Chapter 1571
Chapter 1571
The emperor's wedding is finally here.

The emperor set the time for the big wedding in early summer. It is said that because the queen-to-be, Lian Yue (external name), had been frostbitten (when she was in Khitan), she was afraid of the cold in winter and spring, and her body would be weaker. Tired, wait for the body to recover before making preparations.

However, in the spring, the big wedding is already in preparation.

Lian Yue meant that the wedding should be simple, but Zhou Rendi, who always followed her in everything, did not agree. He said that he would give a grand wedding to the queen-to-be, and then he would pardon the world and enjoy the joy of all people.

The queen-to-be will get married in Prince Heng's mansion.

Lian Yue was sitting in the boudoir, Lian Siyue and Le Yan were drinking tea and eating snacks.

"Seeing that the big wedding is approaching, everything is almost ready. Let's see if there is anything else you need. Elder Sister will prepare it for you." Lian Siyue looked at Ling Yue'er who was lying on the bed, and said.

Lingyue put her hands down on the bed and said, "I have big sister and ninth brother to worry about, but I don't have to worry about anything, and I'm not afraid of anything missing."

"You, you are about to become a queen, and you still look like a child." Lian Siyue smiled helplessly and said.

Lingyue sat up from the bed, put her hands on her chin, and said, "There is no shortage of things, but I don't understand. He is not a person who likes to make great achievements, and second, he is not a person who likes high-profile. Without extravagance and waste, why should the big wedding be so extravagant and grand?"

After hearing this, Lian Siyue showed a smile on his face, and said, "So what you've been thinking about recently is this matter."

"Elder Sister, why do you think this is?" Ling Yue asked.

"Whether the wedding is grand or not is not the key point. If he is Lian Jue, it is fine to have a wedding with you on the mountain. If he is Feng Jue, he will invite some of the closest people in the Ming An Palace to do it for him. You can also testify, but he is the emperor now, and he will give you a grand wedding to show the world how important you are to him, and to stop the mouths of those people in the court, as long as he cares about you and values ​​you You, others will care about you and value you, he is no longer the child he was at the beginning, he is very considerate, it is all for you."

After Lingyue heard this, a warm current surged in her heart, and a tinge of red appeared on her face.

"He is a good man, you are so happy." Le Yan said softly.

In that world, she was not familiar with Fengjue and Lingyue, because they died too early, but now she can witness the happiness of these two people, and she is also happy.

Lingyue held her hand and said, "You will also meet a good person you love."

"Me, me?" Le Yan's face turned red suddenly, she glanced at Lian Siyue, and said, "I, I'm still young."

"I fell in love with him when I was very young, and it was love at first sight, but I was too embarrassed to show it, so I pretended to hate him, and deliberately made trouble for him." Lingyue recalled her own tricks When we met for the first time, I covered my mouth and smiled secretly, "Is there anyone Le Yan secretly likes?"

"I, I... I didn't." The shy Le Yan blushed even more.

"Okay, okay, no, no, when you have it, tell me, I'll take a look for you." Lingyue said.

Lian Siyue was listening to the conversation between these two people, her eyes glanced slightly at Le Yan, and she thought in her heart, she must be cautious about this child's future marriage.

She is slender and sensitive, without any cruelty, if she meets a treacherous person, she may suffer a loss.

Therefore, you must choose carefully.

In the previous life, she suffered a lot, but in this life, with her and Yun Zheng's protection, she doesn't have to worry about being rich and wealthy, just pursue an ordinary and down-to-earth relationship.

"Princess, a beggar came outside. He insisted that he knew our lady and wanted to see her by name. The slave was worried that he would be heard at the door and would have a bad influence on the lady, so he arranged for him first. Come and report." At this time, a slave came to report.

Le Yan was taken aback, and looked at Lian Siyue, does anyone in this capital know her?
This is impossible, Le Yan did not exist in this world.

"What age is he?" Le Yan asked.

"It's dirty, it's hard to see clearly, but listening to the voice, it has a youthful look, and I guess it's fifteen or sixteen years old." The man said.

Fifteen or sixteen years old?Le Yan's heart skipped a beat, little brother Yao Tong?Could it be that he has come?
"Keep quiet, Le Yan'er, let's go and have a look." Lian Siyue got up and said cautiously.

"Okay." Le Yan followed Lian Siyue and went to the place where the beggars were placed.

"Princess, miss, he is inside." The servant said.

"Understood, you go down first, Le Yan'er, go in and have a look." Lian Siyue said.

Le Yan pushed open the door and walked in with a bit of apprehension. The "little beggar" turned around abruptly when he heard the voice, with a look of excitement on his face, he said, "Sister Liuxian, I finally see you. With you, I can't even get a meal."

This is... Le Yan was taken aback, it's not my little brother.

It's... Qi Yan.

"What's wrong? Don't you know me?" Qi Yan raised his sleeves and wiped his face, revealing a white spot on his dusty face, and asked.

"You, did you find this place?" After the horror, Le Yan asked in surprise.

"Hey, I'm worried about you. Not long after you left Qizhou, I followed you all the way. Who knew that I had put a lot of thought into you when you arrived at such a difficult place." Qi Yan looked silly. Looking at Le Yan carefully, there was a star-like light shining in his eyes, pure and not hiding any thoughts.

"You, what did you come to see me for?" Le Yan said.

After hearing this, Qi Yan was taken aback for a moment, felt a little bit of a blow in his heart, lowered his head, and said, "You don't want to see me at all."

"It's not whether I want to see you or not,'s that I'm not the person you know. You've found the wrong person. I don't know you." Le Yan said.

Although she felt sorry for Qi Yan and Zhao Liuxian, it was true that Liu Xian'er was dead, and the real idea of ​​Liuxian was gone.

She used Liuxian's body, but she couldn't fall in love with someone she didn't know for Liuxian.

"You still say that." Qi Yan sighed slightly.

"I don't want to lie to you, but I'm really not your sister Liuxian, you, you go." Le Yan said with a firm heart.

Since there is no hope, don't give people any expectations, don't give anything at all.

Qi Yan was stunned for a moment, at this moment, his stomach suddenly growled twice, he covered his stomach, showing a pitiful cat-like appearance, and said, "Then...give me a bowl of rice, I'm so hungry .”

Le Yan looked at him, and he blinked, "I'm really hungry, my stomach is flattened."

(End of this chapter)

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