First-class daughter

Chapter 1660 Offending

Chapter 1660 Offending
Chapter 1660 Offending
Hearing her apology, Qi Yan's cold expression was relieved.

He glanced at Le Yan, with some contradictions and entanglements in his expression.

"Sit here." He stepped forward and hugged her horizontally.

"..." Le Yan was startled, subconsciously grabbed his clothes, blushed, and said nervously, "You, you let me down, I can go by myself."

"Of course you can, she can't, she hasn't suffered." Qi Yan's words, like a cold knife, blocked Le Yan's words back.

She lowered her head slightly.

Yes, Zhao Liuxian has been doted on so much, even her fiancé cares about her and values ​​her so much.

Unlike Zhao Liuxian, she is a person who is used to suffering. In the abyss of despair, no one helped her and gave her a little warmth.

She died at the coldest, most terrifying, most frightening time.

Although she has regained her life now, whenever she thinks about the time before her death, she still trembles all over, as if immersed in ice water.

There was a look of sadness and grief in her eyes.

"..." Qi Yan noticed her slightly changed expression, and said, "Are you dissatisfied?"

"No, you're right, you'll be careful in the future." Le Yan didn't break free again, but let Qi Yan hold her, and sat down under the tree.

Qi Yan's face became more tense.

He let Le Yan sit on the thick grass under the tree, and reached out to hold Le Yan's ankle.

Le Yan trembled, wanting to retract her feet, but only retracted, and did not move anymore.

Qi Yan's hand slowly held her ankle, pressed the position of the bone, and then twisted it slightly.

"Ah!" Le Yan cried out subconsciously.

At the same time, a clicking sound was heard, and the sprained bone returned to its position.

Le Yan twisted her foot, except for a little soreness, it was much better than before.

"Thank you." Le Yan said.

However, Qi Yan didn't speak, and continued to check her forehead and hands with a straight face.

At the same time, he took out a bottle of green ointment from his arms, dipped some in his fingers, and applied it to the injured area. His movements were gentle and his eyes were serious.

He was very close, and probably because of the medicine he brought, he had a faint scent of traditional Chinese medicine on his body.

Le Yan kept her head down all the time, without saying a word or moving, allowing him to smear "her".

"Okay." Qi Yan finally backed away a little, his voice still cold.

Le Yan reached out and touched her forehead, and the pain seemed to have subsided a little.

Qi Yan turned his head, looked at the carriage, and said, "Does the Prince Heng's Mansion give you such a bad carriage? There will be accidents on the road. I will buy you the best carriage, and you will use the carriage I bought for you when you travel in the future. The groom also pleases you, your groom is not smart enough."

"No!" Le Yan said hastily, "Don't get me wrong, the people in Prince Heng's Mansion treat me very well, both Uncle Nine Emperors and Princess Wang treat me very, very well, what happened today, I don't think it was a coincidence, but... a conspiracy .”

When she set off, the carriage had been checked carefully, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Conspiracy?" A flash of thought flashed across Qi Yan's eyes.

Le Yan walked to the side of the carriage, and Qi Yan also walked over to check it together.

"Sure enough, someone has tampered with it. One of the wooden nails on the carriage wheel is missing. After walking for a long time, the wheel will collapse if the wheel is loosened..." Qi Yan said.

"When I came out of the palace, the carriage was inspected, and there was no problem for such a long distance along the way. This shows that the carriage was tampered with in the temple." Le Yan said.

"Who did you offend?" Qi Yan asked.

"If I offend someone, then I have only offended one person." Le Yan said.

"Who?" Qi Yan asked.

"Liu Yuerong." Le Yan said affirmatively, "She was in the temple just now, and she's gone now."

"This Miss Liu's family is really irritating. I used to bully her in the seventh princess mansion, scold her as a waste, and hurt her hand. Now, the lady has avoided her in every possible way. She just doesn't want to conflict with her, but It's good for her, she insists on making things difficult for Miss." Zhu Xian said angrily from the side.

"Hand injured?" Qi Yan immediately asked when he heard that Le Yan's hand was injured.

"It's all right now, and it's as good as ever." Le Yan knew that he was very nervous about his body, so she quickly stretched out her hands obediently, and showed him the backs and palms of his hands.

"Why are you being bullied? Why do you take a detour when you are being bullied? Don't you know that the more you are like this, the more people will bully you?" Qi Yan said coldly.

"Actually, I..." Le Yan wanted to say that she actually fought back, and the reason why she walked around was because she didn't want to cause a conflict, and it was too much attention.

"Follow me!" Qi Yan couldn't help saying, pulling Le Yan's sleeve.

"Where are you going?" Le Yan asked hurriedly.

"Take my carriage, and I'll take you home." Qi Yan didn't have a smile on his face, and his inaudible concern was still impatient.

"It's okay, I'll wait here, the groom will go back to find the carriage..." Le Yan wanted to refuse, but Qi Yan turned her head and gave her a contemptuous look.

"It's getting dark, are you waiting here with the maid? I'm not because of you, I'm because of..."

"I know, it's because of Liu Xian." Le Yan said quickly.

"It's good to know, then don't refuse, let's go!" Qi Yan signaled Xiaoyuan to ride the carriage over.

With Zhu Xian's support, Le Yan got into the carriage and sat face to face with Qi Yan.

"By the way, why are you here?" Le Yan asked.

"Worship Buddha." Qi Yan didn't look at her, but looked aside and said.

"Oh, so that's the case." Le Yan nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Qi Yan asked.

"Is it Liu Yuerong?"

"Yes, evasion is not the answer. Since I intend to harm you, this will not be the last time." Qi Yan said.

"I will find a way to solve it, and I won't let her hurt me again." The fist in Le Yan's sleeve clenched secretly. She didn't ask for trouble, but trouble found her. He taught me a lesson.

"What do you think?" Qi Yan said softly, only he could hear it.

along the way.

Neither of them spoke again.

The carriage sent Le Yan all the way to the gate of Prince Heng's mansion.

Le Yan got out of the car, thanked Qi Yan, then turned and entered the palace.

Qi Yan looked at her back, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

"My lord, we should go." Xiaoyuan came over and reminded.

"Has Liu Yuerong ever come to buy something?" Qi Yan asked casually as he walked to the carriage.

"I have no impression, but the young master said that she came to scold, so she must have bought it." Xiaoyuan said.

"Go and check on her, including all her family members and people close to her." Qi Yan ordered.

"Yes, son."

Qi Yan got into the carriage, and the carriage flicked the whip vigorously, and the horse left.

(End of this chapter)

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