First-class daughter

Chapter 1618 Perfect Yourself

Chapter 1618 Perfect Yourself
Chapter 1618 Perfect Yourself
Xue Yi still came to visit Xue Renfu every day, but Xue Renfu refused to take medicine no matter what.

It’s just that I often sit at the desk every day, holding a book, and read it carefully, or occasionally sit on the wicker chair in the yard, with my eyes empty, and I can sit for a whole afternoon.

He always remembered when he was young, that beautiful woman floated in front of him like the wind, and said loudly, "Mr. Xue is so talented, may this princess have the honor to sit by your side?"

He was slightly stunned, his eyes fell on that vivid face, and he forgot to look away for a long time.

The rumored princess An Guo was murderous and bloodthirsty, but the woman in front of him was clearly vivid and charming, like a gust of wind, blowing through his heart and causing ripples.

Seeing that he didn't speak, she smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Xue doesn't speak, then I will take it as your consent, and I will sit down."

She generously sat down beside him, and the corner of her clothes brushed the back of his hand inadvertently. He felt the imaginative fragrance, and suddenly he was so nervous that he didn't dare to move, even his face became stiff, unable to squeeze out. A smile.

"Mr. Xue, can you send me a picture?" At the end, she tilted her head and asked, with stars in her eyes.

"My lord, what word does the princess want?" He stammered and asked.

He usually speaks eloquently, but today he can't even speak clearly. Will it make her feel that he is too dull.

"Just write what Mr. Xue wants, I like everything." She said with a smile.

"Okay..." He got up and walked to the desk in the book shop, but accidentally bumped his head against the pillar.

"Mr. Xue, are you okay?" She quickly stood up and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay." He touched his head, walked to the desk, picked up a pen and began to write.

She looked at him with a smile.


"Uncle, uncle, it's raining, why are you still sitting here?" When he was thinking about it, Xue Yi ran out from the back room holding an umbrella, ran to Xue Renfu's side, and put on a coat for him. clothing.

When Xue Renfu came back to his senses, he realized that at some point, the originally clear sky had started to rain continuously.

"Cough cough cough..."

Xue Renfu returned to the room and sat down. Xue Yi hurriedly found a dry handkerchief and wiped off the rain on Xue Renfu's bun.

"Uncle, my nephew will bring you some hot water later, take a hot bath to get rid of the cold." Xue Yi said.

Xue Renfu nodded slightly.

After Xue Yi left, Xue Renfu sat where he was, suddenly felt a huge pain in his chest, and then he couldn't help coughing violently.

At the mouth of the throat, there is also a salty smell.

Xue Renfu covered his mouth and coughed for a while, blood streaks continuously overflowed from his fingers and dripped onto his white clothes.

Xue Renfu raised his head gradually, looking at the pale and skinny man in the mirror, his hands gradually clenched into fists.

Xue Yi quickly put the hot water on, and when he was about to undress Xue Renfu, Xue Renfu waved him to go out.

"Uncle, then be careful, my nephew is waiting outside the door." Xue Yi said.

"it is good."

After Xue Renfu took a bath, he threw away the dirty clothes and chose in front of the closet for a long time. Finally, he chose a deep blue moiré gown. , with a white wide-brimmed brocade belt around his waist.

"Xue Yi." After getting dressed, Xue Renfu sat in front of the mirror and called Xue Yi.

Xue Yi hurriedly opened the door and came in. Seeing Xue Renfu in formal attire, he froze for a moment. Before he could speak, he heard Xue Renfu say, "Comb my hair."

"Uncle, are you going out?" Xue Yi picked up the comb and saw Xue Renfu's face through the bronze mirror.

Xue Renfu pursed his lips. After taking a bath, he changed into formal clothes, and his complexion seemed much better, but in Xue Yi's view, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

When Xue Yi combed Xue Renfu's hair, he discovered that at some point, his high-spirited uncle had grown a lot of gray hair. Finally, Xue Yi tied Xue Renfu's hair in a bun and put on a jade crown.

"Uncle, it's done." Xue Yi tremblingly said.

Xue Renfu smiled and stood up.

Xue Renfu was originally taller than Xue Yi, but now after dressing up, Xue Yi suddenly saw the uncle who had been for more than ten years again.

The handsome and personable talented Xue Renfu.

"Yi'er, uncle is going out for a few days, please stay at Xue's house to take care of trivial matters these few days." Xue Renfu glanced at Xue Yi, walked to the bookcase beside him, opened a drawer, and took out a bookcase from inside. sub scroll.

"Uncle, where are you going? My nephew will go with you!" Xue Yi couldn't worry about Xue Renfu's current physical condition.

Xue Renfu shook his head, "No need, I will go by myself."

"Uncle!" Xue Yi's eyes fell on the scroll in Xue Renfu's hand. Seeing Xue Renfu gently stroking the scroll, Xue Yi felt his heart beating violently.

"Uncle, are you going to see the princess?" Xue Yi looked at Xue Renfu.

Xue Renfu didn't answer Xue Yi's words, but just put away the scroll, then walked aside, picked up two teacups, and poured two cups of warm water.

A cup was given to Xue Yi, and the cup was held in his hand.

"Yi'er, let's have a drink with uncle."


Xue Yi opened his mouth, but at this moment he found that he couldn't say anything. He stretched out his hand and slowly took the teacup in Xue Renfu's hand.

Xue Renfu clinked glasses with him, and drank the water in the glass in one gulp.

After finishing the drink, Xue Renfu laughed with a rare gentle expression, "Okay, uncle is leaving."

After all, Xue Renfu walked out.

Xue Yi hurriedly followed, only to see Xue Renfu holding up an umbrella, holding the pair of scrolls in his arms, and walking towards the gate of Xue's house with firm eyes.

The back is thin and thin, and the pace is slow, as if it will fall down at any time.

Xue Yi looked at the back that was getting further and further away, and finally sighed silently, "Uncle, if I knew today, why bother?"

Nanying came back to seek revenge, she said that she should not startle the snake, she wanted to settle the score with Cong'an.

Therefore, he was going to remind Cong'an to be careful.

Last time I heard from Miss Lin that Cong'an is currently in Yunmengzhai, but Yunmengzhai is more than two hours away from here.

Those people all have ulterior motives for Cong'an, and he can rest assured only if he goes there himself.


Princess Anguo knelt in front of the Buddha statue, chanting scriptures and praying for Lingyue. It was not until the whole morning that Xueli came to help Princess Anguo up.

"What time is it?" Princess An asked.

"Princess, it's almost noon, it's time for you to take a rest and have some fast food." Xueli said.

Princess An Guo nodded slightly.

After leaving the Buddhist hall, looking at the cloudy and rainy weather outside, Princess An only felt that her headache was getting worse. After returning to the wing room, she lay down on the couch and rested.

(End of this chapter)

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