First-class daughter

Chapter 192 The Emperor's Interrogation

Chapter 192 The Emperor's Interrogation
Chapter 192 The Emperor's Interrogation
And even Siyue naturally discovered his heart, she finally said, "His Royal Highness, any unequal exchange relationship can't get the desired result. Your Highness should be more aware of this than me."

"You..." For the first time in Feng Ye's heart, he felt that his personal charm and power were useless in front of a single person. He smiled sadly and said, "Girl, you are really... not afraid of getting hurt."

"No, on the contrary, I did it to prevent His Highness from being hurt.

I don't like to be sloppy, I don't like to be ambiguous, to love is to love, not to love is not to love, I don't talk about rejecting my body but being honest, and I don't like to say things against my heart when I am clearly in love.As His Highness said, you are a powerful ally, and I can use you to achieve my goal, which will make it easier for me.

But I don't want to, because this is not only a harm to His Highness, but also an insult to myself. If I make it clear, His Highness will not have to waste time on me anymore, isn't it great? "

At this moment, Lian Siyue's body seemed to be coated with a layer of holy light. It seemed that the Xiangtian Mountain snow lotus was extremely sacred, and Feng Ye couldn't catch up with what he was saying.

After a long while, he smiled, with a trace of bitterness on the corner of his lips, but his eyes were even hotter, and he said, "You are so generous, what else can I say."

For the first time in his life, he felt abandoned.

"Come on! Arrest her!" At this moment, a group of guards with swords rushed over and surrounded Lian Siyue, with a puzzled look on Lian Siyue's face.

The leader, Jiang Keji, ordered, "Take the young lady of Xiangfu into custody!"

"No, please be aware, Your Majesty. In fact, the princess's horse was frightened. The courtier got on the princess's horse and subdued the horse together. Then the assassin shot the arrow. The courtier didn't know that the arrow would come. ,
What?Feng Ye was taken aback, and asked, "Jiang Keji, what are you trying to do by arresting her? Let her go!"

Hearing this, Jiang Keji cupped his hands, bowed, and said, "Your Highness, the eighth highness, I am under the emperor's order to arrest Miss Lian's family. Please do me a favor. If you have any questions, you can ask the emperor."

Father ordered the arrest?

Feng Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head to look at Lian Siyue——

But she looked very calm and relaxed, and said, "Look, Your Highness, I told you, you won't be happy to be friends with me."

As she spoke, she walked up to Jiang Keji, stretched out her two hands, and said, "Commander Jiang, do you need to put on the chain?"

Jiang Keji was also surprised by the behavior of the child in front of him, she was too calm, the emperor sent someone to arrest her, but she remained calm in the face of danger, and could even joke with His Highness the Eighth Prince.

This is the first time he has seen this kind of unmoved temperament after staying with the emperor for more than 20 years.

"Lock it, and take it away!" Jiang Keji ordered to suppress his thoughts.

In the distance, Lian Jue, who had already picked a bouquet full of flowers, seemed to hear something unusual. He stood up abruptly, and all the flowers in his hand fell down...

His heart sank suddenly!
My sister was chained and taken away, and that person was the guard next to the emperor.

After being stunned for a while, Feng Ye quickly followed, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about what happened and how he was captured by his father.

"Your Highness, the eldest lady was taken away by the emperor's people, she was directly chained and pulled into His Majesty's tent, and no one could get close to her." In Feng Yunzheng's tent, the curtain was suddenly lifted, Leng Mei walked in quickly, with a thick layer of sweat on his forehead, and said.

Feng Yunzheng stood up suddenly, with a flash of emotion in his eyes, he said, "Go and see!"

He walked quickly outside the emperor's tent, but the surrounding soldiers, Feng Ye, Feng Qianyue, Lian Jue, and Princess An, who came in a hurry, all stood in a circle around the emperor's tent. Besides, no one can approach the tent.

But at this moment, Lian Siyue was being interrogated by the emperor alone in the tent, and everyone was staring at the position of the curtain of the tent, guessing what was going on inside.

Feng Yunzheng secretly clenched his fists hidden in his sleeves.

Feng Ye turned his head and said to him in a low voice, "Now there is only that girl inside, and the father is talking to her alone, Brother Nine Emperors, tell me honestly, does the matter between Concubine Xuan and Xiao Rou have anything to do with the girl? Yes, there is a remedy, there is no remedy!"

Feng Yunzheng said, "No."

Feng Ye was taken aback when he heard this. Brother Nine Emperors answered so quickly and with such certainty, then... it has something to do with it!His eyes slowly became darker...

Feng Yunzheng slowly looked at Feng Qianyue, and Feng Qianyue also looked at Feng Yunzheng.

"Je'er!" At this time, Lian Yanqing rushed over and shouted in a low voice. When he heard that the emperor tied up Lian Siyue with iron chains and locked him in a tent for questioning alone, he almost fell down on the spot. land.

"Father!" Lian Jue walked over in a few steps.

Lian Yanqing looked anxious and heavy, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Lian Jue shook his head in disappointment, and said, "I don't know either. I asked His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness, and he didn't know why. The emperor caught my sister too strangely."

Lian Yanqing's frown deepened, but he suddenly remembered that his daughter was a person with an extremely noble fate, so he felt relieved. Lian Jue said:
"Don't worry about Jueer, just wait and see what happens."

in the account.

The emperor in front of him was naturally majestic, with a pair of torch-like eyes, looking at Lian Siyue, as if he was deep in thought.

Lian Siyue knelt down with a bracelet on her hand, and said, "My daughter Lian Siyue pays homage to the emperor, long live the emperor."

"Keep your head up," ordered the Emperor.

Lian Siyue paused for a moment, then slowly raised her head and looked at him. He is a handsome emperor, so all the sons he gave birth to are also handsome.

"Do you know why I sent you here?" He asked, asking.

"My daughter doesn't know, so I ask the emperor to show me." Lian Siyue's eyes were full of doubts.

"I heard from my Eleventh that when the arrow was shot, you fell off the horse with her in your arms, and that's why she survived. You are very brave and quick to respond. In order to thank you for saving my beloved I will reward you well for my daughter's life," said the emperor.

Hehe, will the reward put iron chains on her handcuffs?This is clearly an interrogation.

Thinking of this, Siyue seemed to be taken aback, and hurriedly said in panic, "My daughter dare not take credit, it is the princess who has the protection of the emperor, so she was lucky enough to escape this catastrophe."

"However, how do you know that the arrow will come? You are a weak woman, how can you avoid a sudden arrow?" The emperor changed his tone and asked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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