First-class daughter

Chapter 1543 Drug Efficacy

Chapter 1543 Drug Efficacy
Chapter 1543 Drug Efficacy
off account.

Wu Jie looked in the direction of Feng Yunzheng's army tent, her eyes showed deep resentment, she closed the curtain with a snap, walked to Tili's bed, and said, "General, that woman is really not ashamed, the military commander is still there I didn't think of her, but she took the initiative and shared the bed with the military division..."

But looking at Tilly, she was leaning against the bedside, holding a marching map in her hand, and was looking at it seriously, unmoved at all. The candlelight shone on her face, and her face was like the surface of a still lake, without any waves. .

"General!" Wu Jie walked over a few steps, blocked Tili's sight with her hand, and said, "Why are you not in a hurry at all, if you continue like this, the military division will really have to leave."

Tilly raised her head and said, "He should have left. I have no reason to keep him. Besides, that person is his wife, so there is nothing unusual about living with him. But you, don't complain for me. , I have no intention of continuing to keep him, "

"General, you are talking about the past! Now that the military division doesn't remember her, their past will be blank, and everything has to start from scratch. General, why don't you seize this opportunity and let the military division truly become yours? " Wu Jie said.

"Okay, don't think about these things for me, I have already said that I will dedicate my life to the Mobei Army." Tilly said.

"However, having one more reliable man is not in conflict with your desire to protect Mobei for the rest of your life." Wu Jie said, "Besides, General, you must not know how beautiful you are when you dress up as a woman, and you look better than that constant relative." The princess is much more beautiful, and I will take care of the military adviser to see your daughter, and he will be overwhelmed by you."

Tilly couldn't help smiling wryly, opened her hands, pulled off the veil from her face, stroked her cheek, and said, "Such a pair of calloused hands and such a vicissitudes of life, how can there be such a thing as admiration."

"General, your hands are calloused because you always hold whips and weapons in your hands, and your face looks old because it is covered with dust..." Wu Jie said .

"Okay, stop bragging, I'm going to rest." Tilly sent Wu Jie away, and turned off the candles in the tent.

She was lying on the bed, in the darkness, she reached out and stroked her cheek, and the image of Feng Yunzheng appeared in her mind.

All her life...

It's impossible to have that heart-pounding love.

Just like when she first saw Feng Yunzheng, the feeling of throbbing was something she would never forget for the rest of her life.

Feng, Yun, Zheng...

off account.

Wu Zhu came over with his hands in his sleeves.

Wu Jie walked over quickly and asked, "How, did you find it?"

Wu Zhu hesitated, and said, "I found it, but do I really want to do it?"

Wu Jie took the things over and said, "The general's heart is as calm as water, so it won't be so late."

"But...if the general knows, or His Highness the Ninth Prince knows the truth, then... how to explain?" Wu Zhu said.

But Wu Jie didn't take it seriously, and said, "By then, the raw rice will be cooked, so what if we know the truth? At worst, I will be executed. I will not hesitate to do it for the general."

"Well, since you insist, I... will help you too." Wu Zhu finally compromised.

Wu Jie lowered her head, looked at the things in her hands, and said, "You're not mistaken, don't be happy when the time comes."

"That's right. I went to the brothel bustard to get it back. They said that the medicine is very strong and needs to be used with caution." Wu Zhu said.

"That's good." Wu Jie put the things in his hands and cushioned them, a look of determination flashed in his eyes.


Day two.

Lian Siyue gets up early and looks in the mirror to freshen up.

Feng Yunzheng sat on a wooden wheelchair and looked at her back.

"Yun Zheng, what are you thinking?" Lian Siyue turned around and asked.

"I was wondering if we were like this before." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue stood up, with a slight smile on her face, and said, "Yes, and no."

"Yes? No?" Feng Yunzheng's eyes revealed a hint of doubt.

Lian Siyue came over, handed the comb in his hand, wrapped his hand, let him hold it tightly, turned around, sat down in front of him, and said, "In the past, you would comb my hair Thrush, try it."

Feng Yunzheng looked down at the jade comb in her hand, and when she raised her head, she saw her long black and soft hair hanging down her head, exuding a lustrous luster.

He raised his hand and used the comb to comb it slowly.

There was silence in the room, only the sound of each other's breathing, and the sound of a comb running through hair.

Lian Siyue slowly closed her eyes, suppressing the trace of tears.

In the past, whenever she washed up in the morning, Yun Zheng would watch behind her, and after watching, he would come over involuntarily, take the comb from her hand, and comb her hair.

After combing her hair, she will paint her eyebrows.

"Here you..." At this moment, after Lian Siyue combed her hair, she handed the eyebrow pencil for depicting black eyebrows to Feng Yunzheng's hand, and squatting in front of him, she said, "Help me draw my eyebrows."


Feng Yunzheng looked at the things in his hands, and was slightly taken aback.

How could he do such a meticulous thing?

Seeing his slight hesitation, Lian Siyue said, "If it is forced, then there is no need, let's talk about it later, it's time to have breakfast."

As Lian Siyue said, she retracted her hand.

However, Feng Yunzheng suddenly stretched out his hand, took the eyebrow pencil over, and said, "If you have done it before, then try it now, can I do this delicate job?"

A smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she raised her face and closed her eyes.

Feng Yunzheng looked at the face in front of him, it was plain, but elegant and dignified, and the brows and eyes were always light.

Following the shape of her eyebrows, he must have drawn her black eyebrows bit by bit.

Being so close, the unique light fragrance of her body drifted into his nostrils.

The scent seemed to have magical powers, which made him feel a throbbing in his heart, and he couldn't help approaching her, his face gradually touching her forehead.

Lian Siyue's heart tightened, her hands slowly hugged his waist, she leaned against his waist, and slowly closed her eyes.

This kind of unfamiliar embrace was enough to make her feel warm and comforted for a moment.

"Your Highness..." At this moment, Night Breeze's voice came from outside.

"Come in." Feng Yunzheng said.

A moment later, Night Breeze and Leng Mei opened the curtain and walked in. Night Breeze looked at their bed first.

Seeing the traces of two people sleeping on the bed, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his lips.

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Yunzheng caught his slight expression and asked.

Night Breeze was taken aback, "Well, I... I... Oh, because seeing His Highness and Princess Wang finally reunited, I'm really happy, so I always want to laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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