First-class daughter

Chapter 1658 Revenge

Chapter 1658 Revenge
Chapter 1658 Revenge
Next, Le Yan continued to practice horse riding with the help of Ye Feng and Leng Mei. After half a month, she was already a good horse rider.

In the past, because she had no sense of belonging and had a vague understanding of her own identity, she would not take the initiative to go out unless Lian Siyue was with her.

After riding the horse that day, Le Yan remembered that it had been a while since she had visited the Abbot Jiufang at Jiuhua Temple.

This time, she didn't ask her mother to accompany her, but asked for a carriage in the palace, prepared incense paper money and sesame oil money, and after talking to Lian Siyue, she set off with Zhu Xian.

Arriving at the gate of Jiuhua Temple, just as the carriage stopped, Zhu Xian said displeasedly:

"It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia. Miss finally went out, but she ran into that plague god."

In the carriage, Le Yan heard this and asked, "Zhuxian, who is it?"

"It's the carriage and groom of Liu Yuerong from the Liu family, they are parked nearby." Zhuxian recognized Liu Yuerong's carriage and groom.

"..." Le Yan shook her head, "I hope I won't encounter it, I just want to be quiet, you watch carefully, let's walk around her."

Although she is not as afraid of quarrels as before, it is best not to have conflicts.

Otherwise, if the matter spreads, it will still fall on Prince Heng's residence.

And most importantly, she didn't want to show off too much.

She worked hard to improve herself, not to show off her power, but to protect herself when necessary and protect the important things around her.

"Yes, miss, the servants will be careful." Zhu Xian helped Le Yan out of the carriage.

"Park the car farther away, and don't park it with the Liu family's carriage." Le Yan told the groom.

"Yes." The groom drove the car away.

Leyan and Zhuxian walked into Jiuhua Temple together.

"Miss, we came here casually this time, and we didn't know the abbot in advance. I don't know if he has time to talk to you." Zhu Xian said.

Le Yan looked around and said, "I'm afraid I'm not the only one who wants to talk to the abbot today. Let's do it next time. I'll just go around and pay my respects."

"Yes, ma'am."

Zhu Xian first accompanied Le Yan to the Daxiong Palace.

The so-called Yuanjia Road is narrow, it is probably like this, Le Yan stepped into the Daxiong Palace, and saw Liu Yuerong, she just turned around.

"You?" Liu Yuerong looked Leyan, thinking of the warning she gave her that day, her heart trembled.

"Miss Liu is also paying respects to the Buddha." Le Yan said with a slight smile.

"That's right, I'm going to find the abbot today, so I'll leave first." Liu Yuerong said.

"Miss Liu, please." Le Yan stepped aside and said.

Liu Yuerong didn't expect that Feng Leyan would be so polite when they met again, as if nothing had happened, she felt a little curious.

After walking out of the Daxiong Palace, Liu Yuerong turned her head to look at Le Yan, with a flash of thought in her eyes.

But Le Yan ignored Liu Yuerong, walked into the hall, bent her knees, clasped her hands together, and closed her eyes.

Liu Yuerong walked some distance away from the Daxiong Palace, stopped, and said, "Go to find Abbot Jiufang, today I want to ask him to explain my doubts."

That Feng Leyan is probably here to find the abbot, she just won't let that trash get his wish, hum!

It's not good to suppress her on the bright side, this is always possible, let her understand her own identity!
So, Liu Yuerong rushed to find Abbot Jiufang, sat in front of Abbot Jiufang, and listened to him talk about the contents of the scriptures.

At first, Liu Yuerong listened seriously.

However, after a while, her soul began to go out of her body, and she couldn't listen to what the master said.

In the end, she even felt a little bit on pins and needles.

what happened?

Almost an hour has passed, Feng Leyan, that trash still hasn't come?
If she really doesn't come.

Then, isn't her purpose here in vain?

"Amitabha. The donor's mood fluctuates, and his mind doesn't seem to be above the Buddhist scriptures. This is to offend the Bodhisattva. It is better for the donor to come again at another time." Abbot Nine said.

"Yes. Master Abbot, I just remembered that there are still important things to do, so I feel a little restless. I'd better go first. I will give you more money for sesame oil today. Don't worry." After Liu Yuerong finished speaking, she hurried I left in a hurry.

Liu Yuerong walked away for a while, when the door of the meditation room opened with a creak.

Le Yan walked in, clasped his hands together, bowed, and said, "Master."

Seeing Le Yan, Abbot Jiu nodded slightly, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

He motioned for Le Yan to sit down, and said, "Amitabha, I have met so many female benefactors, the only Le Yan benefactor, although young, is indeed the most qualitative."

Come to think of it, there will be a big achievement in the future.

After Liu Yuerong left the Zen room, she ordered the maid to look for Le Yan's whereabouts, but she couldn't find it after searching around the temple.

"Miss, has she gone back?" said the maid.

"What, she actually..." Liu Yuerong was so angry that it really made her go all out for nothing.

"Miss, maybe she was afraid of you and didn't dare to appear in front of you, so she left in a hurry." The maid said.

"Will it? That trash, since that day, seems to be a different person, and he doesn't pay attention to me at all." Liu Yuerong was a little skeptical.

"But no matter how much she changes, she can't change the fact that she is not a relative of Prince Heng's mansion. To put it nicely, she is the person who saved Princess Heng. To put it bluntly, she is just an idler. Miss don't have to worry so much." said the maid.

"That's true. However, I still feel uncomfortable today." Liu Yuerong walked out of Jiuhua Temple displeased.

Because of the unhappiness in her heart and the hurried steps, she actually went in the wrong direction.

"Miss, it should be this way." The maid Xiaowan said.

Liu Yuerong was displeased, so she stretched out her hand to pinch Xiaowan, and said, "I know I'm going the wrong way here, even Feng Leyan's maidservant can't match half of her, it's really unlucky for me to have a servant like you, wait until I go back , I replaced you!"

"My servant knows my mistake, my servant knows my mistake." Xiao Wan knelt on the ground in fright.

Liu Yuerong ignored it and turned around coldly.

"Hey, that's..." When she turned around, she saw a carriage parked not far away, and the groom was resting beside the carriage.

"Miss, this is the carriage of Prince Heng's Mansion." Xiao Wan rubbed her painful wrist and said.

"The carriage of Prince Heng's Mansion? Is that Feng Leyan's carriage?" A cunning flashed in Liu Yuerong's eyes.

"That's right, it must be hers." Xiao Wan said.

"You find a way to lure the carriage away." Liu Yuerong showed a calculation on her face, "Leaned in Xiaowan's ear and said a few words."

"Yes, miss." Xiaowan understood what Liu Yuerong meant.

Liu Yuerong left, and walked back to her carriage smoothly this time.

(End of this chapter)

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