Chapter 147
Chapter 147
Master Mo An's eyes were on Weibo, and the hand holding the Buddhist beads tightened, "Amitabha, who is your master?"

The man in black sneered and said, "Master will recognize her when she sees her, please."

Time passed slowly, and the news that the third lady had been haunted by a ghost had spread throughout the Prime Minister's Mansion, and an inexplicably tense atmosphere permeated the whole mansion.

Almost everyone was watching the movement of Qingquanyuan.

After returning to Qing'an courtyard, Lian's mother sat on the sour pear wooden chair, chanting sutras with her eyes closed while twisting the Buddhist beads in her hand, while Lian Yanqing sat aside, silent.

"Mother, are they going to bite again?" Second Miss Lian Nian had a terrifying gloomy look in her eyes, with a very strange smile on her face, "That's great, no matter who wins or loses, I feel very happy !"

This time, Mrs. Hu did not have much joy. She looked at her daughter sadly, and murmured, "Nianxin, Nianxin, it's all mother's fault. You shouldn't be bewitched by Mrs. Xiao. If one dies, I still hope Xiaoshi dies..."

Three hours passed.

Nanny Tai was standing outside the door with a chicken in one hand and a knife in the other, with a fierce look on her face. Nanny Zhen stood opposite her. Every time the chicken flopped, she shrank in fright.

"Mother Zhen, if you are going to kill a chicken later, you have to stand farther away, and be careful not to splash your blood, it would be a pity for the good material on your body!" Mother Tai raised the knife with a cold light in her hand, and looked sideways. She glanced at Nanny Zhen, and let out a sneer on her fleshy face.

"..." Nanny Zhen shuddered all over, and took two steps back involuntarily, staying away from Nanny Tai, cursing in her heart, why did this bastard who used to do rough work suddenly become a popular person beside the eldest lady? better than her.

Luzhi gave her a cold look, but she didn't dare to move anymore, so she just lowered her head, shrunk into a ball and didn't dare to move, she was worried about Miss San in the room, but she couldn't do anything.

Lian Siyue stayed with Lian Shiya's room all the time, closed her eyes and rested her mind, she was not in a hurry, nor in a hurry, her face was indifferent, as if she was not affected by any external objects.

And Lian Shiya lay down for three full hours, these three hours seemed like years to her, but she couldn't do anything even if Siyue kept watch over her.

Finally, she was sweating profusely, and the sweat fell down like soybeans one by one, and her whole body was almost soaked in sweat. Even the white cloth wrapped around her wrist was already wet, stained with blood.

She finally lost her composure, and sat up abruptly from the bed——

Lian Siyue slowly opened her eyes, and asked with "concern," "Third Sister, did the ghost get on you again?"

Lian Shiya thought of the chicken waiting to be killed outside——

"Miss, are you going to kill the chicken?" Mother Tai shouted loudly outside the door.

Lian Shiya clenched her fists, clenched her teeth, and clenched her fists even tighter, exposing the veins on the back of her hands, and finally lay down again.

Lian Siyue almost laughed out loud. This Nanny Tai is really a unique landscape in her yard. She is rough and powerful, but loyal and unambiguous. Nanny Zhou is really an experienced person. Will find someone!

She coughed lightly, and replied, "Sister Tai, there is no need to kill now, just wait."

Even Shiya's silver teeth were about to be gritted when she heard her words.

"The Ninth Prince is here!"

Just when the air was about to freeze, and Lian Shiya felt that she was really going crazy, a particularly crisp and shining sound suddenly came from outside.

Lian Siyue was startled——

Why is he here?

Even Shiya was taken aback, she waited left and right, waiting for Mrs. Mo An to beat Lian Siyue into a ghost possessor, but why did she wait for an irrelevant Nine Kings?

Except for the time at Princess Anguo's mansion, Lian Shiya never paid much attention to the Nine Kings. In her opinion, this person's mother and concubine fell out of favor, and she couldn't even participate in the government affairs.

Lian Siyue got up and walked to the door of the room. As soon as the door opened, she looked up and saw a man in a moon-white brocade robe walking in in the evening wind. His whole body exuded a noble and pure temperament, and when he saw Lian Siyue at a glance, a slight smile appeared in his deep, ink-like eyes.

"Your Highness Ninth Prince..." Lian Siyue couldn't help trembling slightly when she remembered what she had said when they parted that day, she bent down and said politely.

"You don't need to be too polite, please get up." There was a hint of pampering in Feng Yunzheng's voice that he couldn't detect.

Lian Siyue straightened up and stood aside.

At this time, Lian Yanqing, Lian Mu and others rushed over when they heard that His Highness Ninth Prince had arrived suddenly. Lian Yanqing knelt in front of Feng Yunzheng and said:

"I don't know His Highness is coming, I deserve to die for my crimes, Your Highness forgives my sins."

"The old man pays homage to His Highness Ninth." Lian Mu also knelt down, thinking to herself, she hadn't seen this low-key Highness much in the past, but she has seen him three times in a row.

Feng Yunzheng always had a faint smile on his face, this smile seemed harmless, pure as a child, he said, "Old lady, please, the prime minister, this king also happened to meet Mo Mo, whose carriage broke down on the road." Mrs. An, I heard that the third lady of your mansion is haunted by ghosts, so I specially asked Mrs. Mo An to rush to do it. The king escorted her for a while when he had nothing to do. After getting off the carriage, he thought that he had arrived, so he came in have a look."

"His Highness Nine is like this, my servant is terrified, my daughter has started talking nonsense for some reason recently, and the doctor's medicine can't cure her, so she thought of asking Mrs. Mo An to come and do it, so she offended His Highness, it really shouldn't be." Lian Yanqing Hearing that Mrs. Mo An was sent to the prime minister's mansion by Feng Yunzheng himself, she became even more respectful.

Lian Yanqing has always been known for being cautious, and he does not participate in power struggles among princes. Therefore, although the Ninth Prince is not qualified to participate in government affairs, the emperor's mind is unpredictable. Concubine Liang has been favored for so many years. Guarantee that the Ninth Prince will not make a comeback in the future.

"The prime minister is serious, but it's nothing more than a little effort."

As he said that, he looked at Lian Siyue involuntarily, and there was a certain message in that gaze, and as soon as Lian Siyue touched his eyes, he immediately understood his intention——

He wants to meddle in Mrs. Mo An's affairs.

Originally, she thought it was just the soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth, opening up the road to see the tricks, she had a hundred ways to deal with Xiao's mother and daughter, but now that he came, she wanted to see what he would do.

In the room, Lian Shiya could only hear the voice of Feng Yunzheng talking to her father and grandmother, but she couldn't really hear what they were talking about. She was so anxious that she wanted to run out to have a look, but thinking that she was now a ghost, Had to give up the idea again.

"Master Mo An, come in." At this moment, Feng Yunzheng's voice came from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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