First-class daughter

Chapter 1540 Injustice

Chapter 1540 Injustice
Chapter 1540 Injustice
Feng Yunzheng watched her leave, his back was strong, but tired.

After a while, two voices came from outside, "Your Highness, can you come in with a lowly position?"

"Come in," he said.

After the words were finished, the military tent was lifted, and two guards, a man and a woman, walked in, knelt on the ground together, and said, "Your Highness."

Feng Yunzheng's gaze fell on the two of them, and said, "Get up."

The two stood up and looked at each other.

"Your really don't remember me?" Night Breeze asked cautiously.

Feng Yunzheng shook his head, with confusion in his eyes, "I can't remember, I don't have any impression."

Night Breeze was very sad, walked over a few steps, knelt in front of Feng Yunzheng, suddenly reached out and hugged his leg, fell on his face, and began to cry.

Feng Yunzheng was taken aback, this...

"Your Highness, my Highness, why did you forget me... I'm so sad, I'm Night Breeze, I'm Night Breeze, I've been by His Highness's side since I was 14 years old, and everything Your Highness has done these years has been caused by my humble accompaniment." How could His Highness not remember anything after experiencing together..."

He cried, tears rolling down his face.

"Night Breeze!" Leng Mei stretched out his hand to shake him, and said, "Don't do this, this is not what His Highness wants."

"I don't! I want it!" Night Breeze hugged Feng Yunzheng tightly and didn't let go.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Leng Mei and asked, "Has this person always been so unrestrained?"

He said coldly, "No, Your Highness, he is not like this usually, but he is like this now because he was too excited to see His Highness, and he asked His Highness to make amends.

Feng Yunzheng said to the crying man lying on his lap, "Since you are by my side at the age of 14, you must have a lot of things to tell me."

When Night Breeze heard this, he straightened up quickly, wiped away the tears on his face, and said, "Yes, yes, I can't finish talking for a month without sleep and rest, will your Highness allow me to talk about it?"

Feng Yunzheng said, "You pick up the most important thing and say it."

"Yes." Night Breeze stood up and said, "Then let's talk about His Highness and the Princess."

So, Night Breeze began to talk to Feng Yunzheng, and Feng Yunzheng listened quietly.

"The person His Highness loves the most is the princess..."

Inside Tilly's military tent.

Wu Jie looked at Lian Siyue warily.

Lian Siyue smiled lightly and said, "I have something to say to the general, won't you avoid it?"

Wu Jie looked at Tilly, who nodded and said, "You go out first."

"Yes, General." Wu Jie walked out uneasy.

Lian Siyue looked at Tili who was on the bed, and said, "I don't know how the general's injury is?"

"Trauma, just recuperate for a few days, it's not a big deal." Tilly said.

"That day in the desert, although it was just a glimpse, you left a deep impression on me, General." Lian Siyue said.

"You too, although we only exchanged one glance, this general has never forgotten the look in your eyes." Tilly said.

"Now, you have saved my husband again, such a fate is rare." Lian Siyue said.

"I think you want to ask the teacher to blame him, why didn't I tell him the truth from the beginning?" Tilly said.

"No." Lian Siyue said, "I didn't come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, I came to tell you that you saved my husband's life, this is a fact, I must thank you."

Tilly stared slightly.

"However, because he is unwell, I want him to return to Beijing for treatment as soon as possible, so he doesn't have to worry about it. Therefore..." Lian Siyue paused, "I would like to thank you, General, for him. I will take over the position of military adviser. what do you think?"

"I thought about letting him stay and help Mobei, especially after I knew his true identity, I even thought about hiding his name so that no one can find him. But I never I thought about using my help to him to ask him to repay the favor." Tilly said, "Therefore, you don't need to repay the favor. Now that you are reunited, it's time to leave this place. I have absolutely no intention of forcing it."

"Although you don't ask for repayment, it's not an excuse for us to leave. Yun Zheng, like me, never wants to owe anyone anything, so we will definitely repay this life-saving grace." Lian Siyue said, When he got closer, he looked at the person on the bed, "You don't need to delay, General."

Tilly pursed her lips, looked at her with a pair of eyes, and said, "So, you can do whatever you want."

"The general is resting. I will talk to Yun Zheng about his plan. Before you win this time, Yun Zheng and I will not leave." Lian Siyue said.

Walking to the door of the military tent, Lian Siyue turned around again and said, "In this life, I am determined to be with Yun Zheng for the rest of my life. No one or anything can separate us, and I know that there are still memories." Yun Zheng also thinks the same as me."

She said and walked out.

Tilly looked at her back, the tenacity in her eyes slowly faded, and an imperceptible sense of loss flashed across.

After Lian Siyue went out, Wu Jie hurried in, and asked with concern, "General, this woman is very arrogant. She didn't bully you, did she? If so, I'll tell the military adviser secretly immediately."

"No, you don't need to be nervous." Tilly said.

"General, what should we do now? This woman is not only arrogant and rude, but also her subordinates. Just now, she used a hidden weapon to hurt my hair!" Wu Jie said indignantly.

"Wu Jie, you mustn't conflict with them, it seems that this general has no measure." Tilly urged.

"General, it's not that I'm in conflict with them, it's that these people are so irritating. This is our territory, but they bully people like this." Wu Jie felt distressed and wronged by her hair.

"Okay, they are His Royal Highness and Princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and we Mobei are only their subordinates, even Prince Weilang is so respectful." Tilly said.

"Your servant knows, it's it just that the general really decided to give up on the military advisor?" Wu Jie said, "Actually, the servant has always known that the general has feelings for the military advisor... don't tell me you don't say anything, do nothing, and just give up on the military advisor." Does that count?"

"You go out, I'll rest for a while." Tilly raised her hand and closed her eyes.

Wu Jie sighed helplessly, and said, "Yes, the servant girl will leave first."

Walking outside the army tent, Wu Zhuzheng came over, Wu Jie grabbed his sleeve and said, "I have something to tell you."

"what's up?"

"The two of us are the ones who have stayed with the general the longest. We know how hard the general has been in the past.

All these years, she has been pure-hearted and ascetic, and she has never seen anyone in her eyes.

But she is different with the military adviser, she clearly has a military adviser in her heart, and the military adviser also said that she can keep warm, but she seems to have no desires and desires, and refuses to make any demands on the military adviser. "

(End of this chapter)

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