First-class daughter

Chapter 1696 Forgiveness

Chapter 1696 Forgiveness
Chapter 1696 Forgiveness
The princes behind him also knelt down one by one.

"Greetings, Royal Father!" Several princes said in unison.

Emperor Li Chao appeared at the gate of the stadium at some time, and he had a panoramic view of the scene of the princes playing Cuju just now.

At this moment, the emperor was staring at the prince with deep eyes, and the anger emanating from his body made people tremble with fear.

"I heard that you invited some of your brothers to play Cuju together today, especially Yan Tong. I was very pleased at that time, and felt that you, as an elder brother, were very sensible and appropriate. But I never expected that, As the crown prince, you are so narrow-minded and used despicable means to win the game!" The emperor said, feeling very distressed.

He has always known that the prince is not good at studies, and he is not top-notch in riding and archery. Although he has no merits, he has no faults. As a prince, he is so-so, but there is nothing wrong with it.

But just now, when he saw the prince stabbing Yan with a silver needle from a distance, this scene immediately overturned all his previous thoughts about the prince.

"Father, my son, my son was wronged..." The prince knelt on the ground, shouting for grievances repeatedly, but unconsciously clenched his hands into fists.

Damn it, why did the emperor suddenly appear?
The prince's pupils became darker and darker, and he squinted at Yaotong who was kneeling behind him.

At this time, Yaotong also happened to look over, and when the eyes of the two met in the air, the prince clearly caught a glimpse of the sarcasm in Yaotong's eyes.

Suddenly, the prince was startled.

Suddenly, he remembered the Queen's advice to him, but more, he was still unwilling.

It is a great humiliation to him that he is the majestic prince of the Li Dynasty, and he was turned around by a country boy today.

He will firmly remember today!

"Injustice? I can see clearly that you still dare to call for injustice? You have done something wrong and don't know how to admit it. Are you still worthy of being a prince?" The emperor's eyes were wide open, extremely majestic, and his tone was filled with overwhelming anger.

"I'm sorry Father, I was in a hurry just now, so I accidentally injured my third brother. I know I was wrong." Seeing that he couldn't deny it, the prince simply admitted the matter and begged the emperor for mercy.

The emperor snorted heavily, "The person you should apologize to is not I, but your third brother!"

Hearing this, the prince didn't care about anything else, and turned his head to look at Yaotong, "Third brother, I'm sorry, brother didn't do it on purpose just now."

"His Royal Highness, my brother is fine, you don't have to take it to heart." Yaotong glanced at the prince with a distant and polite attitude.

The emperor looked at this scene, and then glanced at the other princes who were kneeling on the ground, his brows were tightly frowned. He also ascended the throne all the way from the princes, so he didn't understand the tricks of these princes getting along with each other.

Suddenly finding a prince from the countryside will inevitably cause some people to panic.

After a while, the emperor felt a little tired.

"The prince has lost his virtue today, and he will be banned from the East Palace from now on. Without my permission, he is not allowed to take half a step!" The emperor glanced at the prince coldly.

The prince's body trembled, although he was dissatisfied, he could only nod in recognition, "I thank you, Father."

After all, the emperor walked away with a flick of his sleeves.

After the emperor left, the prince's entourage immediately stepped forward and helped the prince who was kneeling on the ground to his feet.

"Go away!"

The prince pushed away the entourage, turned around and looked at Yaotong.

"Li Yantong, I really have you!" The prince sneered, then stepped forward, and moved closer to Yaotong, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, his eyes were dark and prey, "You have notified the emperor in advance, right?"

"What is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince talking about? I don't understand." Yao Tong's eyes were burning, and he took a deep look at the Crown Prince, with a faint smile on his lips.

Hearing this, the prince smiled lightly and hooked his lips, "Forget it, the future will be long."

After speaking, the prince turned around and left the court.

After the prince left, Yao Tong didn't say anything to the other princes, and walked away slowly.

After walking out of the court, Zhufeng immediately greeted him and nodded slightly to Yaotong.

"Let's go." Yaotong left.

Inside the stadium, the remaining three princes still had lingering fears when they thought of the scene just now.

"The crown prince has been grounded. Now, the palace will not be peaceful again." The fourth prince said with a slight smile, narrowing his eyes.

"It's really unlucky for the prince brother to be bumped into by the emperor." The youngest seventh prince still didn't understand what happened.

The Fourth Prince glanced at the Seventh Prince, reached out and touched his head, "Seventh Brother, stay away from Li Yantong from now on."

"I know, I don't like that boy from the country!" The Seventh Prince frowned.

The fourth prince laughed and said nothing when he heard about it.


The fact that Yaotong was attacked by the emperor at the Prince's Stadium and was banned by the emperor soon spread throughout the palace.

In Yongchun Palace.

When the queen heard the news, she staggered and fell down on the chair, her face full of panic. After a while, she patted the table angrily, "How could this be..."

"Empress, don't worry, the third prince is really too cunning, the prince has a pure heart, how can he be his opponent." Yurong stepped forward and comforted the queen.

The queen's phoenix eyes tightened, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I have already reminded the prince, but the prince just didn't take what I said to heart. Now that the emperor has bumped into me, I can't help him anymore!"

"Did the empress just let the prince be grounded?" Yurong asked.

"The prince is arrogant and arrogant. It's good to dampen his spirit right now, so that he will understand that what I said is correct. As for the other things, let me think of a way." The queen agreed. With a sigh of relief, his face returned to calm.

Yurong nodded and said nothing more.

"By the way, take out the Ganoderma lucidum that I have collected in this palace, and order someone to send it to that kid Li Yantong later." The queen narrowed her eyes and sneered.

Upon hearing this, Yurong said in surprise, "Mother, that Ganoderma lucidum is very precious..."

"It's the preciousness that can reflect my sincerity." The queen glanced at Yurong impatiently.

Yu Rong didn't dare to say anything, and hurried to take out the Ganoderma lucidum.


Linhua Palace.

Concubine Liu Gui came to Linhua Palace in a hurry after hearing that the crown prince had attacked Yaotong and was grounded.

"Yantong, are you alright?" Concubine Liu Gui looked up and down Yaotong with worry on her face when she saw Yaotong.

Yaotong looked at Concubine Liu Gui, seeing her sad face, she slightly opened her lips and said, "Mother Concubine, I'm fine."

"Are you really all right? Have you invited the imperial physician to see it?" Concubine Liu Gui asked.

Yaotong shook her head, "It was just pricked by a silver needle, it's not serious, there is no need to call a doctor."

"Silver needle?" Concubine Liu Gui frowned tightly, "The crown prince is really cruel, to use such a method to deal with you."

Speaking of this, Concubine Liu Gui seemed to think of something again, looked up at Yaotong, a little embarrassed, "Yantong, you are new here, and this time you have a grudge with the crown prince, I am afraid that you will have a hard time in the future."

Concubine Liu Gui was very worried when she mentioned this.

Sooner or later, the crown prince will inherit the Li Dynasty. Now that Yan Tong has offended him like this, the crown prince will definitely hold grudges in his heart. One day, he will definitely take revenge.

"What does Concubine Mu mean?" Yao Tong heard another meaning from Concubine Liu Gui's words.

"Yantong, if not, go and beg your father to forgive the prince..."

(End of this chapter)

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