First-class daughter

Chapter 207 Going faster and faster

Chapter 207 Going faster and faster
Chapter 207 Going faster and faster
Feng Yunzheng stood up, cupped his hands, and said, "My mother, my son and minister have returned from the south, and they have to prepare a thousand-word memorial for the court tomorrow. I really don't have the heart to talk about poetry, poetry, and life philosophy. I'm afraid it will be disappointing and wasteful." Given Miss Liang's talent, it would be better to find someone who agrees with me, I have important matters to attend, so I can't delay, so I will leave first."

Feng Yunzheng said, and left Changchun Palace.

Liang Runan immediately knelt down in front of the empress, extremely ashamed, and said, "Empress empress, courtiers are useless."

"No." The queen shook her hand, "It's not that you are useless, but that the Nine Kings don't want to be used by this Palace." As she said, her face gradually turned cold.

After leaving the Changchun Palace, Feng Yunzheng walked out of the palace, his pace slowly picked up, then faster, faster and faster, and finally the palace people found the majestic Nine Kings running in the palace, And run faster and faster.

The robe flew up, forming an arc in the wind. There was a smile on his lips, like a young man in love.


"Miss, look quickly, ahead..." Lian Tian, ​​who was running ahead, had his eyes lit up and shouted excitedly.

Lian Siyue heard the words, and took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a group of people in front of them, all of them were wearing black clothes and covered their faces. They surrounded a carriage and moved forward together, and she saw a floating belt tied to the carriage. , This is the clothing material on Lian Jue's body.

"It's Lian Jue, hurry up!" Lian Siyue was overjoyed, although she didn't see the whole picture of Lian Jue, she was sure that he was not dead now!
"They're catching up!" The group of men in black immediately shouted when they realized that there were pursuers behind them.

The leading man in black looked back and found that the pursuers behind him were actually led by a little girl. He sneered and said, "Don't be afraid! Be sure to take the people in the carriage back!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

"Drive! Drive!" Lian Siyue raised his whip high, lashed hard on the horse's back, and tried his best to speed up.

"Quick! The young master is right in front, protect the young lady and save the young master!" Lian Tian shouted loudly, and the rest of the guards rushed towards the man in black with lightning speed.

It's near, it's near!
Lian Siyue's heart was almost hanging in her throat, she was about to catch up, she bit her lower lip, her eyes were fixed on that carriage!

"Miss, I'm coming!" Leng Mei sensed Lian Siyue's intentions, she clamped her legs around the horse's belly, and the horse galloped away at a lightning speed, running in the front all of a sudden, and then saw her from the front She jumped up on the horse's back and rushed towards the carriage, but her horse bumped into the carriage, only heard a bang, the carriage overturned, a young man rolled over from the carriage, and rolled down several times in a row on the ground.

The men and horses of the two sides immediately fought into a ball, and slowly the dust flew up, swords and swords were full of murderous intentions, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Kill her!" The leader of the man in black said in a deep voice, pointing at the cold and charming woman who jumped off the carriage.

"Hmph..." Leng Mei snorted softly, pulled out his sword from his waist, flew up, and fought head-on with the leading man in black.

And when Lian Siyue saw the person who rolled out of the car, his heart almost stopped beating, he had already become a blood man, and the originally luxurious ice blue silk blue robe was all stained with blood.

"Jue'er, Jue'er..." She almost fell off the horse and ran towards Lian Jue desperately.

"Bring him back!" Seeing that Lian Jue fell off the carriage, the man in black who was struggling with the cold brows ordered loudly as he shot a sharp arrow with the cold brows.

"Yes!" Those people went to Lian Siyue while fighting with the guards of Xiangfu.

"Protect Missy and Young Master!" Lian Tian sensed the enemy's intention to divert.

Lian Siyue stumbled and ran to Lian Jue's side. He was lying on the ground with his back facing her, his back was covered in blood. When she stretched out her hand, she suddenly trembled. She couldn't imagine what kind of picture she would see when she turned over. Face.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and climbed onto Lian Jue's body.

Suddenly, Lian Jue's blood-stained hand grabbed her, his eyes flashed, and a fierce expression flashed across his picturesque face. With a quick force from his hands, his body turned around, and he hugged Lian Siyue into his arms, and then With a turn, he staggered the sword coming from the front!
All this happened in an instant, before even Siyue could react, he rolled several times with Lian Jue,
It turned out that from the angle of Lian Jue, he saw a man in black coming with a sword, and he escaped the sword with great difficulty.

The sword passed by his body, cut off a corner of his skirt, the skin on the shoulder was pierced, a stream of bright red blood overflowed, and even Siyue was firmly protected by him in his arms, without any damage. No.

"Ah!" Immediately, the man in black groaned, with a painful expression on his face, and then fell down slowly. Behind him was Leng Mei holding a sword!

It was Lengmei who killed him in time!

Lian Siyue turned her head abruptly, and held on to Lian Jue tightly, "How are you, Lian Jue?" She realized that his shoulder and abdomen had been hit by the sword, blood stained his clothes, and his face was as pale as ever. Paper, holding her tightly with blood-stained hands, with a weak smile on his face, said:
"Sister, I'm fine, don't be afraid!"

At this moment, Lian Jue was no longer the child who was smiling brightly in the sun, his brows and eyes unknowingly had a deep coldness, although he was injured, he exuded a frightening chill all over his body!
Just because those people actually wanted to kill his sister!
"Kill this woman!" Hearing a gloomy voice, Lian Siyue's body trembled suddenly, and when he looked up, he saw two men in black jumping up from tall horsebacks, and then raised their hands. Slash in her direction with the long sword!

Lian Tian and the other two guards guarded Lian Siyue and Lian Jue in the middle to protect them. Ten men in black lined up in front of them, and walked towards them step by step. After all, everyone's eyes radiated cold murderous intent!
The swords collided with flames, and the strength of the two sides was very different. More and more guards fell in a pool of blood, and the danger was approaching step by step.

Lian Siyue didn't have time to ask Lian Jue what he had experienced. She hugged Lian Jue and supported herself from the ground, and the two siblings were tightly attached to each other.

Even Siyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and her eyes became more determined. She asked loudly, "Who are you instigated by, and why did you kidnap Lian Jue?"

The men in black kept their lips tightly closed and did not answer. They continued to approach little by little, using all their strength with each swing of their swords.


A slight voice sounded next to her ears, Lian Siyue felt a chill on the tip of her nose, she trembled, raised her hand to touch, blood!

She raised her head suddenly, and the blood was dripping down from Lian Jue's mouth!
He was hurt much more than she imagined.

How to do?How to do?
What to do now?

It's near, it's near!
The pursuer slowly approached again, and she could already smell the smell of blood and the coldness in the air.

Liansi clenched the crescent moon, turned around, stood in front of Lianjue, and ordered in a deep voice, "There are many people on the other side, and our people are almost damaged. Liantian, you cover, Lengmei and I , and Lian Jue retreat first! Jue’er, did you see that brown-red horse? Let’s run over there, support yourself, don’t fall asleep.”

(End of this chapter)

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