First-class daughter

Chapter 1616 Punishment

Chapter 1616 Punishment
Chapter 1616 Punishment
"What did you say?" Lin Zhiran was furious after hearing this.

"My son said he wanted to see you dance. You danced the lotus-picking swallow dance. I heard that you are charming, and it makes people itch." In, a lot of teasing.

"You..." Lin Zhiran lost his voice in anger.

The noise of coming and going has already attracted the attention of pedestrians on the side of the road, pointing at them, Lin Zhiran blushed when he saw this, but it is not appropriate to argue with this person, otherwise there will be more people watching.

"Come on, arrest him!" Lin Zhiran gave orders to the bearer, then hurriedly opened the curtain of the sedan chair and sat in.


Back to Lin Mansion.

Lin Zhiran sat down angrily, threw all the things on the table to the ground, and said angrily, "Lian Yue, it must be Lian Yue, that bitch! He leaked the news on purpose and found someone to humiliate me! Ben Has Miss ever suffered such humiliation?"

Qiu Feng hurriedly squatted on the ground to tidy up, and said, "Miss, that man has already been tied up, he was talking nonsense while drunk, don't get too angry."

"Nonsense? Even if he talks nonsense like this, it will be difficult to dispel the hatred in my heart! I must pull out his tongue!" Lin Zhiran slapped his palm on the table angrily, "It can be said, but it is still Lian Yue is the most hateful, this slut! Miss Ben hasn't made any progress yet, yet she has already come here."

"Why is Miss so sure that she is the Empress?" Qiu Feng asked.
"Hmph!" Lin Zhiran sneered, "My lady's reputation has been damaged, she has been gossiped about, how can she have the face to enter the palace again? Who is she? She is afraid that this lady will pose a threat to her by entering the palace!"

"It's reasonable for Miss to say so, but..."

"You unworthy girl!" While Qiu Feng was speaking, Lord Lin hurried over, holding a rattan stick, with an angry expression on his face, which was distorted with anger.

"Father!" Lin Zhiran yelled in dismay, hurriedly stood up, and took a step back subconsciously.

"Crack!" Master Lin lashed out with a whip, but fortunately Lin Zhiran dodged quickly so he didn't get hit.

Seeing this, Qiu Feng hurriedly knelt on the ground and said loudly, "Master, calm down, master, calm down."

"Father, why did you hit me?" Lin Zhiran hid behind Qiu Feng, his face pale with fright.

"Why did you hit you?" Master Lin took out a letter from his pocket, threw it on her body forcefully, and said, "My father warned you to let you be a female celebrity in the house in peace, but you didn't listen Advise, and still show your face everywhere, the former son-in-law Xue Renfu, why do you go to him! That is the person Princess An rejects! Look, his letter has been written in the hands of the father, let the father take care of you, don't Go find him!"

Lin Zhiran was taken aback, and quickly opened the letter. It was indeed written by Xue Renfu. The letter said that she went there repeatedly, causing trouble to him, and asked her father to persuade her not to go again.

"This Xue Renfu is actually this kind of mother-in-law who sues secretly! Princess An would like such a person!" She said angrily.

"How dare you blame others? Xue Renfu is both Princess An's son-in-law and a widower. You, a woman who has not been out of the cabinet, have searched for it three times and four times! No wonder, the men on the street will also tease you! I, Lin People value reputation the most, how could, how could there be such a daughter as you! I, I will kill you!" Master Lin took the cane and pulled it towards Lin Zhiran.

"Ah, father, father, listen to me..." Lin Zhiran said while avoiding, "Actually, we were all deceived, it wasn't that Princess An didn't want Xue Renfu, it was that Xue Renfu didn't love Princess An! We were all deceived Already!"

"You still dare to talk nonsense! If I don't kill you today, I will..."

"Father, it's true! Because of this, my daughter went to Xue Renfu, hoping to help Princess An get her love, so that Princess An would be grateful to me. I'm trying to please her. Once I please Princess An , It is also beneficial to the father, the daughter is for the Lin family!" Lin Zhiran couldn't escape, so she had to kneel on the ground and said loudly.

"Self-righteous, nonsense!" Lord Lin cursed, "Before, being a father was based on your infatuation with the emperor. I hope you can get what you want and become the emperor's concubine, and you can also consolidate your father's position in the court." However, I never imagined that you would become crazy and obsessed about it, and do such a shameless thing! As a father, I want to be successful in official career, but as a father, I don’t want to be gossiping and pointing fingers. So , from today onwards, you don't want to be the emperor's concubine any more, even if the emperor mentions it, my father will refuse it on the grounds that you are insane!"

He was so angry that he cut off Lin Zhiran's thoughts.

What?Lin Zhiran suddenly raised her head, with an expression of disbelief on her face, "Father..."

"Go and kneel in front of your ancestors right now, for a whole day and a night, you are not allowed to eat, and no one is allowed to intercede with you without your father's permission!" Mrs. Lin, who was so frightened outside, was about to intercede for her second daughter. , Master Lin has already sternly reprimanded.

Then, she walked away.

Lin Zhiran sat down on the ground, only feeling that his eyes were darkened.

"Zhiran, Zhiran..." Mrs. Lin saw her beloved daughter fainted on the ground, she hurriedly rushed over, and distressedly called the servant to help her up.

Lin Zhiran woke up faintly, with tears in his eyes, he said angrily, "Lian Yue, you deceived me so badly!"

Mrs. Lin was taken aback for a moment, and Qiu Feng quickly helped Lin Zhiran up.

After Lin Zhiran had a short rest, he still followed his father's request and knelt in front of the ranks of the ancestors.

She is a legitimate daughter and has been doted on since she was a child. When has she been punished like this?

Soon, her knees were sore and she couldn't kneel stably. Not only that, she had no food, and she couldn't even drink a sip of water.


At the end of this day and night, she seemed to have collapsed. After being helped by her mother, Qiu Feng and others into her own yard, she was carried into the room.

She was tired and hungry, and she lay limp on the bed, her legs were numb, her whole body was stiff, and she couldn't move, and the hatred for Lian Yue deepened in her heart.

It took two days for her body to recover.

After recovering, the first thing she did was to coax the soft-hearted Mrs. Lin to take her out to buy rouge and gouache while her father was in court, and then thought of a way to get out of her mother's sight and go find the woman.

"Hey, why is it this woman again..." When Qi Yan saw Lin Zhiran on the second floor, he touched his head, feeling that she seemed a little weird.

"Master, why do you feel weird every time you see a woman?" Xiaoyuan looked at Qi Yan as if she couldn't figure it out.

Hearing this, Qi Yan stretched out his hand and slapped Xiaoyuan's head hard, "It's all your pig brain. If you are usually smarter and help me pay more attention to the affairs of the capital, why am I so troublesome now?"

"Woooooo, master, I was wrong..."

(End of this chapter)

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