First-class daughter

Chapter 1574 Getting closer to you

Chapter 1574 Getting closer to you
Chapter 1574 Getting closer to you
The next day, just before dawn, Mother Tai led a group of people to wait outside. Lingyue opened her eyes drowsily amidst the eldest sister's soft voice, and was helped by a group of maids to the vanity mirror. forward.

Qing Dai hurriedly brought over the bird's nest porridge that she had made last night, and when she was sleepy, she fed it to her mouth one by one, so that she would not be hungry later.

After finishing a bowl of porridge, Lingyue became much more awake.

The grooming lady came over to say hello, and said, "I combed your hair."

"Okay." Lingyue put her hands in front of her body and began to feel nervous. She looked closely at herself in the sperm and asked, "Mother Tai, how is my skin today?"

Mother Tai smiled and said, "Your skin is very good, even without makeup, you are still very beautiful, you don't have to worry."

Lingyue smiled, and said, "I'm relieved when Mammy says that. Mammy never tells lies." Combing hair, putting on makeup, every link is very complicated and delicate, and Lingyue is so tired that she can hardly even lift her head. up.Fortunately, with the help of two smart people, Qingdai and Taimao, she can relax a bit.The outside gradually became lively, and the sound of human voices, gongs and drums came faintly from the front hall.Lingyue's heart trembled, and she asked, "Is the emperor's welcoming team here?" "Not yet, this is the voice of our Prince Heng's residence." Mother Tai said.

Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I just said, the genius just dawned not long ago, how could it come so fast, I'm not ready yet."

She looked outside the door with the corner of her eyes, and she saw some busy figures of servant girls walking back and forth. "Sister." At this time, a childish and calm voice came.Ling Yue saw it, and hurriedly said, "Yan'er, why did you wake up so early, did you sleep well last night?" Lian Yan walked over and looked at Ling Yue with a shy face.

"Master, he got up before dawn and wants to see you." said the nanny who was in charge of taking care of Lianyan.

"Sister, I have a gift for you." Lian Yan said, took out a small thing from his bosom, and handed it to Lingyue.Lingyue saw that it was a small puppet, and immediately asked in surprise, "Yan'er, did you carve this yourself?" Lian Yan nodded.

"The young master is only able to hold a knife, and carve bit by bit. At first, he didn't know that he was carving the back, but later he realized that it was the second young lady." The wet nurse said. "I learned from that person before." Lian Yan said in a low voice.that person?Lingyue's heart trembled slightly, what that person said was... Xiao He.At that time, before she recovered her memory, the three of them lived in that house halfway up the mountain. Xiao He was in charge of taking care of Lian Yan every day. When he was free, he would take out a dagger and carve her head with extra wood. Yan stood beside him and watched, watching every day like this, and remembered it in his heart.

"Sister, do you look like it?" Lian Yan asked.

"Yeah!" Lingyue nodded vigorously, bent down and hugged her younger brother into her arms, and said, "Like, very similar."

Lian Yan also smiled, and asked cautiously, "Will I still see my sister in the future?"

"Of course." Lingyue replied affirmatively, "I will see you often, no matter where I am, we can always meet, don't worry."

"I'm a little scared. I'm afraid I won't see you again. My only relatives are you and my eldest sister." Lian Yan said sadly.

"Silly brother, no, absolutely not." Lingyue hugged her brother even tighter, comforting him.

Yan'er once witnessed the tragedy of hundreds of people in his family being burned to death, lost his beloved parents, and lived in Khitan. A small child, but his heart was riddled with holes. He used to be very sensitive and lacking. sense of security.Later, with the efforts of her and the eldest sister, it has improved a lot.Now that she was going to get married, it still touched his heart.

"Second sister, will you be happy?" Lian Yan asked.

"Well, I will, he will treat me very well, don't worry Yan'er." Lingyue said assuredly.

Lian Yan raised his hand, looked at the tears in her eyes, reached out and touched her cheek, and said, "Sister, don't cry, I will grow up well, and I will take up the burden of the Lian family."

"Okay! Good brother." Lingyue was relieved and distressed.

After Lian Yan left, Ling Yue's eyes fell on the carved villain, with a slight smile on her lips, she said, "Are you okay? I'm fine, thank you."

After hearing this, Qing Dai and Mother Tai were puzzled in their eyes at the same time, who is the "you" that the lady said?It doesn't look like Master Yan.


"Here we come...the bridegroom is here!" There was a rush of footsteps outside, accompanied by the sound of gongs, drums and suona from a distance.

"Come here, come on, quickly, put the red hijab on the bride." Mother Tai hurriedly took the red hijab, "Miss, I'll cover you now."

Lingyue nodded, and the red hijab was spread on her head, so she could only see the area under the hijab.After a while, someone came over, helped her up from the bed, and walked outside. "Ling Yue'er." A familiar voice sounded, it was my sister, supporting her with a pair of warm hands, leading her to walk forward.Her originally tense mood gradually calmed down. With the support of her sister, she was not afraid of anything.And she knew that she was taking a path that she especially wanted to take. "Ling Yue'er, I've sent you here, get on the sedan chair, brother Jiu will personally escort you into the palace." Lian Siyue said.

"Well, sister, I'm leaving." Lingyue squeezed Lian Siyue's hand.

"Lingyue, take care." Lian Siyue said.

Lingyue was supported by the palace maid into the sedan chair.

Even Siyue looked at it reluctantly, Feng Yunzheng walked over, raised his hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "I can go to the palace tomorrow to see you, don't be sad."

Lian Siyue nodded, "Go quickly, don't delay the auspicious time."

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng hugged Lian Siyue lightly, turned around and got on the horse.

"set off!"

After a voice sounded, the gongs and drums were beating immediately, and it was very lively.

The mighty crowd stretched from the street outside Prince Heng's mansion to the gate of Zhengyang.

Ten miles of red makeup, sparks and silver flowers, all people have fun.

After the new emperor ascended the throne, he finally got married. This is a happy event for the whole world. It is extremely grand, and all nations come to congratulate him, which shows the prosperity and prosperity of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It shows that the new emperor loves and attaches great importance to the soon-to-be-canonized queen.

Lingyue sat in the sedan chair with her hands in front of her body, her cheeks were flushed, and she showed a happy smile.

What she was looking forward to had finally come true. From the very beginning, she had dreamed of being Lian Jue's bride.

What he promised was also fulfilled. He promised her a lot of red makeup and let the whole world know that he loves her.

The crackling sound could be heard endlessly, amidst the excitement and prosperity, Lian Lingyue was getting closer and closer to the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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