First-class daughter

Chapter 1726 Interpretation

Chapter 1726 Interpretation
Chapter 1726 Interpretation
After Le Yan returned home, the housekeeper handed her an invitation letter.

"Princess, tomorrow the Empress will hold a Hundred Flowers Banquet in the palace, and invited you to attend." The butler said.

Looking at the invitation letter, Le Yan nodded in response.

The Hundred Flowers Banquet, I don't know what kind of moths are going to come up, but it was held by the queen, and she couldn't shirk it.

When he was about to leave, he saw the butler looking behind him, "Your Highness, you are back."

After feeling a breath behind her, Le Yan picked up the invitation letter and walked towards Chaoyan Pavilion without looking back.

Li Yantong looked at this figure, raised his eyes slightly, his expression was unclear.

"What did you give her just now?" Li Yantong asked.

The housekeeper hurriedly said, "The Empress will hold a Hundred Flowers Banquet in the palace tomorrow, and invited the Empress Wang and Concubine An."



The next day, after Le Yan finished dressing, she entered the palace.

After entering the palace, first went to Liu Guifei's residence.

Concubine Liu Gui told Le Yan that she must be cautious in her words and deeds tonight.

The Empress holds a Hundred Flowers Banquet every year, and only invites all the female relatives inside and outside the palace. The place where the Hundred Flowers Banquet is held is in the imperial garden in the palace. Now the season is just right, and the imperial garden is full of flowers, full of fragrance.

When Le Yan and Concubine Liu Gui arrived, there were already many people sitting in the seats.

There are also many people who are seeing this princess in Prince Rui's residence for the first time.

When Le Yan took her seat, An Ruo had already arrived and was sitting behind her.

Diagonally opposite, not far away, sat the Mrs. Zhen Guohou.

Concubine Liu Gui sat in the front seat, and beside her was Concubine Shu.

It is said that this Concubine Shu is also extremely favored.

While watching, Concubine Shu cast a look at Le Yan, although there was a little smile in that look, it made Le Yan feel startled.

This Concubine Shu is not easy to deal with.

After a while, many female relatives came and sat down in their seats one by one.

"The empress is here—"

"The Crown Princess arrives—"

Came with the queen, and Crown Princess An Rong.

Madam Zhen Guohou looked at An Rong who came with the queen, her eyes showed a hint of pride.

Now her two daughters, one is married to the crown prince and the other is married to Prince Rui, they can be said to be very prosperous.

After the queen took the seat of honor, she glanced at the people under her eyes one by one, with a dignified smile on her face, "Today's Hundred Flowers Banquet is an ordinary family banquet, and there is no need for everyone to be formal."

"Thank you Empress." Everyone said in unison.

The banquet officially started, and soon, there was a pot of scented tea in front of Le Yan's table, and everyone's table seemed to be filled with scented tea of ​​different flavors.

"These scented teas are all made from the honey of hundreds of flowers. They are extremely fragrant and sweet. Let's try them all," said the Queen.

Everyone picked up their teacups and took a sip.

"Sure enough, the taste is fresh and different." After taking a sip, Mrs. Zhen Guohou opened her mouth first.

The queen glanced at Mrs. Zhen Guohou, just smiled and did not speak.

"Princess Rui, I wonder if you are used to this scented tea?" After looking at the crowd, the Queen's eyes fell on Le Yan.

Le Yan heard this and stood up, "Reporting to the Empress, this scented tea tastes sweet and very delicious."

"That's good," said the queen.

At this time, a Li noble behind Concubine Shu said, "My concubine heard that people in the Zhou Dynasty have a very different taste from our Li Dynasty."

"Oh? How do you say that?" The queen raised her eyebrows slightly.

"My concubine heard that people in the Zhou Dynasty liked to eat wild game, such as camphor meat and fox meat, etc., and they also liked half-cooked meat. They said it was authentic!" Li Guiren said this, with some disgust in his eyes.

Yang Jieyu who was beside Li Guiren answered, "Fox meat, isn't that flirty?"

"It is said that people in the Zhou Dynasty like to eat fox meat during festivals. Maybe you find it annoying, but others don't." Li Guiren covered his mouth and laughed.

Some officials, wives, daughters, etc. also laughed.

"My concubine also heard that some Zhou Dynasty people like to add some horse urine to tea." Li Guiren said again.

"Oh, no, how can you drink it?" Yang Jieyu covered her chest pretending to be disgusted.

After hearing this, everyone looked at Le Yan with a bit of disgust.

People from Zhou Dynasty have too much taste.

"So, Princess Rui must not be used to drinking our scented tea." Li Guiren said.

Listening to the cynicism around her, Le Yan didn't bother to explain.

It's just a group of frogs in a well.

"Li Guiren, is there any evidence for what you said?" Concubine Shu, who had been silent all this time, opened her mouth, and looked sideways at Li Guiren who was behind her.

It was rare for Li Guiren to see Concubine Shu pay attention to her, so he hurriedly said, "Chen Qie, a relative in the Zhou Dynasty, once told Chen Qie."

"It's good to have evidence, otherwise, if you talk nonsense, beware of His Highness Prince Rui and punish you for offending you." Concubine Shu's lips showed a sneer.

As soon as the words came out, many people present reacted.

Didn't this His Highness Prince Rui lived in the Zhou Dynasty?
Then the fox meat, horse urine, etc., have all been eaten and drunk.

"Prince Rui is a thing of the past, so there is no need to mention it again." The queen stopped Li Guiren with a voice.

Even so, the queen's words still acquiesced to these.

Concubine Liu Gui sat there with a faint smile, "I heard that in a while, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty seems to be visiting the Li Dynasty. At that time, I should ask about it curiously."

As soon as these words came out, the Hundred Flowers Banquet became so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Especially Li Guiren, whose face turned blue and white, and finally turned pale.


She's just talking nonsense.

If it reaches the ears of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, then she...

Seeing that the atmosphere had changed, the queen glanced at Nanny Wen beside her.

Mother Wen understood, "Come here, pass on the meal."

Today is the Hundred Flowers Feast, some meals are also added some things about flowers, even some of the greasy meals that I usually eat, after adding some sweet flower juice, it becomes refreshing and delicious.

No one mentioned the episode about the Zhou Dynasty just now.

Until halfway through the banquet, An Ruo, who hadn't spoken, suddenly let out a scream, and then spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood from his mouth, and fell to the ground.

"Ah, Concubine An!" Huanlian screamed and supported An Ruo.

When Mrs. Zhen Guohou heard about the accident, she was also frightened and turned pale with fright, she ran over to support An Ruo, "Ruoer, Ruoer!"

"Ruo'er!" An Rong was also startled, and walked over quickly.

Black blood continuously overflowed from the corner of An Ruo's mouth, clutching his stomach, "It hurts, it hurts..."

"Concubine An's appearance, I'm afraid she has been poisoned." Concubine Shu said lightly.

"Come on, send the imperial physician over!" the queen ordered.

Soon, the imperial doctor came over with a medicine box, and after treating An Ruo, the imperial doctor's eyes showed panic, "I want to report to the empress, Concubine An is poisoned with rot intestine powder. Fortunately, she takes a small amount. Can detoxify."

(End of this chapter)

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