First-class daughter

Chapter 1701 Blink

Chapter 1701 Blink
Chapter 1701 Blink
At this point, the hunting ground.

A group of princes showed off their talents in the hunting field, full of vigor and vigor.

On the hunting ground, the frightened prey fled in all directions and scattered to various parts of the hunting ground.

After the prince was the first to hunt a muntjac, his confidence increased greatly, and he shouted loudly, "Brothers, show us your skills and let the emperor see!"

As soon as the words fell, the prince aimed his bow and arrow at a hare, and shot it precisely.

The hare was shot steadily, and fell on the spot with its head tilted.

Seeing this, everyone cheered!
The crown prince raised the corners of his lips, with a smug expression on his face, and said to the people around him, "Everyone don't have to let this prince, you all show your own abilities!"

After speaking, the prince pulled the rein and ran to the other side of the jungle.

It seemed that with the encouragement of the prince, the rest of the princes soon hunted different prey one by one, ranging from big roe deer to small pheasants and hares.

After a lap, only Yaotong's horseback was still empty, with nothing to be found.

When the sixth prince and the seventh prince passed by Yaotong, they couldn't help but look at each other with a little disdain in their eyes.

Even the guards who followed the two princes looked down on Yao Tong somewhat.

These three princes are really idiots. General Wei has been teaching him for so long, but he still can't even know how to ride and shoot. Even the youngest seventh prince is much better than him.

Facing these contemptuous and taunting gazes, Yaotong didn't take it seriously, and her whole attention fell on the deep forest in the west.


On the high platform, the female relatives who had a panoramic view of the hunting demeanor of the princes also had different thoughts at the moment.

The queen looked at the prince who took the lead, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and her phoenix eyes were full of pride.

The fact that the crown prince attacked Li Yantong and was grounded earlier made many people in the palace laugh at him, and this time it is time for them to have a look at the crown prince's true skills in this hunting meeting.

Concubine Shu took a sip of her scented tea, picked up the silk handkerchief, and gently wiped the corners of her mouth. When her eyes turned to Yaotong, she asked in surprise, "Is there no prey on the third prince's horse?"

"That's right, to report back to Concubine Shu, the Third Prince hasn't even hunted a pheasant!" behind him, Zhang Jieyu, the mother and concubine of the Seventh Prince, couldn't help interjecting.

Hearing this, Concubine Shu raised her eyebrows slightly, and then sighed again, "I heard earlier that General Wei spent a lot of time teaching the third prince how to ride and shoot, but the third prince still can't even hold a bow and arrow steadily. Look Come on, the princes from outside are not as good as those from the palace."

"Concubine Shu, don't talk nonsense!" The queen glanced at Concubine Shu, and deliberately reprimanded her lightly.

It has to be said that although she has always disliked Concubine Shu, what Concubine Shu said has penetrated into her heart.

This Li Yantong, a country boy, how dare he compare with her prince?

Today, everything on this hunting ground is the best proof.

What's more, she arranged a good show today!

Sitting on the imperial concubine's seat, Concubine Liu Gui held the handkerchief in her hand tightly when she heard these words taunting Yaotong, keeping her eyes on Yaotong on the hunting ground for a moment.

Hongtang next to her was red-eyed angrily, and wanted to speak for Yaotong, but her master didn't say anything, so how could it be her turn to speak up as a court lady.

Seeing that Concubine Liu Gui was silent, Zhang Jieyu and the others became even more presumptuous, with a high-pitched voice, and sneered, "Princes who grew up in this palace have to undergo rigorous riding and shooting since they were three or four years old." Training, day after day, year after year, has never stopped. The third prince has only practiced for ten days and a half months, and it is not unusual for him to miss his prey."

"Sister Jieyu said that we should give the third prince more encouragement." The little concubine next to Zhang Jieyu covered her mouth and laughed lightly.

"That's not true, do you think there are a few people who dare to enter the hunting ground after practicing for such a short period of time, are all the beasts in the hunting ground vegetarian?"

After the words fell, a burst of laughter came from the high platform.

It was also the first time for the empress to indulge these little concubines, mocking a prince in public.

Because of these words, she felt so comfortable listening to them.


Yao Tong quickly shuttled through the woods one after another, the surrounding dust and clamoring voices filled his ears, but his heart was indeed unusually peaceful.

This moment is finally coming.

Yao Tong held the hand of the rein, and gradually exerted force, and the veins on the back of the hand burst out. After making a decision, Yao Tong stopped suddenly, and looked back at the high platform.

Concubine Liu Gui was looking at him for a moment, when her eyes met Concubine Liu Guitong, Yao Tong said softly with her lips, "Concubine Mother, I'm sorry."

On the high platform, although Concubine Liu Gui didn't see what Yaotong was talking about, but when she noticed Yaotong's gaze, she was startled suddenly and had an ominous premonition.

Concubine Liu Gui subconsciously stood up, wanting to see more clearly.

At this time, a leopard suddenly sprang out of the hunting ground.

After hunting for a long time, a ferocious beast finally appeared, which made the blood of all the princes boil with excitement.

They had a hunch that whoever hunted this leopard might be the number one today!
After thinking about it, several people shot feather arrows at the leopard.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

A dozen feathered arrows came down, but none of them hit the leopard.

The frightened leopard ran to the depths of the woods.

Seeing this, the leading prince also wanted to chase into the depths of the forest. When he passed by Yaotong, the prince squinted at Yaotong, "Third brother, since you can't hit the prey, let's help surround you together." Stop it, when it's over, big brother will give you a few wild rabbits!"

After speaking, the prince went to the depths of the woods.

Yaotong glanced at the deep forest, and in the deep pupils, there was a hint of deep meaning.

When he was about to go deep into the woods, General Wei on the high platform noticed something was wrong, and waved at Yaotong, signaling Yaotong not to go.

Yaotong pursed her thin lips, her legs clamped her horse's belly, and she marched into the depths of the forest without hesitation...

Yaotong's horse was moving forward at high speed, and Yaotong's eyes were full of faith and firmness, he pursed his lips tightly, and quickly ran towards a certain direction in the deep forest.

Since the prince entered the hunting ground, he has been paying close attention to Yao Tong's movements, planning to follow the plan.

But after he chased into the deep forest, he found that Yaotong was nowhere to be seen.

"Quickly, let the prince track down Li Yantong's whereabouts!" The prince shouted angrily, and ordered the guards beside him to find someone quickly.

Soon, the guards following the prince dispersed one after another, looking around for Yao Tong's whereabouts.

Situ, the prince's personal bodyguard, stayed where he was, protecting the prince.

"You also search for the prince!" The prince squinted at Situ, his tone full of sullenness.

"But..." Situ looked around, hesitating a little.

(End of this chapter)

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