First-class daughter

Chapter 1463 Banquet

Chapter 1463 Banquet
Chapter 1463 Banquet
Lian Siyue temporarily stayed at Tianyue Inn.

On the third day, she received a post from the Zhao family.

"The housekeeper of the Zhao family said that in order to celebrate Miss Zhao Liuxian's safe return, this banquet was held, and all the celebrities in the city received the post. The news that you are in Qizhou city, princess, must have been known to the Zhao family, so they sent the post." Leng Mei Said.

Lian Siyue recalled the appearance of that Miss Zhao family that day, and said, "So that Miss Zhao family was lost before?"

"It's not that she was lost. She was hijacked by mountain bandits when she was traveling with her family. After more than a month, she came back safely. Speaking of which, she was rescued by Mr. Huaixie and worked as a waiter in the inn for a while. After going through some twists and turns, I went home smoothly." Leng Mei said.

"So that's how it was. Looking at that child that day, I always felt that the look in his eyes didn't look like a daughter who was loved by thousands of people. I also felt strange because I had such an experience." Lian Siyue understood.

"Then, princess, are you going?" Leng Mei asked.

"..." Lian Siyue touched the post in his hand and said, "Of course, we will settle down in Qizhou City, so we will have to deal with the nobles here. I will personally prepare a gift and take it there."

"Yes, Wangfei." Leng Mei turned and went out, and went back to the butler of the Zhao family, saying that Wangfei would definitely arrive that day.

"Really? Are you sure...Princess Heng said she will definitely come?" Le Yan almost said the word mother.

"Yes, miss, this is what Princess Heng's maid said, saying that she will definitely come." The housekeeper said.

"Okay, I see, you go down." Le Yan became very happy when she heard the news, and hummed a poem.

"Miss, do you like Princess Heng so much? This is the first time you have seen you so happy since you came back." Fu Zhu said.

Le Yan paused, realized that she had lost her composure, and restrained herself, and said, "Princess Heng has a noble status, so she is willing to come to the Zhao family's banquet, so it is naturally a joyful thing."

For this banquet, the Zhao family prepared for several days, and the scene was very grand, which showed how much the Zhao family loved and valued Zhao Liuxian.

On the day of the banquet.

Le Yan sat in front of the bronze mirror, and her maid combed her hair, "Miss, your hair is so beautiful, it's black and shiny."

Le Yan looked at herself in the mirror, a completely unfamiliar face, this is not her own, but it is undeniable that Zhao Liuxian has a delicate and beautiful face, and when she grows up in the future, she must have the ability to turn all living beings upside down.

"Liu Xian'er..." At this moment, the eldest lady Luo Shi came in surrounded by maidservants and mother-in-law.

"Mother." Le Yan quickly turned around and stood up.

With a gentle smile on his face, Luo Shi looked at his beloved daughter lovingly, and said, "My Liuxian'er is so beautiful."

Since Liuxian came home this time, his personality has become much more cheerful and tough, and he is even more likable.

These days, she and Zhao Yan are learning how to do business, and they are also very smart, which makes Luo Shi feel more at ease.

"Mother." Le Yan was slightly embarrassed.

"Come on, these days I have asked someone to customize it for you." Luo Shi motioned to Madam Zhu behind him to bring over a tassel hairpin, golden inlaid with high-quality red jade, very delicate.

"Come on, I'll put it on for you." Luo Shi personally inserted the headdress on her hair, looked left and right in the mirror, and said with satisfaction, "Look, I'm right, I'm Liuxian Wearing this hairpin looks even better."

Le Yan looked at herself in the mirror, the tassels were swaying on both sides of her ears, showing a unique style.

"It looks great, thank you mother." Le Yan said.

"Liu Xian'er." Luo Shi held her hands and said, "Remember, you are the daughter of the Zhao family, and I am afraid that you are the most beloved child. Mother does not want you to be wronged in the slightest. If you feel uncomfortable , just tell mother, mother will stand up for you."

"Mother..." Le Yan looked at the kind Luo Shi in front of her, thinking that Zhao Liuxian is really a lucky person.

As for herself, she inevitably thought of her own mother in her mind, and a touch of sadness flashed in her eyes.

"Ma'am, the master said that the guests are almost here, so I want you to go." At this time, the servant girl said outside.

"Come now, Liu Xian'er, mother will go first, and you will come back later." Luo Shi said a few more words to Le Yan before leaving.

Other courtyard.

Zhao Minxian's face turned pale, his chest heaved on the ground, and he clenched the veil tightly in his hand, and said fiercely, "Father and grandmother are too exaggerated, but they just found a daughter, and they are so grandiose. All the nobles from Qizhou City have been invited! Is it necessary? What a waste!"

Zhao Qi was also displeased, and walked over with a limp, and said, "Father still had a good face towards us, and he often came to see us. Since the last time he announced that he would teach Zhao Liuxian how to do business, after we said a few words, he came back again. I haven't been here before, and every time I see you in the mansion, I don't have a good face!"

Aunt Li frowned, listening to the complaints of her two children, but she remained silent, her eyes flashed with thought.

"Every time I see her, I have to lower my eyebrows and be pleasing to the eye. In fact, in my heart, I really want to rush up, tear off her face, and turn her into an ugly monster. I will never have the face to go out with my father again! " Zhao Minxian said viciously.

"Sister, once you said it, I really wanted to do this. I pretended to be careless that day, cut her face with a knife, cut her face, and wiped some disfiguring things on the knife to make her an ugly monster." Let's see if father and grandmother still love her!" Zhao Qi's legs and feet were not good, and he was scolded by his father again, and his mentality was distorted.

"Mother, say something." Zhao Minxian said displeasedly seeing Aunt Li kept silent.

Aunt Li suddenly raised her eyelids and said, "I think this Zhao Liuxian is a fake."

"What?" Zhao Minxian and Zhao Qi's eyes widened suddenly, "How do you say that?"

Aunt Li said, "I have been observing in secret recently, and this Zhao Liuxian's behavior is quite strange. She often goes to that Wu's medical clinic, and even met privately with the drug boy who came to receive the quilt last time. For sure, this little slut is a fake, most likely for the Zhao family property to impostor!"

"However, she looks exactly like Zhao Liuxian." Zhao Minxian said.

"It's not exactly the same and she dare not come here!" Aunt Li said, "It must be fake!"

Zhao Minxian stood up abruptly, and said, "In this case, with so many people here today, why not take this opportunity to expose her true face? If she is a fake, then everyone will know, and she must immediately Get out of Zhao's house!" Just thinking about it makes me excited!
"No, you can't act rashly. You have to try the truth first. If she is real, then we will be the ones who will be embarrassed!" Aunt Li said.

"How to try?" Zhao Minxian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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