First-class daughter

Chapter 1585 Mysterious Woman

Chapter 1585 Mysterious Woman
Chapter 1585 Mysterious Woman
"You and the emperor are not ordinary couples, so it is a blessing for you that the emperor's sole favor is something that countless women can't ask for, but it also makes you a target of public criticism.

Ling Yueer, you have to keep in mind that you are no longer the little princess you used to be, and you are no longer the little sister next to your elder sister. You are the queen and the master of the harem. As you said, your business is not only Whether it is your business, the emperor's business, the empress dowager's business, or even Prince Heng's mansion and Princess An's mansion.One hair will affect the whole body, you have a heavy responsibility, do you understand? "

Even Siyue knew that this younger sister was not as ruthless as her. Even if she had been pushed to the deepest point, she couldn't be ruthless to others, but as her eldest sister, she had to let her understand these things, so she made a special trip into the palace, Told her once.

Lingyue nodded, "Sister said, maybe I didn't understand it in the past, but since I became a queen these days, I have understood a lot, and I have seen a lot. Don't worry, sister, I understand what the word queen means."

Lian Siyue nodded, "That's good, I believe in you."

After coming out of the Changchun Palace, Lian Siyue took Le Yan to meet the Queen Mother again. The Queen Mother was very happy to see her daughter-in-law, said some thoughtful words, and had lunch with her. He stopped by to check her pulse. In the afternoon, Feng Yunzheng also came over from the Political Affairs Hall, and then the couple prepared to leave the palace.

But before leaving the palace, Lian Siyue went to Rongyuan Hall again.

Seeing Lian Siyue, Feng Jue immediately ordered the nanny to give him a seat and refreshments.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Lian Siyue said with a smile after sitting down.

"The empress was very happy when she knew you were coming. She made preparations early on." Feng Jue said, speaking with Lian Siyue, his tone was always respectful.

"Your Majesty, can you promise me something?" Lian Siyue knelt down suddenly and said.

"Sister, get up quickly, you are pregnant, no matter what happens, just sit and talk." Feng Jue hurriedly stepped forward to help Lian Siyue up, and said.

"Okay." Lian Siyue sat down as promised, looked at Feng Jue and said, "I want the emperor to promise me that no matter what time, no matter what, the emperor will stand by Ling Yue'er, trust her unconditionally, and protect her."

"Okay." Feng Jue agreed immediately without any hesitation.

This is also the time of the wedding, the promise he silently made to Lingyue in his heart, even if his sister doesn't remind him, he will stick to it to the end.

"But you are the emperor after all, and there will be times when you can't help yourself." Lian Siyue said.

"elder sister……"

"I just know what the emperor wants, and the emperor will have his own way after all." Lian Siyue showed a smile on his face.

"Sister..." Feng Jue looked at Lian Siyue with a pair of deep eyes, and said, "I used to think that I would live behind you forever, but later, things were unpredictable. From where I am today, I am the king of a country, but there is a corner in my heart that will always belong to Lian Jue, and it will not change in this life."

After Lian Siyue left Rongyuan Hall, she couldn't help but look back, how many people have been crazy about this resplendent palace, how many people have killed each other for it, and how many people have lost their lives.

Lin House.

A sedan chair went out, all the way to Jiuhua Temple, after the sedan chair fell down, the servant girl bent down, and a slim lady from the family came out of the sedan chair.

"Miss, Jiuhua Temple is here." The servant girl said.

Lin Zhiran looked up and said, "As expected, Jiuhua Temple deserves its reputation. Qiufeng, today we must sincerely bow down and pay enough money for sesame oil."

"Yes, miss, don't worry, it was prepared early in the morning according to your instructions." Qiufeng said.

"Let's go."

Lin Zhiran seemed to be in a good mood, and with the help of her maid, she entered the temple, and immediately a little master came up to her and said, "Amitabha, the benefactor is the second lady of the Lin family."

"Little master has good eyesight. This is our second young lady. Let little master lead the way. Our young lady wants to see Abbot Jiufang." Qiu Feng said, bowing to him.

"Second Miss, please come with the poor monk." The little master clasped his hands together and said.

"Please." Lin Zhiran nodded slightly, and walked in with the little monk.

But at this moment, a pair of eyes looked at Lin Zhiran's back, narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a deep look, touched the position of his chin with his hand, and said, "This girl can have a good chat, maybe she can help me .”

Lin Zhiran paid homage to Abbot Jiufang and asked him to bless her.

"What does the benefactor want to ask?" Abbot Nine asked.

"Marriage." Lin Zhiran said.

Jiu Fang Fang fingered the beads one by one, and muttered, "What the benefactor is asking for is not marriage."

Lin Zhiran was slightly taken aback, "Why did the abbot master say that?"

"The female benefactor is very ambitious, so why do you need to do this when you want to get married?" Abbot Jiufang was unpredictable.

"Master is really clever." Lin Zhiran said with a deeper smile, "Since Master sees that what I really want is not a marriage, can I ask Master to bless me?"

"Amitabha." Abbot Jiu put his hands together and slowly closed his eyes.


When Lin Zhiran left, he felt displeased, and said, "This abbot Jiufang is really unreasonable. I am willing to donate so much money for sesame oil, but she is not willing to chant sutras for me day and night."

"Shh, miss, please keep your voice down, this is a quiet place of Buddhism, miss should not offend the Bodhisattva." Qiu Feng hurriedly reminded.

Lin Zhiran looked back at the temple and said, "Whoever wishes to cross me is a bodhisattva. If I can't make my wish come true, what can I do respectfully!"

"Miss..." Qiu Feng hurriedly knelt down in fright, "Don't be offended by the Bodhisattva, don't be offended by it, my lady sincerely respects the Bodhisattva, she just speaks quickly..."

"Actually, I think what this lady said is quite right. It's better to ask yourself." At this time, a faint voice came.

Lin Zhiran heard this voice, turned around, and saw a woman in low-key clothes standing in front of her,
Lin Zhiran looked at her, frowned, and said, "Who are you? I don't know you. Who allowed you to talk to me without authorization?"

Seeing Lin Zhiran's attitude, the woman showed a mysterious smile on her face, and said, "Miss did not know me in the past, but I am someone who can help Miss realize her wish."

Lin Zhiran suddenly became more vigilant, and said indifferently, "I don't know what you are talking about, Qiufeng, let's go."

She could only tell the truth out of her mouth, and hurriedly pulled Qiufeng onto the sedan chair and left.

The woman looked at the direction the sedan chair was leaving, and said, "Miss Lin, if you want to get to know me, you can come here again. I'll wait for you, Miss."

"Baffling!" Lin Zhiran said.

The woman watched as she faded out of sight.

At this time, a young man came over and said, "We are too abrupt, how can she believe it."

(End of this chapter)

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