First-class daughter

Chapter 1639 Death Penalty

Chapter 1639 Death Penalty
Chapter 1639 Death Penalty
Seeing Lin Zhiran's reaction, Nanny Tai sneered, walked to Qiufeng's side in a leisurely manner, picked up another piece of peach cake, and said with a smile, "Your master is delicate, if you don't want to eat these things, then give it to me." Give this to you as a girl, eat it well, this is a gift to you."

"No, don't!" Qiu Feng looked terrified, struggling vigorously, and cast a look of help to Lin Zhiran.

However, Lin Zhiran was still in panic and avoided Kai Qiufeng's sight.

These naturally failed to escape Princess An's eyes, but she kept her composure, took the tea beside her and took a sip slowly.

But Nanying looked at her with resentful eyes, why is this woman so calm no matter what time she is, never seeing her lose her composure.

Only a heartless woman can do this.

However, this heartless woman got Xue Renfu's heart!
This is what makes her hate the most. Even if she really took revenge, she only needs to think of Xue Renfu falling in love with Feng Cong'an.

But Princess An didn't look at Nan Ying, and a faint smile flickered across her lips.

Nan Ying clenched her fist tightly, her nails almost digging into her palm.

"No, nanny, don't..." Qiufeng almost fainted from fright.

This peach cake is extremely poisonous, once it is eaten, it will definitely die!
As for the important matter, Nanny Tai ignored her at all, just like before, she grabbed her chin, picked up a handful of peach cakes, and stuffed them into Qiufeng's mouth forcefully.

In order to prevent Qiufeng from escaping, Mother Tai increased the strength in her hand.

At this moment, Qiufeng was struggling non-stop, feeling that her jaw was about to be crushed, and she kept crying due to the pain.

"Mommy Tai." Lingyue called out to Nanny Tai.

Nanny Tai nodded, let go of the autumn wind, and said sharply, "Didn't you make this peach cake yourself? Since you made it yourself, why don't you eat it?"

Qiufeng wiped it desperately, wiped away the residue left on his mouth, wiped away the tears on his face, lowered his head, and finally lowered his voice, "This, this peach cake is poisonous."

Seeing Qiufeng's confession, Lin Zhiran's heart sank, and she sat on the ground completely paralyzed.

"Oh, poisonous? Well done, what are you doing poisoning? Didn't you say that this dumb man is your relative? What kind of deep hatred do you have with you, and you want to poison him to death?" Mother Tai said coldly.

When the mute heard that it was poisonous, a terrified expression appeared on his face, he pointed at Lin Zhiran suddenly, and made an anxious sound from his mouth.

"I, I..." Qiufeng didn't know what to do, "Miss, miss, what should I do? Slaves..."

The next moment, Lin Zhiran rolled his eyes, and hurriedly climbed to Qiufeng's side, grabbed Qiufeng's sleeve, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Qiufeng, you are too cruel! Why are you going to poison a poor mute?" ? You kept telling Miss Ben that you were going home to visit relatives, but you did such things behind your back! Miss Ben is so disappointed in you!"

Qiu Feng showed astonishment, staring blankly at the extremely strange Lin Zhiran in front of him, "Miss, you, what are you talking about..."

She obviously did these bad things after listening to the young lady's words. She did all this for the young lady. Why is the young lady pushing all the faults onto herself now?

"What did I say? You are my lady's man, to do such vicious things!" Lin Zhiran knelt on the ground and said to Lingyue, "Empress Empress, this lowly servant girl has vicious thoughts, and my servants are not willing to keep her Now, let the empress make the decision and let her die!"

After Lin Zhiran finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Qiufeng fiercely, but her lips trembled, hinting at Qiufeng

Qiu Feng just feels very chilling right now.

Looking at this scene, Lingyue and Princess An couldn't help feeling a deep disdain for Lin Zhiran.

From just now, Lin Zhiran has been jumping up and down here like a clown, doing such ugly things, but pushing everything clean.

Such a vicious person deserves no sympathy at all.

Lin Zhiran saw that Qiufeng was silent, and was staring at herself blankly. Lin Zhiran was startled by this look, and glanced at the remaining peach cakes on the ground from the corner of her eye. Lin Zhiran's eyes darkened, and suddenly Grabbing the peach crisps on the ground, he rushed towards the autumn wind.

"Qiufeng, you are too bad. You actually want to make a dumb person. This lady will punish you and let you taste this peach cake!" Lin Zhiran grabbed the peach cake and kept stuffing it into Qiufeng's mouth.

This move was unexpected by everyone present.

On the side, two guards rushed out to separate Lin Zhiran and Qiu Feng, one of them pinned Lin Zhiran to the ground, unable to move.

Lin Zhiran fell to the ground in embarrassment, moved a few times, but couldn't break free from the restraint of the guards.

Now that things are going on, Qiufeng can no longer take into account the relationship between master and servant in the past. She never thought that Lin Zhiran would be so cruel.

"Empress, it was my lady who ordered the servants to poison the dumb! Because of the fire in Yunmengzhai, the lady was the mastermind behind the scenes. She wanted to provoke the relationship between Princess An's mansion and Prince Heng's mansion, so as to make the empress empress Difficult, and then I can take the opportunity to take the position!" Qiu Feng told everything.

Princess An Guo, who had been sitting quietly by the side, narrowed her eyes when she heard the fire in Yunmengzhai, and a trace of grief disappeared from her eyes in an instant, and was soon replaced by overwhelming murderous aura.

"Qiufeng, what nonsense are you talking about? Why did this lady order you to do this! You said just now that the dumb is your relative, how could this lady know your messy relatives!" Press it on the ground, at this moment she will definitely rush up and hit Qiufeng's mouth hard.

Qiufeng looked at Lin Zhiran coldly, "Miss, don't deny it anymore, you and this Nanying meet in that teahouse in the city every three days, as long as the empress sends someone to investigate, there will always be some witnesses, you're right." It won't fall."

"You! Bitch, you little bastard!"

"Enough." Just as the master and servant were arguing, a female voice came over.

The person who spoke was none other than Princess An.

The hall fell silent for a moment.

Princess An suppressed the anger in her heart, and looked at Lingyue, "Empress, these two people set fire to injure others, burned the son-in-law to death, and poisoned the mute. This is an unforgivable crime. Please make a decision immediately, Empress."

Lingyue nodded slightly, stood up, and cast a sarcastic look on Lin Zhiran.

"Lin Zhiran, you are well-educated and noble-born, but I never expected that you would be so vicious and bold! You coveted the successor and used all means to assassinate the princess and kill the son-in-law. All crimes are capital crimes!"

"Come here, take Lin Zhiran and Qiufeng into the dungeon immediately, and make a decision after I inquire with the emperor," Ling Yue said.

(End of this chapter)

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