First-class daughter

Chapter 1518 It was him

Chapter 1518 It was him
Chapter 1518 It was him
Tilly didn't even look at him, and walked straight into the hall.

Seeing this, the eldest prince Wei Ning felt a stronger desire in his heart, he slowly shook hands, he must have this woman.

Tiri walked to the front of the hall, knelt on the ground, and saluted Shanyu Yilimu and Linggong Yanshi.

Yilimu is in his seventies, while the youngest concubine Ji is only 13 years old, and Linggong Yan's is only in his thirties. It is said that he eats deer penis all the year round to maintain his vitality.

When he saw Tilly, there was a smile in his eyes, and he said, "Get up, you've worked hard."

"Yes." Tilly stood up, always nodding slightly, her eyes calm.

"Ti Li, please sit beside me." Ling Gong Yan said.

"Yes." Tilly sat next to Linggong Yanshi, and didn't say much.

Although she is a woman, she grew up in a barracks. She is not good at talking to people, let alone dressing herself up. She always wears a red armor and a red veil to cover her face.

On the battlefield, she can fight the enemy bravely, but in this kind of intriguing palace, she can't play like a fish in water, and she will appear stiff and clumsy.

This is also the reason why she would rather stay in the barracks every day than enter the court to serve at Shan Yu's side.

"Tili, this is your grandfather's favorite wine. I once drank it with him. Come and taste it too." Yilimu Shanyu ordered a glass of wine to be handed to Tili.

"Yes, Shan Yu, thank you for your humility." Tilly took the wine glass and slowly lifted her veil.

Immediately, all eyes in the hall turned to her, wanting to get a glimpse of her true face, but the red gauze just raised a corner, and the wine glass was already inserted, and when she raised her head, the wine drank in, and the red gauze lowered , never showed that face.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help showing a trace of regret on their faces.

Every time General Ti Li appeared, she was covered with a red veil. There were many legends about her appearance. Some said that she covered her face with a red veil because she was extremely ugly, and never showed her true colors to others.Some people also said that because she was very beautiful, the people who saw her were fascinated. In order to lead the three armies, she covered up her beauty.

No matter what kind of legend it is, it has cast a thick layer of mystery on her body, which makes people even more curious about her.

The feast continues.

The arena was full of singing and dancing, and it was very lively.

Ti Li's eyes fell on the Han woman next to Prince Weilang: This is Prince Weilang and Princess Feng Tangyao, the thirteenth princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Compared with people from Mobei, she is thinner and paler. Although painted and powdered, a dark shadow can be seen under the eyelids.

There was a sad expression on his face, although he smiled, but there was no joy or joy at all, instead, there was reluctance and helplessness in the smile.

It seems that he is not used to the life here, and he didn't even sleep well.

Ti Li thought of Feng Yunzheng, wondering if this princess from the Central Plains knew the man in her barracks, if she could recognize him, then she could confirm his true identity.

in the temple.

The women danced hotly and almost took off their clothes. The princes and nobles next to them, whoever they fell in love with, put their arms in their arms, and rubbed their ears together in the hall.

Looking at it, Feng Tangyao felt nauseated intermittently.

Coupled with the fact that the raw meat in front of her was bloody, she really couldn't lose weight.

She said a few words to Wei Lang who was beside her, Wei Lang nodded, she got up, and she didn't want the maid to follow, enduring the extremely disgusting feeling, covered her heart, and hurried out.

When she got to a place where there was no one outside, she leaned on a wall with her hand, facing the corner, and retched vigorously, and the uncomfortable tears fell down in big drops.

She regrets it!

It turns out that wanting to become a phoenix among men is not such a simple matter!
The first thing to customer service is the uncomfortable feeling where the eyes are.There is also Wei Lang, who is far from her ideal husband-in-law. The first person she liked in her heart was a handsome and handsome man like Xiao He, how could it be someone like Wei Lang.

She thought, but she was unaccompanied, so she couldn't help but shed more tears.

"It's best not to let people see you cry." At this time, a cold voice came.

Feng Tangyao was stunned for a moment, then turned her head abruptly, the person in front of her was actually the general wearing the red gauze, she hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, showed the appearance of a princess, and said seriously, "When did this princess cry, but If your eyes are smoked by raw meat, don't talk nonsense."

"It's best like this. If you only know how to cry, you, a Central Plains person, won't be able to survive." Tilly said lightly.

Feng Tangyao's face turned cold, and she said, "You follow me out, what do you want to do?" She looked around, regretting that she didn't bring anyone out.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I have no grievances or enmities with you." Tilly saw her thoughts and said, "On the contrary, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Feng Tangyao was still full of vigilance, she didn't believe any of the people here, in her view, they were all beasts!

Tilly took out a small portrait from her bosom, which she secretly drew before she came, "Do you know this person?"

Feng Tangyao glanced casually, then suddenly widened her eyes, "Brother Nine Kings!"

Brother Nine Kings?
Ti Li was taken aback for a moment, but just as Feng Tangyao was about to pounce over to take the portrait, she had already put her hand away and put the portrait back into the lapel of her chest.

"This is my Brother Jiu Wang, have you seen him? Where is he now? Is he with Lian Siyue?" Feng Tangyao asked excitedly.

Although, when she was in Dazhou, she didn't get along with Brother Jiuwang and Lian Siyue, but if she could see them this time, it would be a temporary relief for her.

"No, princess, don't talk nonsense." Tilly said coldly.

Feng Tangyao was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"I asked the princess just now, and the things I showed the princess, the princess had better forget it, and don't take anything to heart, otherwise..." Tilly's cold eyes narrowed slightly, emitting a dangerous light.

Feng Tangyao shuddered suddenly, but Tili had already turned to leave, and a flash of thought flashed in her eyes:

Brother Nine Kings?When the princess saw the portrait just now, she was so excited that she would never lie.

and so!
He is the famous Ninth Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty—Feng Yunzheng?The person who supported Prince Wei Lang behind his back?

She really saw the right person!
At the first glance, she felt that Feng Yunzheng was by no means simple, but a dragon and phoenix among people, so she was moved to let that person be used by her, and tried her best to heal him.

However, she never expected that this person was His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng.

In that case, she will really be even more powerful, and she will be able to realize her idea of ​​using weeks to control weeks!

She slowly caressed the small portrait on her heart with her hand, a smile gradually appeared on her face, and she murmured "Feng, Yun, Zheng".

(End of this chapter)

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