First-class daughter

Chapter 175 I'll Help You

Chapter 175 I'll Help You
Chapter 175 I'll Help You
He couldn't help frowning, and said, "Princess, I'm here to apologize."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Princess Eleven finally came to her senses, but she accidentally choked on her and couldn't help coughing violently. A few maids rushed over and beat her back while saying——

"Princess, princess, are you okay!"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Princess Eleven continued to cough, her delicate and plump little face flushed red, and she even coughed up tears.

She was really choked!

How embarrassing to be in front of this annoying Lianjue!
"Drink some water." Lian Jue turned around, picked up a glass of water from the table, and handed it over. Zhi Li quickly took it for Princess Eleven to drink.

After a long while, she finally regained her breath, but her face was still red, so red, like emeralds, that she was about to bleed
She stared at Lian Jue, and shouted angrily, "You, why don't you let someone inform you, you suddenly appeared like a ghost, this princess was almost choked to death by your fright, if I die, your whole family will not be enough Sorry! The life of this princess is very precious!"

"Aren't you still alive and well?" Lian Jue said calmly, seeing her alive and well, scolding her with so much strength, as if nothing happened.

"Of course!" Princess Eleven crossed her hands, "Otherwise, can you still stand here and listen to this princess? Hmph! By the way, you said just now, what are you here for? Say it again, louder !"

"I came to apologize to the princess." Lian Jue repeated.

The Eleventh Princess was very proud when she heard that, her eyes lit up, then she straightened her face and asked in a serious manner, "Apologize? I heard it right, right? What is wrong with you, Young Master Lian? Bow your head and apologize to me."

Lian Jue seemed to have made up his mind, pursed his mouth, and said, "My sister's loss of control has nothing to do with the princess. I slandered the princess without any evidence, so I came here to plead guilty to the princess." .”

Princess Eleven raised her eyebrows and said, "And then?"

"Then, please forgive me, the princess. I shouldn't have falsely accused the princess." Lian Jue continued.

"And then?" she asked again.

And then?Lian Jue was taken aback for a moment, blinked his eyes in confusion, and said again, "Then... the princess can punish her however she wants."

That's all he can say!

Moreover, this matter was indeed because he was too hasty and wronged someone else, and the other party was a princess, so he deserved to be punished. Although he couldn't hold back his face, he would not evade it.

The Eleventh Princess saw that he had finally been fooled by her, and she was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart, but her face was still serious and selfless, and she said, "There is no need for punishment, and this princess is not such a stingy person."

"The princess means..." Lian Jue asked, not being stingy, why did his sister call him to apologize?The logic of this princess is strange enough.

Princess Eleven touched her chin, thought for a while, and said:
"This princess has always wanted to raise a deer in my Menghua Palace. When you hunt tomorrow, hunt a deer and bring it back to the palace for me, and I will not pursue this matter any more. A deer will be exchanged for the lives of you and Lian Siyue." , it’s a good deal.” She seemed very generous.

Want a fawn?What's so difficult about it?Tomorrow it will be a hunt.

Lian Jue thought for a while, and said, "Is what the princess said true? I exchanged the deer, and I will no longer pursue this matter in the future, and will not cause trouble for me and my sister again?"

Princess Eleven felt displeased when he heard that he wanted to draw a line with him quickly, and said, "Hey, Lian Jue, don't dislike me so much. Is it painful for you to be unable to draw a line with me?"

"Lian Jue dare not." Lian Jue lowered his head slightly, pretending to respect her, said.

"Hmph, that's pretty much the same! Remember, I'll be waiting for your little deer. When you give me the little deer, I won't bother you with it. Even if you want me to go, I won't go." Eleven The princess swears that she is authentic, so she almost raised her hand to swear.

"Okay, deal!" Lian Jue readily complied with her request.

"Then it's settled, this princess is waiting for your deer!" Eleventh princess narrowed her eyes when she smiled, and stretched out her hand——

"This is..." Lian Jue looked at Princess Eleven's hand outstretched in front of her in puzzlement and asked.

"Hi-five, it means that our covenant is established!" Princess Eleven waved her hands excitedly and said.

Lian Jue smiled, "No need, I'm a man of my word, don't worry princess, then I'll go first."

Lian Jue bowed slightly, bid her farewell and left.

Princess Eleven stood at the door, looking at his leaving back, the light shone on him, making him look a little quiet.

She looked at her lonely hand in the air, slowly let it go, and snorted softly, "If you don't hit it, you don't hit it, my hand, I won't let you touch it! This is for the son-in-law of!"

The banquet came to an end.

The emperor, queen and all the concubines also went back to their tents one by one.

Liu Yanyu has been sitting beside Princess An and talking with her, gentle and well-behaved, reassuring and likable.

It's just that she couldn't help looking towards Feng Yunzheng, and her thoughts secretly fluctuated because of his expression and movement.

When she saw that Feng Yunzheng was about to leave, her heart tightened, and she said anxiously to Princess An:

"Princess, Yu'er leave for a moment, immediately." Princess An Guo knew her heart from the expression in her eyes, she sighed softly, and said——


Liu Yanyu was overjoyed, she got up and walked out, because she was impatient, she didn't notice the expression on Princess An's face.

"Your Highness Nine..." Just as Feng Yunzheng's feet were about to enter the tent, a shy and nervous voice came from behind.

Feng Yunzheng was slightly stunned, stopped, turned around slowly, and saw a woman standing in front of him, with a hint of doubt on his face, he said inexplicably:

"Miss Liu, what do you need to ask me?" The attitude was polite, but a little alienated.

Liu Yanyu looked at Feng Yunzheng's tall body, magnificent and magnificent, although he didn't have any expression, he was free and elegant, which made people intoxicated.

She bit her lower lip, raised her foot and walked towards Feng Yunzheng decisively. This is the first time she mustered up all her courage to take the initiative to care about a man, and this man will be her husband in the future, her God, she The place, everything about her.

She stopped, looked at Feng Yunzheng's hand, blushed, and said, "Your Highness, is your hand injured?"

Feng Yunzheng raised his hand, looked at it, and said, "It's okay, it's a small matter."

"I think the wound is not well bandaged. It's loose. I'm afraid His Highness will feel uncomfortable. I, I will bandage it again for Your Highness." Liu Yanyu pointed at his bandage and said.

(End of this chapter)

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