First-class daughter

Chapter 1656 Liberation

Chapter 1656 Liberation
Chapter 1656 Liberation
"He's also an infatuated person, so I can't bear to criticize him."

"Princess, let me talk to him." Seeing Qi Yan like this, Le Yan felt very complicated in her heart.

"En." Lian Siyue nodded, got up and left, and ordered the others to leave together.

In the entire front hall, only Qi Yan and Le Yan were left.

"Liu Xian'er..." Qi Yan stretched out his hand towards Le Yan, "Come here, let me touch your face."

Le Yan walked over, squatted in front of Qi Yan, stretched out her hand, and untied the ropes on his body one by one.

"Liu Xian'er..." he shouted, tears rolled down again, his eyes were red, his lips trembled slightly, and he slowly raised his hand.

Le Yan paused, grabbed his hand, put it on her face, and said, "Qi Yan, feel it seriously, I'm not Liuxian, I really am not."

Qi Yan put his hand on Le Yan's face and stroked it gently.

"You are not Liuxian, but this face is, and this body is, how do you want me to cut ties with you and go back with peace of mind?"

His voice was a little choked.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's my fault, it's all my fault." Le Yan felt guilty.

She didn't expect that after her death, her soul would pass through Zhao Liuxian's body.

She never thought, nor did she think, that Zhao Liuxian had such an affectionate lover.

Now that she has come to this field, she is in a dilemma.

"Qi Yan, you are kind to Liu Xian, she will know." Le Yan said.

Qi Yan's hand slowly slipped down from Le Yan's face, and he smiled dejectedly.

"Unfortunately, I failed to marry her in. She is too young. I have been waiting for her to grow up, dreaming of marrying her in, pampering her, and making her the happiest bride in the world, but I always I didn’t get what I wanted, and she left me before she grew up. If I had known this, I would have moved to Jicheng early in spite of my parents’ objections, and stayed with Liu Xian’er every day. In this way, I wouldn’t Someone killed her."

As Qi Yan spoke, his heart ached to burst.

It's too late to say a thousand words and ten thousand words!
Le Yan's heart throbbed slightly, Qi Yan was really affectionate towards Zhao Liuxian.

But now, I can only look at her face, and I can't have it.

"I'm sorry, Qi Yan, I'm sorry." Apart from saying sorry, Le Yan really didn't know what to say.

She even felt a little bit, couldn't bear to hurt Qi Yan.

Obviously, the body of the person she loves is in front of her eyes, but she is no longer that person.

How heartbroken Qi Yan should be.

She had never met such an affectionate person, so she felt a little more compassion.

Qi Yan sat up slowly, staring deeply at her with a pair of eyes, and said:

"You have occupied Liuxian's body. You must cherish it well in the future. No damage is allowed, and not a single strand of hair falls out. Otherwise, I will... I will take you as a question, you know?"

"En!" Le Yan nodded vigorously, tears falling down.

"Can I hug you? Just once." Qi Yan was begging, he was afraid that Le Yan would refuse, "Don't think too much, I don't mean anything else, I just want to hug you, kind of... kind of Say a formal farewell to Liu Xian'er, she left me and hasn't said goodbye to me yet."

"..." Le Yan'er nodded.

Qi Yan stretched out his hand, and carefully took Le Yan into his arms, as if he was afraid of hurting her, he held her gently.

When he wrapped her whole body in his arms, he finally let out a slow breath.

He patted her back lightly, and kissed her hair gently with his lips.

"Liu Xian'er, you are alright, alright." He whispered in her ear.

"Okay, I will, brother Qi Yan, you have to take care of yourself and live a good life." Le Yan replied.

Brother Qi Yan's voice made tears fall down his cheeks again.

However, that empty heart was finally half filled, and he had a real feeling about Zhao Liuxian's departure.

I don't know how long I hugged.

Qi Yan finally let go of Le Yan, slowly pushed her away from his arms, held her shoulders with both hands, and looked at her face.

"Feng Leyan, remember what I just said, take good care of her body, protect her, and don't let her be bullied." Qi Yan solemnly urged.

"Yes, I remember. I will definitely protect her well. If there is no her, maybe there will be no me." Le Yan once thought that it must not be accidental that the soul transmigrated into Zhao Liuxian's body.

This is inevitable, it is the arrangement of God.

"That's good." Qi Yan let go of his hand, and pushed Le Yan's hair that hung down to the sides to the back of his head.

He stood up and threw the rope off his body.

Le Yan also stood up from the ground.

When Qi Yan looked at her again, his eyes had changed.

There is no longer the fanaticism and love for Zhao Liuxian, only politeness and alienation, as if part of the relationship has been pulled away.

From now on, all he cares about is the safety of this body.

Le Yan quietly let out a sigh of relief.

"Then what are your plans for the future?" she asked.

Intend?Qi Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and fell on Le Yan's face, his eyes gradually became a little blurred.

"Will you go back?" Le Yan asked again.

"No." Qi Yan shook his head, "I found that this place in Kyoto is the place where I can really show my strengths. At present, the business has gradually developed. In fact, rouge and gouache jewelry are only my superficial business, my most important business. It's Qianzhuang, Yanzhuang, Mizhuang... There are still many things to do here, so I will stay here for the time being."

"Alright, Jingdu is indeed more suitable for you." Le Yan finally smiled and said, "I heard Uncle Nine Emperors talk about you, and he also thinks that you are a rare talent, and you will definitely be more successful in the future .”

Qi Yan smiled and said, "I don't care if I succeed or not, but once I do it, I don't like to do worse than others, and I don't want others to surpass me."

Le Yan nodded, "Yes, you will."

The sadness on Qi Yan's face finally eased a lot.

He shook his bound and aching hands and said, "I should go."

"Okay." Le Yan nodded.

Qi Yan turned and left, but when he reached the door, he turned around again, took out a small box from his sleeve, walked up to Le Yan, and said:
"This is ointment. I just heard that you are riding a horse recently. You are not allowed to get hurt. If your body is sore, you can apply this." Qi Yan's voice was strong, "Don't forget, you promised me that you will take good care of yourself." Take care of your body."

Le Yan nodded, reached out to take it, and said, "I haven't forgotten, I will use it well."

"En." Qi Yan nodded, then turned and walked out.

Le Yan held the ointment he gave her in her hand, watching his leaving back, a stone in her heart was finally slowly let go.

Qi Yan, this time I finally let go of my obsession with Zhao Liuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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