First-class daughter

Chapter 1569: No Longer Lonely

Chapter 1569: No Longer Lonely
Chapter 1569: No Longer Lonely
"Lengmei, I hope you are happy. You deserve the best happiness. I believe that Night Breeze will treat you well." Ling Yue'er said, holding Lengmei's hand.

"Thank you, Second Miss." Leng Mei finally accepted the gift, and her calm heart was deeply moved.

What's more, the most enviable thing is that even the emperor gave congratulatory gifts to the two couples, two rare forged swords, one for each, to make a pair.

This is the only honor among all the guards of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

And their master also gave a generous gift with Dong Miracle Physician. According to the master, the congratulatory gift was a box of body-replenishing medicine that he made after torturing Xiao Dong for three days and three nights.


"Lord Night Breeze is here!" At this time, the sound of gongs and drums sounded, and Night Breeze was wearing a red wedding dress, sitting on a steed, passing through the bustling crowd, and walking slowly towards this side.

He saw a woman in a red wedding gown and a red hijab standing at the gate of Prince Heng's mansion waiting for her from a distance, and he felt a surge of excitement, wishing to show his best lightness skills and fly over immediately.

Finally, he was going to formally marry Xiaomei, which was something he had been looking forward to since he was a teenager.

There was a happy smile on his face, the sun was shining on him, and today was the happiest day in his life.

"Xiaomei, I am here, and I will hold hands with you for the rest of my life." He said solemnly.

Under the hijab, Lengmei felt her heart beating so fast for the first time, and she was a little nervous and overwhelmed. When those gentle and strong hands supported her palm, she finally felt a little real.

Night Breeze held Leng Mei's hand and led her to the sedan chair. Xi Po lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, and Leng Mei bent down and sat in.

"Get up!"

When the voice fell, the gongs, drums and suona shook the sky, and the whole journey was full of joy.

The two sisters Lian Siyue and Lingyue stood at the gate of the palace, watching Leng Mei leave with the night wind.

"That's great." Ling Yue'er said.

"In this world, only a 'rogue' like Ye Feng can enter Leng Mei's heart. If Leng Mei is an iceberg, Ye Feng is a ship made of iron, constantly bumping upwards, bleeding But never retreat until the iceberg melts." Lian Siyue said.

"So, Leng Mei is happy, and she is a perfect match with Night Breeze," Lian Lingyue said.

Lian Siyue nodded and watched the sedan chair go away until it disappeared before turning around to go back to the palace.

But the moment she turned around, she saw a lonely figure just turn around and leave, she was slightly startled:
"Sister, isn't that Lian Tian? Why does he..." Ling Yue also saw the figure of that person, and said strangely, halfway through speaking, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and said to herself, "So it is That way, I can figure it out.”

"Go in." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay." Lian Lingyue said.

Night Breeze Mansion.

Because of the face of His Highness the Ninth Prince, Yefeng got married, and civil and military officials from all over the capital sent congratulatory gifts, and the whole wedding was very lively.

Night Breeze was drank a lot of wine. Although he really wanted to go to the room to see his bride, but after a lot of effort, he sent away the congratulatory people, and finally entered the room with difficulty. .

He was dizzy at first, but as soon as he entered the room and looked at the bride sitting on the bed with her head covered from a distance, she instantly woke up.

His Adam's apple slid up and down, and he shook the hand by his side, feeling sweat on his hand, so he quickly touched his clothes.

He walked towards her, walked up to her, took a deep breath, and sat down beside her.

Leng Mei felt that the boat beside her was sinking, and the hands in front of her couldn't help but tighten. She had never been so nervous before.

"My lord, you are going to lift your hijab." At this time, Xi Po and the maids came over with the scales and said.

Night Breeze took the scale, reached it under the red hijab, and slowly lifted the hijab away, and a face with cold brows slowly appeared in front of him.

"..." When Night Breeze saw the woman in front of him, he was stunned. Holding the scale, he was stunned and couldn't move for a long time.

He had never seen Leng Mei in women's clothing before. The Leng Mei he saw was heroic and indifferent. If he teased him hard, he would turn red and angry.

But the person in front of her is a beautiful woman, her delicate face is full of radiance, her brows are full of affection, her skin is more than snow, exuding a fragrance, only those rough hands show her years of practicing kung fu and holding a sword in the past.

Leng Mei looked up shyly at Night Breeze, his face flushed.

"Master Ye, Master Ye..." Xi Po covered her mouth, suppressed a smile and called out to Night Breeze several times, but he didn't hear him, her eyes looked at Leng Mei, and she was already deeply intoxicated.

"I'm calling you." Leng Mei said softly, and he finally came back to his senses. After a flash, he said, "Okay, okay, I got it, I got it, you can go down now."

"Hee hee, adults will know what the servant said?" Xi Po couldn't help joking.

"This..." Night Breeze blushed, but he still looked at Leng Mei without blinking.

"Hehe, please have a drink at the bar." Xi Po ordered the maid behind her, and the maid came over with the wine and gave Ye Feng and Leng Mei a glass each.

The two of them took the wine, crossed their arms, raised their heads and drank the wine in one gulp.

At this moment, Xi Po and the maids retreated and closed the door of the wedding room tightly, leaving only the newlyweds in the room.

Night Breeze was very excited. He grabbed Lengmei's hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiaomei, you, you, you..."

Leng Mei looked up at him, and said, "Is it awkward for me to dress like this, I, I should change it, it's over anyway."

As she spoke, she was about to get up and go to the back to change her clothes.

"Don't!" However, Night Breeze pressed her shoulders, leaned forward, leaned back with cold eyebrows, and slowly fell on the bed.

Night Breeze put his hands on her side and above her, looking at her intoxicatedly, but also very nervous, cold sweat broke out on his forehead nervously.

Leng Mei clutched the quilt tightly with both hands, and her whole body was stiff. The breath of the night wind filled her nostrils, making her feel a strange dizziness.

"Xiaomei, I... finally married you home." Night Breeze murmured, bowing his head and kissing her lips.

When the lips of the two people touched, they trembled all over.

Night Breeze raised his hand slowly and landed on the front of her skirt...


As the night slowly deepened, the lights in the room went out, and a faint sound was heard.

Finally, the dream came true.

Afterwards, Night Breeze hugged Leng Mei in his arms contentedly, cherishing it very much, loving him even more, Leng, who had just experienced human affairs, blushed, and snuggled into her husband's arms.

From then on, the ends of the earth, the vicissitudes of life, will never be lonely again.

(End of this chapter)

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