First-class daughter

Chapter 1473 Everything is Clear

Chapter 1473 Everything is Clear
Chapter 1473 Everything is Clear
Feng Qianyue got up and smiled at him, "Let's go."

Yao Tong followed behind him, still thinking about the son and the princess in his mind, and the feeling in his heart was quite complicated.

Outside, the drug boy ran to buy a bag of maltose for Feng Qianyue, he took a look at it but didn't eat it, just held it in his hand.

"At the Zhao family's banquet that day, everyone said that you were from a bad background and not worthy of Miss Zhao's family. What do you think?" Feng Qianyue asked suddenly while walking.

After hearing this, Yaotong paused for a moment, feeling a bit of bitterness in his heart, and said, "What I said is not wrong. How can I, a boy, be worthy of such a beautiful person?"

"In this life, it doesn't matter if others look down on you. If you also look down on yourself, it's really over." Feng Qianyue said as she walked slowly with her hands behind her back.

"My lord..." Yaotong was taken aback.

"Don't say you can't do it, you have to prove to others that you can do it. If others say you are not worthy of playing with Miss Zhao's family, one day you will stand out in front of her and stand in front of her with dignity. Packing maltose, other people not only dare not say anything, but also treat you respectfully and submissively." Feng Qianyue said.

"My lord..." Yaotong looked at Feng Qianyue's back, he understood that the lord was trying to make himself proud, and he should not be satisfied with this for the rest of his life.

In fact, he is just a drug boy, so there is no need for the young master to tell him these things.

Son, what kind of person are you?

nice guy?bad guy?Yaotong is full of doubts in his heart, no matter good or bad, they are all people with stories in their hearts.

He then thought about it again, no matter whether the young master is a good person or a bad person, he is not a bad person after all. As for his past, what does it have to do with him as a little drug boy?

Thinking of this, Yao Tong felt a lot easier in his heart.

Feng Qianyue continued to walk forward, and suddenly stopped in a place where women's rouge and gouache accessories were sold, and stopped to look inside.

"My lord, do you want to buy it?" Yaotong asked.

Feng Qianyue didn't make a sound, an incident in his dream came to his mind, in the dream he became the emperor he dreamed of.

At that time, Jiangnan paid tribute to a batch of high-quality fabrics. At that time, Lian Siyue was already his queen, but the person he favored was Concubine Yagui.

At that time, Lian Siyue sent someone to the House of Internal Affairs to ask for some materials, but the servant came back and said that all the materials were taken away by the imperial concubine.

At that time, she didn't know where the courage came from, but she came to Rongyuan Hall and asked him why he didn't save some face for her, the queen. The queen has no face, but where did the emperor get face?

He was quite impatient at the time, put down the memorial in his hand heavily, and said, "A dignified queen, for a few pieces of cloth, she broke into the Rongyuan Hall to make a fuss. How is she different from ordinary village women? It's really absurd!"

At that time, Lian Siyue held her hands tightly and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that this concubine wanted it, but that it was my concubine who agreed to make some spring shirts for Le Yan'er with materials from the south of the Yangtze River. Le Yan'er is the eldest princess." , I haven’t made any clothes this year.”

She is fighting for her daughter now!Although it is the material of a few clothes, if the eldest princess does not even have the material she wants, the status of their mother and daughter in the harem will be completely suppressed by Lian Shiya!

Feng Qianyue was slightly taken aback when she rarely saw her arguing with him forcefully.

"Your Majesty, Le Yan'er is your only daughter, isn't she? Since you have disliked your concubines, your concubines have nothing to say. In this world, there are countless things where you only see newcomers laughing but don't hear old ones cry. But children are always Sons and daughters, the emperor should not ignore Le Yan'er's feelings.

Feng Qianyue was taken aback, paused for a moment, but then his face became more gloomy, and he said, "How I treat my children is my business, the queen can take care of the harem, you don't need to take care of me, besides, who said Le Yan'er is my only child, the imperial concubine is already pregnant with my flesh and blood, and I will have more children in the future!"

At that time, Lian Siyue turned pale for a while, took two steps back, stepped on the skirt, and fell to the ground.

"Mother's queen!" Seeing Lian Siyue fall, Le Yan'er, who was hiding outside the hall, hurried in, squatted on the ground to help her up, glanced at Feng Qianyue quickly, then immediately lowered her head, Don't look at him anymore.

Although it was just a dream, the look in that child's eyes at that time made him lose his mind for a long time and made him feel guilty.

"Yaotong, go and buy all the most valuable fabrics in it, and send them to Tianyue Inn to Princess Heng." Feng Qianyue ordered.

There was a little surprise in Yaotong's eyes.

However, Feng Qianyue had already turned around and left, so he had no choice but to do so.


"You said this is a gift from Mr. Huaixie?" Lian Siyue saw the cloth in the house and asked the person who came to deliver it.

Yaotong nodded and said, "Yes, our young master bought them all, let me deliver them."

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, and said, "What's the reason? This princess never accepts anything, he should know."

"This... I don't know, I just acted according to what the young master said. The young master said that this was not a gift from him personally, but a compensation from the medical center to the princess." Yao Tong said.

He was indeed surprised by the young master's abnormal behavior. Although it was in the name of a medical clinic, but giving cloths to women, isn't this something that only a person who likes him will do?

This is His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince Hengqin, is the young master crazy?Send this kind of thing?
He suddenly understood, could it be that the young master was not allowed to pursue Princess Heng before, but then deliberately changed his face and continued to pursue?

If this is the case, the young master is really the number one infatuated person in the world.

"Take it back!" Lian Siyue said coldly, her tone was beyond doubt.

"But... our son said..." Yaotong was a little embarrassed.

Lian Siyue saw Yaotong, without saying a word, turned around and took a pair of scissors, and picked up the cloth.

"Yeah..." Yao Tong was startled.

I saw that the princess actually cut the fine fabrics to pieces, then threw them back into the box together with the scissors, and said to Lengmei, "Send it back!"

"Yes, princess!" Leng Mei took the box over, glared at Yao Tong fiercely, with a murderous look in his eyes, and said, "If you do such a stupid thing again, I will not let you go."

Yao Tong flinched.

"Stop!" When Yaotong left angrily, Lian Siyue called to stop him, "Did you tell your young master about the medicine bag?"

When Yao Tong heard this, he quickly raised his hand and said, "I never said that, and we don't know that I did it on purpose. Speaking of it, I betrayed my son because of you."

Lian Siyue said coldly, "Then you go back and tell your young master what kind of calculations he has in mind, this princess is very clear in her heart, the poisonous snake bit him, it's not that he has saved my life, he deserves it! "

(End of this chapter)

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