Chapter 1644
Chapter 1644
After a while, Xiaoyuan's wailing resounded throughout the world, "Master, my finger is scratched and bleeding! Woohoo, Master, you are really accurate, can you help Xiaoyuan see again, when will Xiaoyuan Can I marry a wife?"

Qi Yan took a serious look at Xiaoyuan.

"I can't get married."

"Ah?" Xiaoyuan cried with a sad face.

Can't marry a daughter-in-law for a lifetime?No.

"However, if my son can marry Liuxian's younger sister, I'm willing to help you find a way to get you married." Qi Yan said, shaking the fan in his hand.

"Young master, you must work hard to marry the girl back." Xiao Yuan hurriedly followed and said loudly.

In that sedan chair.

Lian Siyue happened to be sitting inside with Feng Leyan, and heard what Qi Yan said.

"This man..." Le Yan's face flushed a little, "He's really a rascal."

"But it's not bad. In just a short period of time, he has gained a firm foothold in Beijing and knows how to get along with officials. At his age, I am impressed." Lian Siyue said.


Heaven Prison.

The prison guards in the Heavenly Prison have lived in trepidation for the past two days. The Heavenly Prison, which used to be the most remote and uninhabited place, has not only locked a group of people in these two days, but also many important figures will suddenly come in to visit the prison.

The jailer who used to love drinking and eating meat in the dungeon had been living cautiously for the past two days.

"Princess An is here!"

Following the sound of a notification, several jailers who were about to drink were startled and immediately ran to the gate of the prison to greet them.

"Greetings to Princess An." All the guards knelt down to pay their respects.

"Get up." Princess An said lightly.

Beside her, Xue Li looked at the prisoner in the prison, "Where is Cheng Mufei locked up? The princess wants to see him."

"Let's take the princess with you, little one. Princess, please come with me." The jailer said, and walked into the prison.

In the prison door, Cheng Mufei was sitting on the ground with no expression on his face. Compared with other hysterical and howling prisoners, Cheng Mufei seemed much calmer, as if he was not afraid of death at all.

"Cheng Mufei, Princess An is here, why don't you come over to see me?" The jailer's voice came in front of him.

Princess An raised her hand to signal the jailer to leave first.

The jailer nodded immediately, and retreated tactfully.

"Xueli, you stand guard at the door." Princess An ordered Xueli.

"Yes, princess." Xueli nodded, and then glanced into the dungeon, "Be careful, princess."

Princess An Guo nodded slightly and walked inside.

Cheng Mufei glanced at the woman who was getting closer and closer, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, then he nodded, "Mufei pays his respects to Princess An."

Seeing him, Princess An was not afraid, she was ready to die, she sighed slightly, looked at the damp and dark prison cell, "Cheng Mufei."

Seeing Princess An calling him, Cheng Mufei raised his head.

"What did your mother tell you before she died?" Princess An Guo asked.

Mentioning his mother, Cheng Mufei felt a sharp pain in his heart, and the scene of his mother's tragic death in front of him reappeared before his eyes.

"Mother said, you are a sinful woman, she told me to give everything to avenge the Nan family, to avenge her." Cheng Mufei bit his lower lip, keeping his eyes down, as if he didn't look at Princess An.

Hearing this answer, Princess An was not surprised, but smiled lightly, "What about you? Will you listen to your mother?"

A sad look appeared on Cheng Mufei's face, and a bitter smile curled up on the corner of his lips, "Revenge is too tiring. Since I was born, I have had a mission to avenge my mother, although I don't feel any hatred at all. , but I know that this is my mother’s wish. In order to fulfill her wish, I tried my best to imagine my mother’s hatred. In the past few days, thinking about my past time carefully, I have never done anything other than inspirational revenge for my mother. thing."

"What do you want to do?" Princess An asked.

"I think..." The expression on Cheng Mufei's face, like slowly melting ice, gradually revealed a glimmer of life, "No, I don't know, I don't know what I want to do, I can't think of anything."

Frustrated, he sat down slowly.

Princess An looked down at Cheng Mufei, and sighed softly, "You are a filial child."

"However, I don't have to think about it. I must die. After death, after death... I don't want to go to my mother after death. I want to be a free ghost. Think again, what I want to do."

He is like a child, wandering about the future life for the first time, but he is confused in front of him, not knowing how to take the first step.


"This princess will not kill you. You go home and live your life from now on. As for what you want to do, you think about it slowly, and one day you will figure it out clearly." The hatred, this child, is it not a poor person.

"Go home?" Hearing this word, Cheng Mufei thought he had heard it wrong.

He looked at Princess An in surprise, and suddenly found that the person in front of him seemed very different from the woman he had heard from his mother.

"Yes, go home." An Guo said.

"People in the world say that you are cruel. You can kill your own husband for the sake of rights. Why don't you kill me now? Obviously, I also participated in the assassination of you. Moreover, Xue Renfu was killed by my cannon..." When it came to Xue Renfu, Cheng Mufei couldn't continue, and there was a flash of self-blame in his eyes.

When Princess An heard these words, all kinds of things from the past appeared in front of her eyes. After thinking about it, Princess An laughed at herself, "The world can say whatever they want. But, there is nothing wrong with you. Let's go..."

"Princess..." Cheng Mufei called out.

But Princess An has already turned around and walked out.

Cheng Mufei looked at Princess An's back, he knelt down on his knees slowly, bent over and kowtowed heavily to Princess An.

"Thank you princess, Cheng Mufei will remember it forever."

Princess An Guo walked slowly on the way out of the prison, with a wretched smile on her face.

Her whole life.

What a failure.

What was left to the world was a cruel and terrifying image.

That's it!

From now on, there will be no more Princess An in this world.


A month later.

At the foot of a mountain in Qingzhou, there is an elegant small building.

The small building is surrounded by mountains and rivers, surrounded by green trees and flowers falling in the wind. The scenery is very pleasant.

In front of Xiaozhu's door, a woman in a long cotton dress is bending over to water the newly planted orchids, while several calligraphy, paintings and poems are placed on the stone table beside her.

Half a silhouette was exposed on the calligraphy and painting, it was Princess An who retired to the mountains a month ago.

And the woman in the long cotton dress is Feng Cong'an.

Feng Cong'an came to Qingzhou after she proposed to retire a month ago, and settled here in Qingzhou.

In the past month, she has removed her high bun and luxurious brocade skirt, and now she is wearing a coarse linen dress, which makes her feel relaxed and comfortable like never before.

After watering the flowers, Feng Cong'an wiped the water from his hands, walked to the stone table, and took a sip of tea.

Then she sat down at the stone table and looked at the calligraphy and paintings that Xue Renfu wrote to her in the past.

It wasn't until the sky darkened that Feng Cong'an returned to the house and began to prepare his own dinner.

Feng Cong'an felt that such a day-to-day life was enjoyable.


(End of this chapter)

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