First-class daughter

Chapter 1500 Please forgive me, son

Chapter 1500 Please forgive me, son

Chapter 1500 Please forgive me, son

gold?Grandma was taken aback, how could the princess know about Jin Zi, she never revealed her wealth, and hid it under the bed as soon as she got back.

Seeing her expression, Lian Siyue already understood seven or eight points.

"Tell me, who is that person and why did he give you gold?" Leng Mei asked.

"Here, this gold was not given by others, yes, it was rewarded by my laundry guest officer?" Grandma said.

"Who is so generous and rewarded so much money, my concubine wants to make friends with him." Lian Siyue said lightly, but a coldness flashed in his eyes, making Grandma feel like she was on pins and needles.

"Yes Yes……"

"Lengmei..." Lian Siyue picked up the tea in front of her and took a sip slowly.

"Yes, Concubine." With cold brows, he walked behind the grandma, pinched the back of her neck with his hand, and held her back so that she could not move. He tried again, only to hear a "click".

"Ah!" Grandma let out a scream, but Leng Mei pinched her throat again, making the terrible cry swallowed back into her stomach.

"I don't want to explain it properly, I will let you spend your life with gold." Leng Mei's subordinates slowly exerted more force, and the grandma's mouth opened wide, her face gradually turned pale, and her eyes were wide open.

"Well, well..." She nodded with difficulty, making a difficult sound in her mouth.

Lian Siyue nodded.

Leng Mei let go, and with a push, Grandma fell to the ground, holding her neck tightly with her hands, panting heavily, her lips turning purple.

"I said, I said... the gold is, it was given by Dr. Wu from the medical center."

"Doctor Wu?" With cold eyebrows and eyes, he looked at Lian Siyue, "Princess, it's this Doctor Wu again, he was the one who took the medicine last time."

"Doctor Wu asked you to kill me?" Lian Siyue asked.

Grandma shook her head violently and said, "I, I don't dare to do murder, Doctor Wu, Doctor Wu only asked me to put the potion on the princess's clothes, and said that once the princess puts on the clothes, I will leave the rest gold." Grandma explained while panting.

There is indeed a problem with the clothes.

Lian Siyue asked Leng Mei to take the clothes, just about to stretch out her hand, but she withdrew her hand and said, "Go get a basin of water.

"Yes, princess."

After a while, Lengmei fetched the water.

Lian Siyue used clips to clamp her close-fitting clothes, put them into the water, and waited quietly.Grandma knelt on the ground, feeling pain and fear, sweating profusely.

After a while, Lian Siyue took out the clothes from the basin and threw them aside.

"Catch a living creature." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes." Leng Mei walked out. After a while, he brought in a chicken and said, "This is the one that the kitchen is going to kill. I will buy it from the shopkeeper."

"Feed water." Lian Siyue ordered.


Leng Mei held the chicken's neck and fed water into it. After a while, the chicken's neck twisted and died in Leng Mei's hands.

Grandma saw it, and suddenly collapsed on the ground in fright, "This, is it so poisonous?"

"Princess, Wu Yong can be arrested!" A murderous look flashed in Leng's eyes, this quack doctor has killed the concubine twice, she will never let him go.

"Catch, but don't scare the snake, especially don't let Mr. Huaixie know, so I still want to wear this clothes." Lian Siyue said, "Grandma, do you want to die or spend the rest of your life with gold?"

"It's not enough for you to kill the present Princess Hengqin a hundred times!" He said sharply with cold eyebrows, and his tone was cold.

"I, I listen to the princess and don't dare to make mistakes." Grandma said, trembling with fright.

"Very good." Lian Siyue picked up the water glass again, and slowly took a sip of the tea.

Mr. Huaixie's house.

Feng Qianyue sat in the study, with a white sheet of paper spread out in front of him, with a slight smile on his face, he picked up a pen, dipped it in ink, and began to draw.

After a while, a faint shape appeared on the portrait, looking at it, it was the shadow of the moon.

He decided to draw a picture of the continuous moon and give it to her.

He wants to pour all his emotions into these pens and inks.

Now, he has changed to a different person, and he is always paying attention to his words and deeds.

"Young master." At this time, Wu Yong appeared at the door of the study, bowed and called out, his hands trembling slightly.

Feng Qianyue looked up at him, and said, "You haven't seen anyone all day, Yaotong said you went to look at the medicinal materials, I see that you didn't bring anything with you when you came back, where did you go?"

Wu Yong lowered his head and said, "My lord, I'm walking around in Qizhou city."

He caught a glimpse of Feng Qianyue painting, and asked, "My lord, this painting is Princess Heng?"

"Yes, it seems to have both spirit and form, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see it at a glance, after all, the painting is not finished yet." Feng Qianyue seemed a bit carried away.

Seeing the son happy, Wu Yong felt even more that his decision was correct.

"Young Master's paintings are very good." Wu Yong said.

Hearing his voice, Feng Qianyue paused the pen in her hand, and said, "I know you have a lot of opinions, you don't want me to get too close to her, you want me to leave here.

But recently, I suddenly discovered that it is a very wonderful thing to forget the past self, live again, and meet an old acquaintance with a new look. This wonder makes my life like stagnant water look forward to again.

In the past, I liked the darkness, and I hoped that the night would be as long as possible, so that I could hide a lot of my thoughts and not be afraid of being known. Only in the dark can I live freely.

But now, I began to look forward to the day, hoping that the darkness would pass quickly, because the day would make my heart throb and make me feel like I was really alive.

I have never experienced such a beauty in the past for a long time. Now, I am very happy.

I know you are loyal, but you have already done what you should do, and you don't have to worry about me anymore. "

This was the first time Feng Qianyue talked to Wu Yong like this, and when he spoke, he even felt a little joyful.

"Yes, young master, Wu Yong knows, and he will never say anything that makes young master unhappy." Wu Yong said with his head down.

He turned around and walked out of the study room. Looking back, he saw His Highness the Fourth Highness continuing to draw with his head down, showing a serious expression, but people mistakenly thought he was an affectionate person.

Wu Yong sighed, everything in this world should be yours, it is yours, if not, it will not be yours whatever it becomes.

When he arrived at the hospital, he didn't care about seeing the patients, he was waiting for the information from his grandmother.

The medicine given to Princess Heng was extremely poisonous, and she would die within two hours after putting on the clothes, while the poison given to Grandma's water was chronic poison, and she would die within two days.

At that time, when the government investigates the cause of Wang Hao's death, Grandma will be almost done, and no one will know that she has anything to do with him.

Son, please forgive me, I lied to you.

(End of this chapter)

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