First-class daughter

Chapter 1563 Lingyue

Chapter 1563 Lingyue
Chapter 1563 Lingyue
Coming out of Menghua Palace, Feng Jue walked on the palace road with his hands behind his back, brother Jiuhuang and sister are finally coming back, they haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and they miss him very much.

Looking back on this journey, from the grandson of the Lian family to the current Ninth Five-Year Lord, he stepped on the tip of the knife everywhere, bleeding and being injured.

He is strong now, and he cannot do without his sister's careful companionship and teaching.

Originally, he did not take this position voluntarily, but by a twist of fate, he finally took the highest position.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, are you going back to the bedroom to rest?" Sijiu couldn't help saying after walking behind Feng Jue for almost half an hour.

"No, I want to leave the palace." Feng Jue said.

"Leaving the palace?" Sijiu was taken aback, and said, "Your Majesty, it's so late, if you leave the palace at will, I'm afraid..."

Feng Jue looked back at Sijiu.

Sijiu hurriedly lowered his head, "The servant deserves to die."

"How come you are the same as He Chongde (chief eunuch in the palace), boring."

"Your majesty... the servant thinks that you should change into your clothes and not leave the palace in a dragon robe. The bright yellow color is too eye-catching." Sijiu said.

"Go and prepare." Feng Jue ordered.

"Yes, the slave will go now." Sijiu said.

After a while, Feng Jue dressed up in disguise and left the palace.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Lingyue was lying on the table, looking at the moon outside, hanging in the sky like a silver plate, but looked a bit cold.

"Miss, it's cold, don't you want to rest earlier?" The servant girl came over and asked.

However, Lingyue's face looked like she couldn't lift her spirits, she lay limply on the table and said, "You don't have to worry about me today, and you don't have to watch the night, go and rest early."

"Miss, are you alright?" the servant girl asked with concern. Ever since the young lady came back from the temple that day, she had been so unhappy because she accidentally heard that the emperor was looking at the booklet and preparing to select noble girls to fill the harem.

"I'm fine." Ling Yue said, her voice clearly lacking energy.

"Miss, forgive me for talking too much." The servant girl said, "You are doing this because of the emperor, but it is the emperor. If you can't look away now, miss, then in the future..."

Lingyue's heart skipped a beat, and she said, "But, he is Lianjue..."

It was her once naive and romantic teenager.

"Lianjue?" The servant girl was stunned for a moment, then said, "The emperor's surname is Feng, Second Miss."

Lingyue was slightly taken aback, "Yeah, he's not Lian Jue anymore, he's Feng Jue, he's not the same person he used to be after all."

She only felt a stabbing pain in her heart, "You go down first, I want to be alone for a while."

"Yes, this servant understands, Second Miss, please rest quickly." The servant girl put the cloak in her hand on her body and said, "It's cold, you should keep warm."

The maid went out.

After a while, Lian Lingyue stood up, stood at the window, and looked at the silver moon outside the window.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat, and there was a man standing under the tree. He was dressed in an ice-blue brocade robe, tall and tall, with picturesque eyebrows, and his eyes were looking at her.

"Lian Jue..." Her heart skipped a beat.

he came?
However, remembering that he was selecting candidates for the harem, her heart ached again, and the surprise smile on her face slowly froze, then she stretched out her hand and closed the window, keeping Feng Jue outside, and went back to lie down on the table down.

After a while, the door of the room rang, and Feng Jue shouted from outside, "Eleven, open the door."

Ling Yue glanced in the direction of the door, and said, "It's so late, it's probably not good for the emperor to come to the room of a boudoir woman."

"Eleven, I want to talk to you, please open the door." Feng Jue still said.

Lian Lingyue felt sad in her heart, she didn't know what to do, she felt sorry for Lian Jue and didn't want him to stand outside alone, but...she couldn't face him.

He is not His Royal Highness the Eleventh, let alone the grandson of the Lian family, he is the emperor of the Ninth Five.

"You go, I want to rest." She said.

Sure enough, the door was quiet, and then, she could hear his footsteps leaving.

Her heart sank slowly.

However, just when she got up and was about to lie down on the bed, the window was suddenly opened. She was taken aback and looked up:
Feng Jue actually climbed in from the window.

She ran over quickly, "You, why... You are already the emperor, yet you still climb the window."

"Help me." Feng Jue stretched out his hand to her, she paused, and held his palm, a smile flashed in his eyes, he clung to her, and jumped down from the window.

"It's so late, why is the emperor here?" Thinking of the unhappiness in her heart, Ling Yue'er let go of his hand, took two steps back, and said politely and alienated, "Oh, no, I forgot to salute, pay my respects to the emperor , Your Majesty Wan..."

However, just as she was about to bow her knees, Feng Jue suddenly stretched out her hands and supported her. She was stunned, and when she raised her head, she happened to bump into his pair of clear eyes.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Stupid Eleven, you are not allowed to worship." He said, with a hint of pampering in his voice.

Lian Lingyue was stunned, turned her face away, and said, "Isn't it disrespectful not to worship?"

Seeing her awkward expression, Feng Jue suddenly pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.


"Don't move, let me give you a good hug. I read a lot of memorials today and listened to the advice of the ministers. Now I don't want to do anything. I just want to hug you. Eleven, don't move." At this moment, he no longer It's the Ninth Five-Year Lord, he is a bit tired.

Lingyue's heart skipped a beat.

No, she doesn't want to be angry with him anymore, she doesn't want to be angry with him, he has become the emperor, and he has to deal with military and state affairs every day, he finally came out once, how could she be angry with him?

He also has his own reasons.

Thinking of this, Lingyue slowly raised her hand, gently hugged her waist, and buried her head in his arms.

The two hugged each other quietly, feeling each other's existence.

Feng Jue slowly closed his eyes, and the exhaustion in his body finally slowly flowed away from his body.

"Why are your hands so cold, why don't you wear more clothes?" After a long time, Feng Jue let go of her body, held her cold hands, and asked.

"Perhaps it was in Khitan that year, it was damaged by the ice and snow. In this cold season, no matter how many clothes you wear, it will be useless. Your hands and feet will be cold, but it doesn't matter. I have gotten used to it after a few years. " Ling Yue was afraid that he would be worried, and said.

"That won't work. It must be cured. I'll find a doctor for you." He held Lingyue's hands between his lips and breathed, then put her hands between his and rubbed her hands, letting her The hands slowly warmed up.

"It's hot." After a while, Lingyue felt her hands warm.

(End of this chapter)

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