's leg... It will take some time to recover. There are no problems in other places. It is recovering very well. Don't worry, son, the leg will always be fine." The doctor said.

Tilly looked at his legs and said, "So, a wheelchair is needed."

(End of this chapter)

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