First-class daughter

Chapter 183 Meeting Halfway

Chapter 183 Meeting Halfway
Chapter 183 Meeting Halfway
"Qilin, Qilin! I saw the Qilin! Jiang Keji, come here!"

Although the unknown object just passed by in a flash, the emperor saw it clearly. It had a head like a dragon, antlers, eyes of a lion, back of a tiger, waist of a bear, scales of a snake, and hooves like a horse. More like a deer!
Is this not a unicorn?
"Yes, Your Majesty, I have seen it!" Jiang Keji also looked very excited, and said, "That is a unicorn, congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty, wherever a unicorn haunts, there must be auspiciousness, great joy, great joy, my lord!"

No one has ever really seen the unicorn, but there are many auspicious legends about the unicorn, and the first one is the omen of auspiciousness. Emperor Zhou Cheng didn't expect to see it with his own eyes!
"Jiang Keji, call everyone back immediately, stop hunting, and capture the unicorn with all your strength, remember not to hurt it at all, otherwise, it will be killed without mercy!" Emperor Zhou Cheng couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and ordered.

"Yes, I'll pass the order now!" Jiang Keji took the order, and immediately raised his head and blew the horn.

When everyone was immersed in the joy of hunting and the achievements of the battle, they suddenly heard the howling of the assembly. Although their faces were puzzled, they stopped hunting one after another and rushed back to the emperor's side.

Emperor Zhou Cheng announced in public: "Everyone, I have seen the unicorn. It is on this mountain. From now on, stop hunting and concentrate on finding the unicorn. Those who catch the unicorn will be rewarded!"

"Yes!" Everyone began to circle around the mountain designated by the emperor to find the whereabouts of Qilin.

The sixth prince, Feng Yu, and the eighth prince, Feng Ye, went to the depths of the forest with bows and arrows to find Qilin, and they were talking.

Feng Yu lowered her voice, looked around, and said, "Eighth Emperor Brother, according to you, is there really a unicorn? Throughout the ages, although there are legends about unicorns, no one has ever seen them."

Feng Ye glanced at Feng Yu, Feng Yu knew she had said something wrong, so she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, Feng Ye said:

"Father is the auspicious face of the sky. It's not surprising to see Qilin with our own eyes. Let's stop talking about it. Just go and find it. Just be happy when you find Father."

"That makes sense! Father must have seen Qilin! We must find Qilin." Feng Yu agreed. At this time, he looked up and looked around. Everyone was carefully searching step by step, looking for Qilin's whereabouts. But among all the people, Lian Jue was not found.

He was taken aback for a moment - where did Lian Jue go?

I haven't seen him since I was halfway through hunting just now, and now my father ordered everyone to look for Qilin, but I still haven't seen him.

Emperor Zhou Cheng couldn't hold back, and he himself joined the team looking for the unicorn himself, with dozens of guards protecting it.

The fourth prince Feng Qianyue and the tenth prince Feng Rong searched together, Feng Rong couldn't help asking Feng Qianyue in a low voice, "Brother four princes, do you think we can find this unicorn?"

"If there is, I will find it no matter what!" Feng Qianyue's tone was full of determination.

For the past two days, Feng Qianyue has been thinking about how to find the best time to ask the emperor to grant him a marriage with Lian Siyue. This time, if he finds Qilin, he will not worry about not having a chance.

Feng Rong looked at Feng Qianyue and asked, "Brother Wang, don't you really fall in love with that girl from the Lian family? I always thought you just couldn't swallow that breath and wanted to teach her a lesson, but now it seems ,you are like……"

"How could it be possible to be tempted!" Feng Qianyue's eyes flashed, flashing a touch of affection that he hadn't even noticed, and said, "At first, I wanted to teach her a lesson so that she wouldn't dare to ignore me. Now, I really really want to Marrying her as my wife, she is the eldest daughter of the Prime Minister's family. If I marry her, I will be even more powerful in the future. As for what you said, it will never be possible to be sincere to her! Don't think too much about it, go find Qilin I found Qilin, so I can ask my father for a marriage!"

As Feng Qianyue said, he kicked the horse's belly, and the horse dragged him forward, and he couldn't see the expression on his face at the moment.

Feng Rong was in the distance, looking at his back, but his eyes became heavy unconsciously. The meticulous road to seize power that the fourth brother had planned for more than ten years seemed to have slowly deviated.

In another part of the woods, Feng Yunzheng also had some doubts about the sudden discovery of the unicorn by the emperor. Could it be——is there really a unicorn in this world?He also heard the legend of Qilin since he was a child, but no one has ever seen it.

Thinking about it again, he laughed again, even the rebirth happened, and he and Yue'er were reborn together, so it is impossible to see Qilin.

Thinking of this, he began to look for the whereabouts of the unicorn more carefully, but in the process of searching for the unicorn, he unexpectedly encountered Lian Jue who was squatting in front of a wounded doe and was busy busying himself.

He jumped off his horse and walked quietly to Lian Jue's side to have a look. No wonder he didn't see his shadow just now. He was still wondering, so he was concentrating on delivering a seriously injured doe!

"You still know this?" Feng Yunzheng paused beside him, and asked with a smile.

"No." He replied without even raising his head.

"Ah?" Feng Yunzheng blinked, the way this guy talks to his sister is really similar.

"But it's about to die. If you don't try, the fawn will die in the doe's stomach." Lian Jue was sweating profusely and his hands were covered with blood. I saw a clump of hair in the body of the fawn.

He is a young man, and he doesn't know anything about midwifery, but he has really found a little trick. The deer seems to have a good understanding of human nature, as if he knew that his life was not long, and he cooperated very well with Lian Jue's midwifery.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, "You're right, you can't let the deer die, but I'm really not good at this, I'm afraid I can't help, I'll find someone to help right away."

"I need some water and clothes!" Looking at Feng Yunzheng's figure, Lian Jue said loudly.

"Okay!" Feng Yunzheng turned his head, looked at the busy sweating young man and his picturesque face, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if this person was very familiar with him. of.

However, his previous life had nothing to do with him. I only saw him a few times when he was with Yue'er from a distance. He was a handsome young man with picturesque features. After that, I heard that he died early.

Thinking about it now, his death was also strange!

Sensing Feng Yunzheng's strange gaze, Lian Jue tilted his head slightly and called out, "His Royal Highness..."

Feng Yunzheng walked over to him again, took off the saber he was carrying, and put it beside him.

Lian Jue raised his head and looked at him puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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