First-class daughter

Chapter 1488 Le Yan's Struggle

Chapter 1488 Le Yan's Struggle

Chapter 1488 Le Yan's Struggle

He is a young man who is full of vigor, and he is also the prince that many women are flocking to. It is said that there is not even a housekeeper around him, and the person who waits close to him is also an old woman. He is already in his 30s and has never touched a woman. How can this be? Will it be an ordinary person?

And Feng Qianyue has met more than one woman like Lian Siyue, he doesn't even know how to restrain himself when it comes to female sex, besides, he has long endurance and strong energy, and he always vents it through women.

And Lao Jiu has been able to do it like a day for more than [-] years, his heart is not so strong, and his feelings for Lian Siyue are not so deep.

Therefore, Feng Qianyue knew in his heart that Lao Jiu was the biggest threat to his throne in the future, and his mind would always be on Lian Siyue, which was equivalent to his mind on Feng Qianyue's current position. .

This is also one of the reasons why he must get rid of the two of them!

Even though he is very clear that they did not do anything deviant at all, and he also understands that Lao Jiu will not cross the line in order to even Siyue, but he cannot tolerate such a thing in his heart.

"Father, you are so cruel. There is no one in the world who is more sincere to you than the queen mother, but you treat her like this! You are not afraid... you are not afraid that the grievances of the queen mother will linger after her death and haunt her for the rest of her life." Are you? Are you not afraid that God...will punish you? "

Le Yan didn't care anymore, and cursed Feng Qianyue loudly, tears streaming down her face.

The queen mother really died tragically... She is so pitiful, all her thoughts were wasted, and all the years of hard work ended up with betrayal and killing.

"Mother! Mother! You are too wronged! If you know the truth, don't let these people go. They are sorry for you. You remember to dream of them every night, torture them, and let them have no peace for the rest of their lives. Mother, mother, you heard Is it?" Le Yan sat in the hall, looked up at the hall, crying and shouting loudly.

The royal father clearly knew how wholeheartedly the queen mother was to the royal father, but in the end, the royal father was the one who treated her the worst!
"Shut up! Someone drag her out immediately, in this life, never appear in front of me!" Feng Qianyue yelled, cold, heartless, without any room for it.

"Feng Qianyue, I hate you, I hate you for the rest of my life, I will curse you, I will curse you for the rest of my life, one day, you will lose everything!"

"Look at you, what you look like now!" Feng Qianyue said angrily.

Le Yan has always been sensible and well-behaved, silent and reticent, always following Lian Siyue considerately, never too excited or too happy, gentle and decent, but now, she only has mother in her heart, and only wants to be for her. Ask for some justice.

However, Feng Qianyue was still ruthless.

Le Yan was dragged outside, she turned her head frequently, but this man remained indifferent. He has already embarked on this road, so he must go to the end!
"You will regret it. After losing your mother, you will definitely regret it. You will regret it, father! You will regret it!" Le Yan's miserable and sad voice came over.

Finally, a slight touch appeared on Feng Qianyue's face, the fists in her sleeves were clenched suddenly, that ugly face flashed in her mind, her eyes... always clung to him.

Finally, Le Yan was taken away, and Rongyuan Hall was quiet.

Feng Qianyue's eyes fell on the broken gold hairpin on the ground, and his pupils suddenly tightened:
This is a very common hairpin. He remembered it now. It was a time when he went out to play with Brother Er Wang and others. When they passed a small town, everyone bought a lot of things and planned to go back to give to their wives and children. .

But he was sitting in the carriage with his eyes closed, when the second brother lifted the curtain of his carriage and said, "Fourth brother, you are also a married person, don't you want to bring something with you when you go back this time?"

He slightly opened his eyelids, he has never been in the habit of giving things to women, let alone someone he doesn't really like.

In the end, under the persuasion of the second brother, such as a woman who wanted to coax him, he got out of the carriage and saw a gold hairpin on the opposite side at a glance. Like the moon, I will forget it after delivery.

Thinking about it now, he only remembered that she seemed to be very happy at that time, holding it in her hand, treating it like a treasure, and being happy for several days.

Hehe, what a bitch, an ordinary golden hairpin is treated as a treasure, which makes him disgusted!
He took a step forward and walked towards the broken golden hairpin.

But at this time, a few maids in a hurry to clean up picked up the broken hairpin, put it in a basket, and hurried out, for fear of disturbing the uncertain emperor.

After being cleared away, Feng Qianyue slowly retracted her outstretched hand.

"Regret? No, she is a useless person, and I will never regret it." Feng Qianyue said, as if speaking to Le Yan, but also to himself.

Le Yan was forcibly pushed out, fell hard, and immediately fell to the ground, her palms were scratched, but she didn't feel any pain at all, her mind was full of mother!

"Tsk tsk, isn't this our Eldest Princess? How can she lie on the ground? Hurry up and help Her Highness up, you are so rich." At this time, a soft voice came.

Le Yan raised her head abruptly, and saw Lian Shiya at a glance, she is graceful, luxurious, beautiful, and there is a trace of resentment in her eyes, it is her, this woman who cheated and harmed her mother!

Lian Shiya frowned and said, "Princess, what kind of eyes are you looking at? I'm already a queen. Are you dissatisfied with the emperor when you look at me like this?"

Le Yan clenched her fist tightly, and suddenly slammed into her fiercely.

"Ah!" The people next to him didn't have time to react, Le Yan's head hit Lian Shiya's stomach forcefully, Lian Shiya was caught off guard, stepped back several times, sat down on the ground, and the phoenix crown on her head was crooked It's too embarrassing!

"Lian Shiya, you stepped on my mother's blood and bones to sit in this position! You must die in this life, and you will definitely suffer retribution!" Le Yan said viciously.

"Empress, Empress Empress..." The maids rushed to help Lian Shiya in panic.

"She's not a queen! She's not! My mother is the queen, she's not worthy, she's just a slut! If you follow her, you won't have good results in the future!" Le Yan was tightly bound by her arms, but still cursed.

Lian Shiya was finally helped to get up, she was furious, now, this harem is her world, this Le Yan who is ignorant of current affairs dares to treat her like this!
She walked over a few steps, raised her hand, slapped Le Yan's face fiercely, and said viciously, "You little bitch! Okay, I'll take you to see how Lian Siyue died Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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